John Feussner to Humans
This is a "connection" page, showing publications John Feussner has written about Humans.
Connection Strength
Consequences of Public Intoxication: Once Was Enough! Am J Med Sci. 2016 Sep; 352(3):335-6.
Score: 0.021
Broken Heart, Indomitable Spirit: De Oppresso Liber. Am J Med Sci. 2017 Nov; 354(5):528-529.
Score: 0.021
"To Improve Is to Change": Improving U.S. Healthcare. Am J Med Sci. 2016 Jan; 351(1):1-2.
Score: 0.020
Time is the Present. Am J Med Sci. 2015 Dec; 350(6):498-9.
Score: 0.020
John Michael Kilby, MD. Am J Med Sci. 2015 Oct; 350(4):247-8.
Score: 0.020
Communicating and advocating for science and medicine: beyond the basics. Am J Med Sci. 2015 Feb; 349(2):176-8.
Score: 0.019
The greatest casualty is being forgotten. Ann Intern Med. 2015 Jan 20; 162(2):150-1.
Score: 0.019
"The role of the carotid arteries in causation of vascular lesions of the brain": a century of progress. Am J Med Sci. 2013 Dec; 346(6):510-2.
Score: 0.017
Valuing the education mission: implementing an educational value units system. Am J Med. 2011 Jun; 124(6):567-72.
Score: 0.015
Communicating and advocating for science and medicine: rules of engagement. J Clin Epidemiol. 2010 Jul; 63(7):714-8.
Score: 0.014
Reassessing the efficacy of digitalis: from routine treatment to evidence-based medicine. Am J Med Sci. 2010 May; 339(5):482-4.
Score: 0.014
Enrollment in clinical trials according to patients race: experience from the VA Cooperative Studies Program (1975-2000). Control Clin Trials. 2004 Aug; 25(4):378-87.
Score: 0.009
An overview of variance inflation factors for sample-size calculation. Eval Health Prof. 2003 Sep; 26(3):239-57.
Score: 0.009
Making informed consent meaningful: a state-of-the-art conference. Med Care. 2002 Sep; 40(9 Suppl):V1-3.
Score: 0.008
Enhancing protections for human participants in clinical and health services research: a continuing process. Med Care. 2002 Sep; 40(9 Suppl):V4-11.
Score: 0.008
Research on informed consent: investigator-developed versus focus group-developed consent documents, a VA cooperative study. Control Clin Trials. 2002 Apr; 23(2):184-97.
Score: 0.008
Potential cost savings of erythropoietin administration in end-stage renal disease. Am J Med. 2002 Feb 15; 112(3):169-75.
Score: 0.008
The Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI): from evidence to action. Med Care. 2000 Jun; 38(6 Suppl 1):I1-6.
Score: 0.007
Reinventing VA health care: systematizing quality improvement and quality innovation. Med Care. 2000 Jun; 38(6 Suppl 1):I7-16.
Score: 0.007
Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI): A collaboration between research and clinical practice. Med Care. 2000 Jun; 38(6 Suppl 1):I17-25.
Score: 0.007
Does health systems thinking guide health services actions? Health Serv Res. 2000 Mar; 34(7):1409-12.
Score: 0.007
US Department of Veterans Affairs medical care system as a resource to epidemiologists. Am J Epidemiol. 2000 Feb 01; 151(3):307-14.
Score: 0.007
Priorities for patient-centered research. Med Care. 1999 Sep; 37(9):843-5.
Score: 0.006
Research in the Veterans Health Administration: the report of the Research Realignment Advisory Committee. Acad Med. 1999 Jul; 74(7):773-81.
Score: 0.006
Emerging research on the treatment of Gulf War veterans' illnesses. J Occup Environ Med. 1999 Jun; 41(6):440-2.
Score: 0.006
Improving informed consent in clinical trials: a duty to experiment. Control Clin Trials. 1999 Apr; 20(2):187-93.
Score: 0.006
Homeless and chronically ill Americans: one of my least brothers? Med Care. 1998 Aug; 36(8):1121-2.
Score: 0.006
Clinical research in the Department of Veterans Affairs: using research to improve patient outcomes. J Investig Med. 1998 Aug; 46(6):264-7.
