Pal Suranyi

InstitutionMedical University of South Carolina
DepartmentRadiology and Radiological Science
AddressP.O. Box MSC 226
ART 2243
25 Courtenay Drive
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    PMC Citations indicate the number of times the publication was cited by articles in PubMed Central, and the Altmetric score represents citations in news articles and social media. (Note that publications are often cited in additional ways that are not shown here.) Fields are based on how the National Library of Medicine (NLM) classifies the publication's journal and might not represent the specific topic of the publication. Translation tags are based on the publication type and the MeSH terms NLM assigns to the publication. Some publications (especially newer ones and publications not in PubMed) might not yet be assigned Field or Translation tags.) Click a Field or Translation tag to filter the publications.
    1. Fink N, Zsarnoczay E, Schoepf UJ, Griffith JP, Wolf EV, O'Doherty J, Suranyi P, Baruah D, Kabakus IM, Ricke J, Varga-Szemes A, Emrich T. Photon Counting Detector CT-Based Virtual Noniodine Reconstruction Algorithm for In Vitro and In Vivo Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring: Impact of Virtual Monoenergetic and Quantum Iterative Reconstructions. Invest Radiol. 2023 Feb 21. PMID: 36822677.
      Citations:    Fields:    
    2. Aquino GJ, O'Doherty J, Schoepf UJ, Ellison B, Byrne J, Fink N, Zsarnoczay E, Wolf EV, Allmendinger T, Schmidt B, Flohr T, Baruah D, Suranyi P, Varga-Szemes A, Emrich T. Myocardial Characterization with Extracellular Volume Mapping with a First-Generation Photon-counting Detector CT with MRI Reference. Radiology. 2023 Jan 31; 222030. PMID: 36719292.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    3. Wolf EV, Halfmann MC, Schoepf UJ, Zsarnoczay E, Fink N, Griffith JP, Aquino GJ, Willemink MJ, O'Doherty J, Hell MM, Suranyi P, Kabakus IM, Baruah D, Varga-Szemes A, Emrich T. Intra-individual comparison of coronary calcium scoring between photon counting detector- and energy integrating detector-CT: Effects on risk reclassification. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2022; 9:1053398. PMID: 36741832; PMCID: PMC9892711.
    4. Emrich T, O'Doherty J, Schoepf UJ, Suranyi P, Aquino G, Kloeckner R, Halfmann MC, Allmendinger T, Schmidt B, Flohr T, Varga-Szemes A. Reduced Iodinated Contrast Media Administration in Coronary CT Angiography on a Clinical Photon-Counting Detector CT System: A Phantom Study Using a Dynamic Circulation Model. Invest Radiol. 2022 Sep 13. PMID: 36165932.
      Citations:    Fields:    
    5. McGill L, Gill C, Schoepf UJ, Bayer RR, Suranyi P, Varga-Szemes A, McGill L, Gill C, Schoepf UJ, Bayer RR, Suranyi P, Varga-Szemes A. Visualization of Concurrent Epicardial and Microvascular Coronary Artery Disease in a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus by Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Top Magn Reson Imaging. 2022 Feb 01; 31(1):3-8. PMID: 35225839.
    6. Aghayev A, Steigner ML, Azene EM, Burns J, Chareonthaitawee P, Desjardins B, El Khouli RH, Grayson PC, Hedgire SS, Kalva SP, Ledbetter LN, Lee YJ, Mauro DM, Pelaez A, Pillai AK, Singh N, Suranyi PS, Verma N, Williamson EE, Dill KE, Expert Panel on Vascular Imaging, Aghayev A, Steigner ML, Azene EM, Burns J, Chareonthaitawee P, Desjardins B, El Khouli RH, Grayson PC, Hedgire SS, Kalva SP, Ledbetter LN, Lee YJ, Mauro DM, Pelaez A, Pillai AK, Singh N, Suranyi PS, Verma N, Williamson EE, Dill KE. ACR Appropriateness Criteria? Noncerebral Vasculitis. J Am Coll Radiol. 2021 11; 18(11S):S380-S393. PMID: 34794595.
