This is a "connection" page, showing publications co-authored by Jenna Mccauley and Kenneth Ruggiero.
Connection Strength
Adolescent Substance Use Following a Deadly U.S. Tornado Outbreak: A Population-Based Study of 2,000 Families. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol. 2017 Sep-Oct; 46(5):732-745.
Score: 0.131
Web Intervention for Adolescents Affected by Disaster: Population-Based Randomized Controlled Trial. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2015 Sep; 54(9):709-17.
Score: 0.128
Development and preliminary testing of a web-based, self-help application for disaster-affected families. Health Informatics J. 2016 09; 22(3):659-75.
Score: 0.126
Comorbidity of PTSD, Major Depression, and Substance Use Disorder Among Adolescent Victims of the Spring 2011 Tornadoes in Alabama and Joplin, Missouri. Psychiatry. 2015; 78(2):170-85.
Score: 0.123
Bounce Back Now! Protocol of a population-based randomized controlled trial to examine the efficacy of a Web-based intervention with disaster-affected families. Contemp Clin Trials. 2015 Jan; 40:138-49.
Score: 0.122
- Development and usability testing of an evidence-based HIV prevention website for female African-American adolescents. Health Informatics J. 2016 06; 22(2):194-208.
Score: 0.120
Prevalence and predictors of PTSD and depression among adolescent victims of the Spring 2011 tornado outbreak. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2014 Sep; 55(9):1047-55.
Score: 0.116
Feasibility assessment of a brief, web-based behavioral activation intervention for adolescents with depressed mood. Int J Psychiatry Med. 2014; 48(1):69-82.
Score: 0.115
Feasibility of delivering evidence-based HIV/STI prevention programming to a community sample of African American teen girls via the internet. AIDS Educ Prev. 2013 Oct; 25(5):394-404.
Score: 0.113
Disaster impact across cultural groups: comparison of Whites, African Americans, and Latinos. Am J Community Psychol. 2013 Sep; 52(1-2):97-105.
Score: 0.112
The associations between loss and posttraumatic stress and depressive symptoms followingHurricane Ike. J Clin Psychol. 2014 Apr; 70(4):322-32.
Score: 0.111
Relations between Loss of Services and Psychiatric Symptoms in Urban and Non-Urban Settings following a Natural Disaster. J Psychopathol Behav Assess. 2012 09; 34(3):343-350.
Score: 0.105
Mental health outcomes among adults in Galveston and Chambers counties after Hurricane Ike. Disaster Med Public Health Prep. 2012 Mar; 6(1):26-32.
Score: 0.101
Nonuse and dropout attrition for a web-based mental health intervention delivered in a post-disaster context. Psychiatry. 2012; 75(3):267-84.
Score: 0.100
Randomized controlled trial of an internet-based intervention using random-digit-dial recruitment: the Disaster Recovery Web project. Contemp Clin Trials. 2012 Jan; 33(1):237-46.
Score: 0.098
Rural adults' use of health-related information online: data from a 2006 National Online Health Survey. Telemed J E Health. 2011 Jun; 17(5):329-34.
Score: 0.095
Non-medical use of prescription drugs in a national sample of college women. Addict Behav. 2011 Jul; 36(7):690-5.
Score: 0.094
Is reporting of rape on the rise? A comparison of women with reported versus unreported rape experiences in the National Women's Study-Replication. J Interpers Violence. 2011 Mar; 26(4):807-32.
Score: 0.090
Incapacitated, forcible, and drug/alcohol-facilitated rape in relation to binge drinking, marijuana use, and illicit drug use: a national survey. J Trauma Stress. 2010 Feb; 23(1):132-40.
Score: 0.088
The role of traumatic event history in non-medical use of prescription drugs among a nationally representative sample of US adolescents. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2010 Jan; 51(1):84-93.
Score: 0.085
Mental health and rape history in relation to non-medical use of prescription drugs in a national sample of women. Addict Behav. 2009 Aug; 34(8):641-8.
Score: 0.083
Prevalence and correlates of drug/alcohol-facilitated and incapacitated sexual assault in a nationally representative sample of adolescent girls. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol. 2009 Mar; 38(2):295-300.
Score: 0.082
Forcible, drug-facilitated, and incapacitated rape in relation to substance use problems: results from a national sample of college women. Addict Behav. 2009 May; 34(5):458-62.
Score: 0.081
Characteristics and Life Experiences Associated with Receiving a Rape Disclosure within a National Telephone Household Probability Sample of Women. J Community Psychol. 2014 Jul; 42(5):583-592.
Score: 0.030
HIV-related sexual risk behavior among African American adolescent girls. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2014 May; 23(5):413-9.
Score: 0.029
College women's experiences with rape disclosure: a national study. Violence Against Women. 2013 Apr; 19(4):486-502.
Score: 0.027
Prevalence and risk of psychiatric disorders as a function of variant rape histories: results from a national survey of women. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2012 Jun; 47(6):893-902.
Score: 0.024
Self-rated health in relation to rape and mental health disorders in a national sample of women. Am J Orthopsychiatry. 2011 Apr; 81(2):202-10.
Score: 0.024
Reporting rape in a national sample of college women. J Am Coll Health. 2011; 59(7):582-7.
Score: 0.023
Self-rated health in relation to rape and mental health disorders in a national sample of college women. J Am Coll Health. 2011; 59(7):588-94.
Score: 0.023
The role of rape tactics in risk for posttraumatic stress disorder and major depression: results from a national sample of college women. Depress Anxiety. 2010 Aug; 27(8):708-15.
Score: 0.023
Prevalence and correlates of service utilization and help seeking in a national college sample of female rape victims. J Anxiety Disord. 2010 Dec; 24(8):900-2.
Score: 0.022
Drug- or alcohol-facilitated, incapacitated, and forcible rape in relationship to mental health among a national sample of women. J Interpers Violence. 2010 Dec; 25(12):2217-36.
Score: 0.022
Service utilization and help seeking in a national sample of female rape victims. Psychiatr Serv. 2008 Dec; 59(12):1450-7.
Score: 0.020