Score: 0.006
Department of Veterans Affairs. Med Care. 1998 Mar; 36(3):254-6.
Score: 0.006
The cost-effectiveness of a clinical pharmacist intervention among elderly outpatients. Pharmacotherapy. 1998 Mar-Apr; 18(2):327-32.
Score: 0.006
Predictors of mammography use among women veterans. J Womens Health. 1998 Mar; 7(2):239-47.
Score: 0.006
Veterans, Medicare, and health maintenance organizations. Where is the value? J Gen Intern Med. 1997 Apr; 12(4):256-7.
Score: 0.005
Classifying general medicine readmissions. Are they preventable? Veterans Affairs Cooperative Studies in Health Services Group on Primary Care and Hospital Readmissions. J Gen Intern Med. 1996 Oct; 11(10):597-607.
Score: 0.005
Evidence-based medicine: new priority for an old paradigm. J Bone Miner Res. 1996 Jul; 11(7):877-82.
Score: 0.005
A randomized, controlled trial of a clinical pharmacist intervention to improve inappropriate prescribing in elderly outpatients with polypharmacy. Am J Med. 1996 Apr; 100(4):428-37.
Score: 0.005
Contrasting methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus colonization in Veterans Affairs and community nursing homes. Am J Med. 1996 Jan; 100(1):24-31.
Score: 0.005
The role of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (c-ANCA) testing in the diagnosis of Wegener granulomatosis. A literature review and meta-analysis. Ann Intern Med. 1995 Dec 15; 123(12):925-32.
Score: 0.005
Accuracy and reliability of apical S3 gallop detection. J Gen Intern Med. 1995 Aug; 10(8):455-7.
Score: 0.005
Relationship between physician specialty and the selection and outcome of ischemic stroke patients. Health Serv Res. 1995 Jun; 30(2):275-87.
Score: 0.005
Score: 0.005
A nurse-coordinated intervention for primary care patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: impact on glycemic control and health-related quality of life. J Gen Intern Med. 1995 Feb; 10(2):59-66.
Score: 0.005
The relationship between glycemic control and health-related quality of life in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Med Care. 1994 Dec; 32(12):1173-81.
Score: 0.005
Appropriateness of medication prescribing in ambulatory elderly patients. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1994 Dec; 42(12):1241-7.
Score: 0.005
Assessing health-related quality of life in elderly outpatients: telephone versus face-to-face administration. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1994 Dec; 42(12):1295-9.
Score: 0.005
Performance of the serum cobalamin assay for diagnosis of cobalamin deficiency. Am J Med Sci. 1994 Nov; 308(5):276-83.
Score: 0.005
A telephone-delivered intervention for patients with NIDDM. Effect on coronary risk factors. Diabetes Care. 1994 Aug; 17(8):840-6.
Score: 0.005
Medical treatment for stroke prevention. Ann Intern Med. 1994 Jul 01; 121(1):41-53.
Score: 0.005
Screening for HIV infection. The time has not yet come. N C Med J. 1994 Jun; 55(6):212-6.
Score: 0.005
Screening for melanoma. "Here's looking at you, kid". N C Med J. 1994 Apr; 55(4):142-5.
Score: 0.004
Screening for oral cancer. It takes more than just a look. N C Med J. 1994 Feb; 55(2):65-7.
Score: 0.004
Screening for lung cancer. It doesn't make a difference. N C Med J. 1994 Jan; 55(1):37-9.
Score: 0.004
X-Linked hypophosphatemic rickets: a disease often unknown to affected patients. Bone Miner. 1994 Jan; 24(1):17-24.
Score: 0.004
The clinical efficacy assessment program of the American College of Physicians. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1993 Dec 31; 703:268-71.
Score: 0.004
Screening for colon cancer. Is it worth the expense? N C Med J. 1993 Dec; 54(12):634-8.
Score: 0.004
Cost effectiveness analysis of early zidovudine treatment of HIV infected patients. BMJ. 1993 Nov 20; 307(6915):1322-5.
Score: 0.004
Screening for prostate cancer. Does it make a difference? N C Med J. 1993 Nov; 54(11):568-71.
Score: 0.004
Teaching cardiovascular examination skills: results from a randomized controlled trial. Am J Med. 1993 Oct; 95(4):389-96.