    7. Verma N, Steigner ML, Aghayev A, Azene EM, Chong ST, Desjardins B, El Khouli RH, Harrison NE, Hedgire SS, Kalva SP, Lee YJ, Mauro DM, Mehta HJ, Meissner M, Pillai AK, Singh N, Suranyi PS, Williamson EE, Dill KE, Expert Panel on Vascular Imaging, Verma N, Steigner ML, Aghayev A, Azene EM, Chong ST, Desjardins B, El Khouli RH, Harrison NE, Hedgire SS, Kalva SP, Lee YJ, Mauro DM, Mehta HJ, Meissner M, Pillai AK, Singh N, Suranyi PS, Williamson EE, Dill KE. ACR Appropriateness Criteria? Suspected Retroperitoneal Bleed. J Am Coll Radiol. 2021 11; 18(11S):S482-S487. PMID: 34794602.
    8. van Assen M, Duguay TM, Litwin SE, Bayer RR, Nance JW, Suranyi P, De Cecco CN, Varga-Szemes A, Jacobs BE, Johnson AA, Tesche C, Schoepf UJ, van Assen M, Duguay TM, Litwin SE, Bayer RR, Nance JW, Suranyi P, De Cecco CN, Varga-Szemes A, Jacobs BE, Johnson AA, Tesche C, Schoepf UJ. The Feasibility, Tolerability, Safety, and Accuracy of Low-radiation Dynamic Computed Tomography Myocardial Perfusion Imaging With Regadenoson Compared With Single-photon Emission Computed Tomography. J Thorac Imaging. 2021 Nov 01; 36(6):345-352. PMID: 32205821.
    9. Karuppasamy K, Kapoor BS, Fidelman N, Abujudeh H, Bartel TB, Caplin DM, Cash BD, Citron SJ, Farsad K, Gajjar AH, Guimaraes MS, Gupta A, Higgins M, Marin D, Patel PJ, Pietryga JA, Rochon PJ, Stadtlander KS, Suranyi PS, Lorenz JM, Expert Panel on Interventional Radiology, Karuppasamy K, Kapoor BS, Fidelman N, Abujudeh H, Bartel TB, Caplin DM, Cash BD, Citron SJ, Farsad K, Gajjar AH, Guimaraes MS, Gupta A, Higgins M, Marin D, Patel PJ, Pietryga JA, Rochon PJ, Stadtlander KS, Suranyi PS, Lorenz JM. ACR Appropriateness Criteria? Radiologic Management of Lower Gastrointestinal Tract Bleeding: 2021 Update. J Am Coll Radiol. 2021 May; 18(5S):S139-S152. PMID: 33958109.
    10. Varga-Szemes A, Suranyi P, Varga-Szemes A, Suranyi P. Imaging myocardial ischemia: from emerging techniques to state-of-the-art. Eur Radiol Exp. 2021 03 25; 5(1):13. PMID: 33763736; PMCID: PMC7991052.
    11. Orr RK, Hoehn JL, Col NF, Yacoub B, Stroud RE, Piccini D, Schoepf UJ, Heerfordt J, Yerly J, Di Sopra L, Rollins JD, Turner DA, Emrich T, Xiong F, Suranyi P, Varga-Szemes A. Measurement accuracy of prototype non-contrast, compressed sensing-based, respiratory motion-resolved whole heart cardiovascular magnetic resonance angiography for the assessment of thoracic aortic dilatation: comparison with computed tomography angiography. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 2021 02 08; 23(1):7. PMID: 33557887; PMCID: PMC7871614.
    12. Varga-Szemes A, Penmetsa M, Emrich T, Todoran TM, Suranyi P, Fuller SR, Edelman RR, Koktzoglou I, Schoepf UJ, Varga-Szemes A, Penmetsa M, Emrich T, Todoran TM, Suranyi P, Fuller SR, Edelman RR, Koktzoglou I, Schoepf UJ. Diagnostic accuracy of non-contrast quiescent-interval slice-selective (QISS) MRA combined with MRI-based vascular calcification visualization for the assessment of arterial stenosis in patients with lower extremity peripheral artery disease. Eur Radiol. 2021 May; 31(5):2778-2787. PMID: 33068186; PMCID: PMC8043975.
