Search Result Details

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Luttrell, Louis
Item TypeName
Academic Article Switching of the coupling of the beta2-adrenergic receptor to different G proteins by protein kinase A.
Academic Article Essential role for G protein-coupled receptor endocytosis in the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase.
Academic Article Beta-arrestin-dependent formation of beta2 adrenergic receptor-Src protein kinase complexes.
Academic Article The beta3-adrenergic receptor activates mitogen-activated protein kinase in adipocytes through a Gi-dependent mechanism.
Academic Article Role of endocytosis in the activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase cascade by sequestering and nonsequestering G protein-coupled receptors.
Academic Article The beta(2)-adrenergic receptor mediates extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation via assembly of a multi-receptor complex with the epidermal growth factor receptor.
Academic Article Direct binding of activated c-Src to the beta 3-adrenergic receptor is required for MAP kinase activation.
Academic Article Platelet-derived growth factor receptor association with Na(+)/H(+) exchanger regulatory factor potentiates receptor activity.
Academic Article Src-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of dynamin is required for beta2-adrenergic receptor internalization and mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling.
Academic Article Protein kinase A and G protein-coupled receptor kinase phosphorylation mediates beta-1 adrenergic receptor endocytosis through different pathways.
Academic Article Dual inhibition of beta-adrenergic and angiotensin II receptors by a single antagonist: a functional role for receptor-receptor interaction in vivo.
Academic Article beta-arrestin1 interacts with the catalytic domain of the tyrosine kinase c-SRC. Role of beta-arrestin1-dependent targeting of c-SRC in receptor endocytosis.
Academic Article Hexose-independent activation of glycogen synthase and pyruvate dehydrogenase by insulin is dissociated in the mouse BC3H-1 cell line.
Academic Article Novel mechanisms in the regulation of G protein-coupled receptor trafficking to the plasma membrane.
Academic Article A high-content, live-cell, and real-time approach to the quantitation of ligand-induced ?-Arrestin2 and Class A/Class B GPCR mobilization.
Academic Article Functionally active targeting domain of the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase: an inhibitor of G beta gamma-mediated stimulation of type II adenylyl cyclase.
Concept Receptors, Adrenergic, beta-2
Concept Receptors, Adrenergic, beta-3
Concept Receptors, Adrenergic, beta
Concept Receptors, Adrenergic, beta-1
Academic Article Manifold roles of ?-arrestins in GPCR signaling elucidated with siRNA and CRISPR/Cas9.
Search Criteria
  • Receptors Adrenergic beta