Score: 0.004
Screening for ovarian cancer: not worthwhile for most patients. N C Med J. 1993 Sep; 54(9):438-40.
Score: 0.004
Long-term survival of veterans with traumatic spinal cord injury. Arch Neurol. 1993 Sep; 50(9):909-14.
Score: 0.004
General internal medicine. JAMA. 1993 Jul 14; 270(2):209-11.
Score: 0.004
Screening for cervical cancer. Pap smears can save lives. N C Med J. 1993 Jul; 54(7):342-5.
Score: 0.004
Screening mammography for breast cancer. A wise test when used in time. N C Med J. 1993 Jun; 54(6):257-60.
Score: 0.004
Screening for asymptomatic diseases in your patients. Practical tips for doing it right. N C Med J. 1993 May; 54(5):218-21.
Score: 0.004
A cost-effectiveness analysis of hepatitis B vaccine in predialysis patients. Health Serv Res. 1993 Apr; 28(1):97-121.
Score: 0.004
Impact of social support on outcome in first stroke. Stroke. 1993 Jan; 24(1):64-70.
Score: 0.004
Predictors of two-year post-hospitalization mortality among elderly veterans in a study evaluating a geriatric consultation team. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1992 Dec; 40(12):1231-5.
Score: 0.004
Suspended judgment. Clinical trials of informed consent. Control Clin Trials. 1992 Oct; 13(5):321-4.
Score: 0.004
A method for assessing drug therapy appropriateness. J Clin Epidemiol. 1992 Oct; 45(10):1045-51.
Score: 0.004
The influence of hyperglycemia on outcome of cerebral infarction. Ann Intern Med. 1992 Sep 15; 117(6):449-56.
Score: 0.004
Blood pressure measurements in the nursing home: are they accurate? Gerontologist. 1992 Aug; 32(4):536-40.
Score: 0.004
Measurement of motor recovery after stroke. Outcome assessment and sample size requirements. Stroke. 1992 Aug; 23(8):1084-9.
Score: 0.004
Racial variations in ischemic stroke-related physical and functional impairments. Stroke. 1991 Dec; 22(12):1497-501.
Score: 0.004
The impact of supervised exercise on the psychological well-being and health status of older veterans. J Appl Gerontol. 1991 Dec; 10(4):469-85.
Score: 0.004
Geriatric evaluation and management units: experimental methods for evaluating efficacy. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1991 Sep; 39(9 Pt 2):19S-24S.
Score: 0.004
An evaluation of a brief health status measure in elderly veterans. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1991 Jul; 39(7):691-4.
Score: 0.004
Diagnostic tests are not always black or white: or, all that glitters is not [a] gold [standard]. J Clin Epidemiol. 1991; 44(9):967-70; discussion 970-1.
Score: 0.004
A randomized controlled trial comparing quantitative informed consent formats. J Clin Epidemiol. 1991; 44(8):771-7.
Score: 0.004
Observer variability of Osler's maneuver in detection of pseudohypertension. J Clin Epidemiol. 1991; 44(6):513-8.
Score: 0.004
Impact of glucose self-monitoring on non-insulin-treated patients with type II diabetes mellitus. Randomized controlled trial comparing blood and urine testing. Diabetes Care. 1990 Oct; 13(10):1044-50.
Score: 0.003
Neurological mortality among Gulf War veterans. Am J Ind Med. 2010 May; 53(5):548-9.
Score: 0.003
A Bayesian method for evaluating medical test operating characteristics when some patients' conditions fail to be diagnosed by the reference standard. Med Decis Making. 1990 Apr-Jun; 10(2):102-12.
Score: 0.003
Improving physicians' recognition and treatment of depression in general medical care. Results from a randomized clinical trial. Med Care. 1990 Mar; 28(3):239-50.
Score: 0.003
Driving-impaired patients leaving the emergency department. The problem of inadequate instructions. Ann Intern Med. 1990 Mar 01; 112(5):365-70.
Score: 0.003
Comprehensive geriatric assessment: mission not yet accomplished. J Gerontol. 1989 Nov; 44(6):M175-7.