    13. Desjardins B, Hanley M, Steigner ML, Aghayev A, Azene EM, Bennett SJ, Chandra A, Hedgire SS, Lo BM, Mauro DM, Ptak T, Singh-Bhinder N, Suranyi PS, Verma N, Dill KE, Expert Panel on Vascular Imaging, Desjardins B, Hanley M, Steigner ML, Aghayev A, Azene EM, Bennett SJ, Chandra A, Hedgire SS, Lo BM, Mauro DM, Ptak T, Singh-Bhinder N, Suranyi PS, Verma N, Dill KE. ACR Appropriateness Criteria? Suspected Upper Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis. J Am Coll Radiol. 2020 May; 17(5S):S315-S322. PMID: 32370975.
    14. Takx RAP, Wichmann JL, Otani K, De Cecco CN, Tesche C, Baumann S, Mastrodicasa D, Litwin SE, Bayer RR, Nance JW, Suranyi P, Jacobs BE, Duguay TM, Vogl TJ, Carr CM, Schoepf UJ, Takx RAP, Wichmann JL, Otani K, De Cecco CN, Tesche C, Baumann S, Mastrodicasa D, Litwin SE, Bayer RR, Nance JW, Suranyi P, Jacobs BE, Duguay TM, Vogl TJ, Carr CM, Schoepf UJ. In-Hospital Cost Comparison of Triple-Rule-Out Computed Tomography Angiography Versus Standard of Care in Patients With Acute Chest Pain. J Thorac Imaging. 2020 May; 35(3):198-203. PMID: 32032251.
    15. Stroud RE, Piccini D, Schoepf UJ, Heerfordt J, Yerly J, Di Sopra L, Rollins JD, Fischer AM, Suranyi P, Varga-Szemes A, Stroud RE, Piccini D, Schoepf UJ, Heerfordt J, Yerly J, Di Sopra L, Rollins JD, Fischer AM, Suranyi P, Varga-Szemes A. Correcting versus resolving respiratory motion in free-breathing whole-heart MRA: a comparison in patients with thoracic aortic disease. Eur Radiol Exp. 2019 07 31; 3(1):29. PMID: 31363865; PMCID: PMC6667582.
    16. Leaphart D, Waring A, Suranyi P, Fernandes V, Leaphart D, Waring A, Suranyi P, Fernandes V. Call a Spade a Spade: Missed Diagnosis of Apical Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Am J Med Sci. 2019 10; 358(4):299-303. PMID: 31353027.
    17. Jennings L, Matuskowitz A, Suranyi P, Jennings L, Matuskowitz A, Suranyi P. Woman With Left-Sided Chest Pain. Ann Emerg Med. 2019 07; 74(1):e5-e6. PMID: 31248504.
    18. Orr RK, Hoehn JL, Col NF, Lark M, Cai A, Rideout P, Gregg D, Suranyi P, Crawford FA, Fernandes VL. Novel Technique of Surgical Management of Scimitar Syndrome. Case Rep Cardiol. 2019; 2019:6932680. PMID: 31198608; PMCID: PMC6526562.
    19. Muscogiuri G, Suranyi P, Eid M, Varga-Szemes A, Griffith L, Pontone G, Schoepf UJ, De Cecco CN, Muscogiuri G, Suranyi P, Eid M, Varga-Szemes A, Griffith L, Pontone G, Schoepf UJ, De Cecco CN. Pediatric Cardiac MR Imaging:: Practical Preoperative Assessment. Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am. 2019 May; 27(2):243-262. PMID: 30910096.
    20. Suranyi P, Elgavish GA, Schoepf UJ, Ruzsics B, Kiss P, van Assen M, Jacobs BE, Brott BC, Elgavish A, Varga-Szemes A, Suranyi P, Elgavish GA, Schoepf UJ, Ruzsics B, Kiss P, van Assen M, Jacobs BE, Brott BC, Elgavish A, Varga-Szemes A. Myocardial tissue characterization by combining late gadolinium enhancement imaging and percent edema mapping: a novel T2 map-based MRI method in canine myocardial infarction. Eur Radiol Exp. 2018; 2(1):6. PMID: 29708212; PMCID: PMC5909369.
    21. Muscogiuri G, Suranyi P, Schoepf UJ, De Cecco CN, Secinaro A, Wichmann JL, Fuller SR, Lesslie VW, Varga-Szemes A, Muscogiuri G, Suranyi P, Schoepf UJ, De Cecco CN, Secinaro A, Wichmann JL, Fuller SR, Lesslie VW, Varga-Szemes A. Cardiac Magnetic Resonance T1-Mapping of the Myocardium: Technical Background and Clinical Relevance. J Thorac Imaging. 2018 Mar; 33(2):71-80. PMID: 28471811.
    22. Mastrodicasa D, Elgavish GA, Schoepf UJ, Suranyi P, van Assen M, Albrecht MH, De Cecco CN, van der Geest RJ, Hardy R, Mantini C, Griffith LP, Ruzsics B, Varga-Szemes A, Mastrodicasa D, Elgavish GA, Schoepf UJ, Suranyi P, van Assen M, Albrecht MH, De Cecco CN, van der Geest RJ, Hardy R, Mantini C, Griffith LP, Ruzsics B, Varga-Szemes A. Nonbinary quantification technique accounting for myocardial infarct heterogeneity: Feasibility of applying percent infarct mapping in patients. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2018 Feb 15. PMID: 29446527.
    23. Gassenmaier S, van der Geest RJ, Schoepf UJ, Suranyi P, Rehwald WG, De Cecco CN, Mastrodicasa D, Albrecht MH, De Santis D, Lesslie VW, Ruzsics B, Varga-Szemes A, Gassenmaier S, van der Geest RJ, Schoepf UJ, Suranyi P, Rehwald WG, De Cecco CN, Mastrodicasa D, Albrecht MH, De Santis D, Lesslie VW, Ruzsics B, Varga-Szemes A. Quantitative inversion time prescription for myocardial late gadolinium enhancement using T1-mapping-based synthetic inversion recovery imaging: reducing subjectivity in the estimation of inversion time. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2018 Jun; 34(6):921-929. PMID: 29305739.
    24. Cannaò PM, Muscogiuri G, Schoepf UJ, De Cecco CN, Suranyi P, Lesslie VW, Piccini D, Giri S, Varga-Szemes A, Canna? PM, Muscogiuri G, Schoepf UJ, De Cecco CN, Suranyi P, Lesslie VW, Piccini D, Giri S, Varga-Szemes A. Technical Feasibility of a Combined Noncontrast Magnetic Resonance Protocol for Preoperative Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Evaluation. J Thorac Imaging. 2018 Jan; 33(1):60-67. PMID: 28549023.
    25. Albrecht MH, Varga-Szemes A, Schoepf UJ, Apfaltrer G, Xu J, Jin KN, Hlavacek AM, Chowdhury SM, Suranyi P, Tesche C, De Cecco CN, Piccini D, Stuber M, Ginami G, Vogl TJ, Nutting A, Albrecht MH, Varga-Szemes A, Schoepf UJ, Apfaltrer G, Xu J, Jin KN, Hlavacek AM, Chowdhury SM, Suranyi P, Tesche C, De Cecco CN, Piccini D, Stuber M, Ginami G, Vogl TJ, Nutting A. Coronary artery assessment using self-navigated free-breathing radial whole-heart magnetic resonance angiography in patients with congenital heart disease. Eur Radiol. 2018 Mar; 28(3):1267-1275. PMID: 28887662.
    26. Pallangyo P, Lyimo F, Bhalia S, Makungu H, Nyangasa B, Lwakatare F, Suranyi P, Janabi M, Pallangyo P, Lyimo F, Bhalia S, Makungu H, Nyangasa B, Lwakatare F, Suranyi P, Janabi M. Bilateral multiple pulmonary artery aneurysms associated with cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2017 Jul 19; 11(1):196. PMID: 28720136; PMCID: PMC5516347.