Score: 0.003
Reply to a letter on carotid endarterectomy. Ann Intern Med. 1989 Sep 15; 111(6):540-1.
Score: 0.003
Does determining serum alcohol concentrations in emergency department patients influence physicians' civil suit liability? Arch Intern Med. 1989 May; 149(5):1016-8.
Score: 0.003
Clinical aspects of ALS in Gulf War veterans. Amyotroph Lateral Scler. 2009 Feb; 10(1):35-41.
Score: 0.003
When and how to study the carotid arteries. Ann Intern Med. 1988 Nov 15; 109(10):805-18.
Score: 0.003
Blood alcohol measurements in the emergency department: who needs them? Am J Public Health. 1988 Nov; 78(11):1478-9.
Score: 0.003
Quantitating bedside diagnosis: clinical evaluation of ascites. J Gen Intern Med. 1988 Sep-Oct; 3(5):423-8.
Score: 0.003
Patient characteristics and eligibility in a Veterans Administration ambulatory care triage clinic. Am J Public Health. 1988 Sep; 78(9):1224-5.
Score: 0.003
Screening for pseudohypertension. A quantitative, noninvasive approach. Arch Intern Med. 1988 Mar; 148(3):673-6.
Score: 0.003
Quantitative approaches to clinical diagnosis of cancer in elderly patients. Clin Geriatr Med. 1987 Aug; 3(3):447-61.
Score: 0.003
Need for insulin therapy in type II diabetes mellitus. A randomized trial. Arch Intern Med. 1987 Jun; 147(6):1085-9.
Score: 0.003
Observer error in systolic blood pressure measurement in the elderly. A case for automatic recorders? Arch Intern Med. 1986 Dec; 146(12):2373-6.
Score: 0.003
Laboratory tests in the diagnosis of vitamin B12 (cobalamin) deficiency. N C Med J. 1986 Mar; 47(3):118-20.
Score: 0.003
The effect of geriatrics evaluation and management on nursing home use and health care costs: results from a randomized trial. Med Care. 2006 Jan; 44(1):91-5.
Score: 0.003
Overestimation of diastolic blood pressure in the elderly. Magnitude of the problem and a potential solution. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1985 Oct; 33(10):659-63.
Score: 0.002
Prospective study of military service and mortality from ALS. Neurology. 2005 Jul 12; 65(1):180-1; author reply 180-1.
Score: 0.002
Geriatric evaluation and management units in the care of the frail elderly cancer patient. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2005 Jun; 60(6):798-803.
Score: 0.002
Creating a new structure for research on health care effectiveness. J Investig Med. 2005 Mar; 53(2):67-72.
Score: 0.002
Benefits and harms of doxycycline treatment for Gulf War veterans' illnesses: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Ann Intern Med. 2004 Jul 20; 141(2):85-94.
Score: 0.002
Veterans Administration and ambulatory care: the "low-priority" veteran. South Med J. 1984 Apr; 77(4):489-93.
Score: 0.002
Late reporting of sudden vision loss. N C Med J. 1984 Apr; 45(4):211-2.
Score: 0.002
Effects of geriatric evaluation and management on adverse drug reactions and suboptimal prescribing in the frail elderly. Am J Med. 2004 Mar 15; 116(6):394-401.
Score: 0.002
Muscle pains like you have never seen! N C Med J. 1983 Dec; 44(12):814-5.
Score: 0.002
Promoting good clinical practices in the conduct of clinical trials: experiences in the Department of Veterans Affairs Cooperative Studies Program. Control Clin Trials. 2003 Oct; 24(5):570-84.
Score: 0.002
Occurrence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis among Gulf War veterans. Neurology. 2003 Sep 23; 61(6):742-9.
Score: 0.002
Medical care and entitlement in the Veterans Administration. N C Med J. 1983 Jun; 44(6):376-8.
Score: 0.002
Blood pressure measurement: getting the right cuff. N C Med J. 1983 Apr; 44(4):241.
Score: 0.002
Cognitive behavioral therapy and aerobic exercise for Gulf War veterans' illnesses: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2003 Mar 19; 289(11):1396-404.
Score: 0.002
A controlled trial of inpatient and outpatient geriatric evaluation and management. N Engl J Med. 2002 Mar 21; 346(12):905-12.