    27. Gaydos SS, Varga-Szemes A, Judd RN, Suranyi P, Gregg D, Gaydos SS, Varga-Szemes A, Judd RN, Suranyi P, Gregg D. Imaging in Adult Congenital Heart Disease. J Thorac Imaging. 2017 Jul; 32(4):205-216. PMID: 28632651.
    28. De Cecco CN, Muscogiuri G, Madrid Pérez JM, Eid M, Suranyi P, Lesslie VW, Bastarrika G, De Cecco CN, Muscogiuri G, Madrid P?rez JM, Eid M, Suranyi P, Lesslie VW, Bastarrika G. Pictorial Review of Surgical Anatomy in Adult Congenital Heart Disease. J Thorac Imaging. 2017 Jul; 32(4):217-232. PMID: 28549022.
    29. Suranyi P, Varga-Szemes A, Hlavacek AM, Suranyi P, Varga-Szemes A, Hlavacek AM. An Overview of Cardiac Computed Tomography in Adults With Congenital Heart Disease. J Thorac Imaging. 2017 Jul; 32(4):258-273. PMID: 28632654.
    30. Elgavish GA, Simor T, van der Geest RJ, Suranyi P, Kiss PP, Lenkey Z, Kirschner R, Wang D, Brott BC, Varga-Szemes A, Elgavish GA, Simor T, van der Geest RJ, Suranyi P, Kiss PP, Lenkey Z, Kirschner R, Wang D, Brott BC, Varga-Szemes A. The MRI characteristics of the no-flow region are similar in reperfused and non-reperfused myocardial infarcts: an MRI and histopathology study in swine. Eur Radiol Exp. 2017; 1(1):2. PMID: 29708171; PMCID: PMC5909333.
    31. Varga-Szemes A, Wichmann JL, Schoepf UJ, Suranyi P, De Cecco CN, Muscogiuri G, Caruso D, Yamada RT, Litwin SE, Tesche C, Duguay TM, Giri S, Vliegenthart R, Todoran TM, Varga-Szemes A, Wichmann JL, Schoepf UJ, Suranyi P, De Cecco CN, Muscogiuri G, Caruso D, Yamada RT, Litwin SE, Tesche C, Duguay TM, Giri S, Vliegenthart R, Todoran TM. Accuracy of Noncontrast Quiescent-Interval Single-Shot Lower Extremity MR Angiography Versus CT?Angiography for Diagnosis of Peripheral Artery Disease: Comparison With Digital Subtraction Angiography. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2017 10; 10(10 Pt A):1116-1124. PMID: 28109932.
    32. Varga-Szemes A, van der Geest RJ, Schoepf UJ, Spottiswoode BS, De Cecco CN, Muscogiuri G, Wichmann JL, Mangold S, Fuller SR, Maurovich-Horvat P, Merkely B, Litwin SE, Vliegenthart R, Suranyi P, Varga-Szemes A, van der Geest RJ, Schoepf UJ, Spottiswoode BS, De Cecco CN, Muscogiuri G, Wichmann JL, Mangold S, Fuller SR, Maurovich-Horvat P, Merkely B, Litwin SE, Vliegenthart R, Suranyi P. Effect of inversion time on the precision of myocardial late gadolinium enhancement quantification evaluated with synthetic inversion recovery MR imaging. Eur Radiol. 2017 Aug; 27(8):3235-3243. PMID: 28050692.
    33. Muscogiuri G, Rehwald WG, Schoepf UJ, Suranyi P, Litwin SE, De Cecco CN, Wichmann JL, Mangold S, Caruso D, Fuller SR, Bayer Nd RR, Varga-Szemes A, Muscogiuri G, Rehwald WG, Schoepf UJ, Suranyi P, Litwin SE, De Cecco CN, Wichmann JL, Mangold S, Caruso D, Fuller SR, Bayer Nd RR, Varga-Szemes A. T(Rho) and magnetization transfer and INvErsion recovery (TRAMINER)-prepared imaging: A novel contrast-enhanced flow-independent dark-blood technique for the evaluation of myocardial late gadolinium enhancement in patients with myocardial infarction. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2017 05; 45(5):1429-1437. PMID: 27690324.
    34. Dyer K, Varga-Szemes A, Spruill L, Costello P, Schoepf UJ, Suranyi P, Dyer K, Varga-Szemes A, Spruill L, Costello P, Schoepf UJ, Suranyi P. Right Atrial Angiosarcoma Diagnosed by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Am J Med Sci. 2016 Oct; 352(4):435-437. PMID: 27776729.
    35. Varga-Szemes A, Kiss P, Rab A, Suranyi P, Lenkey Z, Simor T, Bryant RG, Elgavish GA, Varga-Szemes A, Kiss P, Rab A, Suranyi P, Lenkey Z, Simor T, Bryant RG, Elgavish GA. In Vitro Longitudinal Relaxivity Profile of Gd(ABE-DTTA), an Investigational Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agent. PLoS One. 2016; 11(2):e0149260. PMID: 26872055; PMCID: PMC4752229.
    36. Wichmann JL, Varga-Szemes A, Suranyi P, Bayer RR, Litwin SE, De Cecco CN, Mangold S, Muscogiuri G, Fuller SR, Vogl TJ, Steinberg DH, Schoepf UJ, Wichmann JL, Varga-Szemes A, Suranyi P, Bayer RR, Litwin SE, De Cecco CN, Mangold S, Muscogiuri G, Fuller SR, Vogl TJ, Steinberg DH, Schoepf UJ. Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: Imaging Techniques for Aortic Root Sizing. J Thorac Imaging. 2015 Nov; 30(6):349-58. PMID: 26164166.
    37. Hardie AD, Picard MM, Camp ER, Perry JD, Suranyi P, De Cecco CN, Schoepf UJ, Wichmann JL, Hardie AD, Picard MM, Camp ER, Perry JD, Suranyi P, De Cecco CN, Schoepf UJ, Wichmann JL. Application of an Advanced Image-Based Virtual Monoenergetic Reconstruction of Dual Source Dual-Energy CT Data at Low keV Increases Image Quality for Routine Pancreas Imaging. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2015 Sep-Oct; 39(5):716-20. PMID: 26196343.
    38. Varga-Szemes A, Muscogiuri G, Schoepf UJ, Wichmann JL, Suranyi P, De Cecco CN, Cannaò PM, Renker M, Mangold S, Fox MA, Ruzsics B, Varga-Szemes A, Muscogiuri G, Schoepf UJ, Wichmann JL, Suranyi P, De Cecco CN, Canna? PM, Renker M, Mangold S, Fox MA, Ruzsics B. Clinical feasibility of a myocardial signal intensity threshold-based semi-automated cardiac magnetic resonance segmentation method. Eur Radiol. 2016 May; 26(5):1503-11. PMID: 26267520.
    39. Varga-Szemes A, van der Geest RJ, Spottiswoode BS, Suranyi P, Ruzsics B, De Cecco CN, Muscogiuri G, Cannaò PM, Fox MA, Wichmann JL, Vliegenthart R, Schoepf UJ, Varga-Szemes A, van der Geest RJ, Spottiswoode BS, Suranyi P, Ruzsics B, De Cecco CN, Muscogiuri G, Canna? PM, Fox MA, Wichmann JL, Vliegenthart R, Schoepf UJ. Myocardial Late Gadolinium Enhancement: Accuracy of T1 Mapping-based Synthetic Inversion-Recovery Imaging. Radiology. 2016 Feb; 278(2):374-82. PMID: 26230908.
    40. Varga-Szemes A, Schoepf UJ, Spruill LS, Suranyi P, Varga-Szemes A, Schoepf UJ, Spruill LS, Suranyi P. A Rare Case of Intrapulmonary Ewing Sarcoma Presenting with Left Atrial Tumor Thrombus. J Thorac Oncol. 2015 Jul; 10(7):1120-2. PMID: 26134232.