Score: 0.002
Computed tomography brain scanning in alcohol withdrawal seizures. Value of the neurologic examination. Ann Intern Med. 1981 Apr; 94(4 pt 1):519-22.
Score: 0.002
Predicting non-elective hospital readmissions: a multi-site study. Department of Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study Group on Primary Care and Readmissions. J Clin Epidemiol. 2000 Nov; 53(11):1113-8.
Score: 0.002
Arsenic-induced bone marrow toxicity: ultrastructural and electron-probe analysis. Blood. 1979 May; 53(5):820-7.
Score: 0.002
A prospective study of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (c-ANCA) and clinical criteria in diagnosing Wegener's granulomatosis. Lancet. 1995 Oct 07; 346(8980):926-31.
Score: 0.001
Can screening older patients for cancer save lives? Clin Geriatr Med. 1992 Feb; 8(1):51-67.
Score: 0.001
Two-year trends in physical performance following supervised exercise among community-dwelling older veterans. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1991 Oct; 39(10):986-92.
Score: 0.001
Two-year trends in physical performance following supervised exercise among community-dwelling older veterans. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1991 Jun; 39(6):549-54.
Score: 0.001
X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets without "rickets". Skeletal Radiol. 1991; 20(2):109-14.
Score: 0.001
Management of general medical patients with symptoms of depression. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 1989 May; 11(3):201-7; discussion 216-21.
Score: 0.001
Evaluation of a supervised exercise program in a geriatric population. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1989 Apr; 37(4):348-54.
Score: 0.001
Effect of a geriatric consultation team on functional status of elderly hospitalized patients. A randomized, controlled clinical trial. Ann Intern Med. 1989 Jan 01; 110(1):79-84.
Score: 0.001
Impact of a geriatric consultation team on discharge placement and repeat hospitalization. Gerontologist. 1988 Jun; 28(3):344-50.
Score: 0.001
Erythrocyte anisocytosis. Visual inspection of blood films vs automated analysis of red blood cell distribution width. Arch Intern Med. 1988 Apr; 148(4):822-4.
Score: 0.001
Age trends of lung cancer stage at diagnosis. Implications for lung cancer screening in the elderly. JAMA. 1987 Aug 21; 258(7):921-6.
Score: 0.001
Isotope-dilution assay for urinary methylmalonic acid in the diagnosis of vitamin B12 deficiency. A prospective clinical evaluation. Ann Intern Med. 1987 May; 106(5):707-10.
Score: 0.001
Hospital-acquired complications in a randomized controlled clinical trial of a geriatric consultation team. JAMA. 1987 May 01; 257(17):2313-7.
Score: 0.001
Double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of potassium chloride in the treatment of mild hypertension. Hypertension. 1987 May; 9(5):444-50.
Score: 0.001
The value of clinical findings in the detection of normal pressure hydrocephalus. J Gerontol. 1987 May; 42(3):277-9.
Score: 0.001
Intermediate, indeterminate, and uninterpretable diagnostic test results. Med Decis Making. 1987 Apr-Jun; 7(2):107-14.
Score: 0.001
A quantitative analysis of palliative care decisions in acute nonlymphocytic leukemia. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1987 Feb; 35(2):125-31.
Score: 0.001
Observer variability in the pulmonary examination. J Gen Intern Med. 1986 Nov-Dec; 1(6):364-7.
Score: 0.001
A randomized, controlled clinical trial of a geriatric consultation team. Compliance with recommendations. JAMA. 1986 May 16; 255(19):2617-21.
Score: 0.001
The role of lumbar puncture in the evaluation of dementia: the Durham Veterans Administration/Duke University Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1985 Jun; 33(6):392-6.
Score: 0.001
Reevaluation of digitalis efficacy. New light on an old leaf. Ann Intern Med. 1984 Jul; 101(1):113-7.
Score: 0.001
Spurious hypertension in the obese patient. Effect of sphygmomanometer cuff size on prevalence of hypertension. Arch Intern Med. 1984 Jul; 144(7):1482-5.
Score: 0.001
BP control. Improvement in a university medical clinic by use of a physician's associate. Arch Intern Med. 1983 May; 143(5):920-3.
Score: 0.001