    41. Baumann S, De Cecco CN, Schoepf UJ, Wince WB, Suranyi P, Spruill LS, Varga-Szemes A, Baumann S, De Cecco CN, Schoepf UJ, Wince WB, Suranyi P, Spruill LS, Varga-Szemes A. Correlation of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and histopathology in eosinophilic endomyocarditis. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2015 Jan; 8(1). PMID: 25552493.
    42. Orr RK, Hoehn JL, Col NF, Garrett KG, De Cecco CN, Schoepf UJ, Silverman JR, Krazinski AW, Geyer LL, Lewis AJ, Headden GF, Ravenel JG, Suranyi P, Meinel FG. Residents' performance in the interpretation of on-call "triple-rule-out" CT studies in patients with acute chest pain. Acad Radiol. 2014 Jul; 21(7):938-44. PMID: 24928163.
    43. Baumann S, Renker M, Schoepf UJ, Suranyi P, Harris BS, Varga-Szemes A, Baumann S, Renker M, Schoepf UJ, Suranyi P, Harris BS, Varga-Szemes A. Invasive cardiac aspergillosis with postinfectious left ventricular aneurysm in a patient with acute myeloid leukemia. Can J Cardiol. 2014 Nov; 30(11):1463.e1-2. PMID: 25442454.
    44. Geyer LL, Silverman JR, Krazinski AW, Suranyi P, Ravenel JG, Wirth S, Costello P, Schoepf UJ, Geyer LL, Silverman JR, Krazinski AW, Suranyi P, Ravenel JG, Wirth S, Costello P, Schoepf UJ. Integrated cardiothoracic imaging with computed tomography. Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 2014 Feb; 35(1):50-63. PMID: 24481759.
    45. Ahlman MA, Nietert PJ, Wahlquist AE, Serguson JM, Berry MW, Suranyi P, Liu S, Spicer KM, Ahlman MA, Nietert PJ, Wahlquist AE, Serguson JM, Berry MW, Suranyi P, Liu S, Spicer KM. A single CT for attenuation correction of both rest and stress SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging: a retrospective feasibility study. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2014; 7(1):148-55. PMID: 24482701; PMCID: PMC3902253.
    46. Wince WB, Suranyi P, Schoepf UJ, Wince WB, Suranyi P, Schoepf UJ. Contemporary cardiovascular imaging methods for the assessment of at-risk myocardium. J Am Heart Assoc. 2013 Dec 23; 3(1):e000473. PMID: 24366853; PMCID: PMC3959708.
    47. Gray JC, Krazinski AW, Schoepf UJ, Meinel FG, Pietris NP, Suranyi P, Hlavacek AM, Gray JC, Krazinski AW, Schoepf UJ, Meinel FG, Pietris NP, Suranyi P, Hlavacek AM. Cardiovascular manifestations of Williams syndrome: imaging findings. J Cardiovasc Comput Tomogr. 2013 Nov-Dec; 7(6):400-7. PMID: 24331936.
    48. Blanke P, Russe M, Leipsic J, Reinöhl J, Ebersberger U, Suranyi P, Siepe M, Pache G, Langer M, Schoepf UJ, Blanke P, Russe M, Leipsic J, Rein?hl J, Ebersberger U, Suranyi P, Siepe M, Pache G, Langer M, Schoepf UJ. Conformational pulsatile changes of the aortic annulus: impact on prosthesis sizing by computed tomography for transcatheter aortic valve replacement. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2012 Sep; 5(9):984-94. PMID: 22995887.
    49. Kirschner R, Varga-Szemes A, Simor T, Suranyi P, Kiss P, Ruzsics B, Brott BC, Elgavish A, Elgavish GA, Kirschner R, Varga-Szemes A, Simor T, Suranyi P, Kiss P, Ruzsics B, Brott BC, Elgavish A, Elgavish GA. Acute infarct selective MRI contrast agent. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2012 Feb; 28(2):285-93. PMID: 21336553; PMCID: PMC4138216.
    50. Kirschner R, Toth L, Varga-Szemes A, Simor T, Suranyi P, Kiss P, Ruzsics B, Toth A, Baker R, Brott BC, Litovsky S, Elgavish A, Elgavish GA, Kirschner R, Toth L, Varga-Szemes A, Simor T, Suranyi P, Kiss P, Ruzsics B, Toth A, Baker R, Brott BC, Litovsky S, Elgavish A, Elgavish GA. Differentiation of acute and four-week old myocardial infarct with Gd(ABE-DTTA)-enhanced CMR. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 2010 Apr 07; 12:22. PMID: 20377842; PMCID: PMC2867985.
    51. Kiss P, Eltoum IE, Suranyi P, Zeng H, Simor T, Elgavish A, Elgavish GA, Kiss P, Eltoum IE, Suranyi P, Zeng H, Simor T, Elgavish A, Elgavish GA. Virtual in vivo biopsy map of early prostate neoplasm in TRAMP mice by MRI. Prostate. 2009 Apr 01; 69(5):449-58. PMID: 19107856.
    52. Aho MR, Gebregziabher M, Schoepf UJ, Suranyi P, Lee H, Gregg D, Costello P, Zwerner PL, Aho MR, Gebregziabher M, Schoepf UJ, Suranyi P, Lee H, Gregg D, Costello P, Zwerner PL. Impact of right ventricular contrast attenuation on the accuracy of right ventricular function analysis at cardiac multi-detector-row CT. Eur J Radiol. 2010 Mar; 73(3):560-5. PMID: 19167178.
    53. Enrico B, Suranyi P, Thilo C, Bonomo L, Costello P, Schoepf UJ, Enrico B, Suranyi P, Thilo C, Bonomo L, Costello P, Schoepf UJ. Coronary artery plaque formation at coronary CT angiography: morphological analysis and relationship to hemodynamics. Eur Radiol. 2009 Apr; 19(4):837-44. PMID: 19011863.
    54. Nguyen SA, Suranyi P, Ravenel JG, Randall PK, Romano PB, Strom KA, Costello P, Schoepf UJ, Nguyen SA, Suranyi P, Ravenel JG, Randall PK, Romano PB, Strom KA, Costello P, Schoepf UJ. Iso-osmolality versus low-osmolality iodinated contrast medium at intravenous contrast-enhanced CT: effect on kidney function. Radiology. 2008 Jul; 248(1):97-105. PMID: 18483232.
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    58. Suranyi P, Szegedi G, Damjanovich S, Juhasz F, Stenszky V, Farid NR, Suranyi P, Szegedi G, Damjanovich S, Juhasz F, Stenszky V, Farid NR. B lymphocyte subsets in Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Immunol Lett. 1989 Aug; 22(2):147-50. PMID: 2476382.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    59. Juhasz F, Boros P, Szegedi G, Balazs G, Suranyi P, Kraszits E, Stenszky V, Farid NR, Juhasz F, Boros P, Szegedi G, Balazs G, Suranyi P, Kraszits E, Stenszky V, Farid NR. Immunogenetic and immunologic studies of differentiated thyroid cancer. Cancer. 1989 Apr 01; 63(7):1318-26. PMID: 2784072.
      Citations: 2     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    60. Bodolay E, Suranyi P, Juhasz F, Stenszky V, Balazs C, Farid NR, Bodolay E, Suranyi P, Juhasz F, Stenszky V, Balazs C, Farid NR. Methimazole blocks Graves' IgG but not interferon-gamma HLA-DR expression by thyroid cells. Immunol Lett. 1988 Jul; 18(3):167-71. PMID: 3139552.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    61. Bodolay E, Szegedi G, Suranyi P, Juhasz F, Stenszky V, Balazs C, Farid NR, Bodolay E, Szegedi G, Suranyi P, Juhasz F, Stenszky V, Balazs C, Farid NR. Expression of HLA-DR antigens by thyroid cells: the effect of Graves' IgG. Immunol Lett. 1987 May; 15(1):77-81. PMID: 3111991.
      Citations: 2     Fields:    Translation:Humans
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