Search Result Details

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Norris, Russell
Item TypeName
Academic Article Identification and detection of the periostin gene in cardiac development.
Academic Article Periostin promotes atrioventricular mesenchyme matrix invasion and remodeling mediated by integrin signaling through Rho/PI 3-kinase.
Academic Article Periostin promotes a fibroblastic lineage pathway in atrioventricular valve progenitor cells.
Academic Article Transforming growth factor ?, bone morphogenetic protein, and vascular endothelial growth factor mediate phenotype maturation and tissue remodeling by embryonic valve progenitor cells: relevance for heart valve tissue engineering.
Academic Article Expression and deposition of fibrous extracellular matrix proteins in cardiac valves during chick development.
Academic Article Normal distribution of melanocytes in the mouse heart.
Academic Article Periostin regulates atrioventricular valve maturation.
Academic Article Developmental basis of adult cardiovascular diseases: valvular heart diseases.
Academic Article Epicardially derived fibroblasts preferentially contribute to the parietal leaflets of the atrioventricular valves in the murine heart.
Academic Article Atrioventricular valve development: new perspectives on an old theme.
Academic Article miR-21 represses Pdcd4 during cardiac valvulogenesis.
Concept Heart Valves
Concept Heart Valve Diseases
Academic Article Distinct signaling pathways activated by "extracellular" and "intracellular" serotonin in heart valve development and disease.
Academic Article Valvular dystrophy associated filamin A mutations reveal a new role of its first repeats in small-GTPase regulation.
Academic Article Cadherin-11 expression patterns in heart valves associate with key functions during embryonic cushion formation, valve maturation and calcification.
Academic Article Periostin induces intracellular cross-talk between kinases and hyaluronan in atrioventricular valvulogenesis.
Academic Article Dynamic Heterogeneity of the Heart Valve Interstitial Cell Population in Mitral Valve Health and Disease.
Academic Article Inhibition of MAPK-Erk pathway in?vivo attenuates aortic valve disease processes in Emilin1-deficient mouse model.
Academic Article A role for primary cilia in aortic valve development and disease.
Academic Article Filamin-A as a Balance between Erk/Smad Activities During Cardiac Valve Development.
Academic Article Role of Periostin in Cardiac Valve Development.
Academic Article Genome-Wide Association Study-Driven Gene-Set Analyses, Genetic, and Functional Follow-Up Suggest GLIS1 as a Susceptibility Gene for Mitral Valve Prolapse.
Academic Article Primary cilia defects causing mitral valve prolapse.
Academic Article Defects in the Exocyst-Cilia Machinery Cause Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease and Aortic Stenosis.
Academic Article Dynamic Expression Profiles of ?-Catenin during Murine Cardiac Valve Development.
Academic Article DZIP1 regulates mammalian cardiac valve development through a Cby1-?-catenin mechanism.
Academic Article Desert hedgehog-primary cilia cross talk shapes mitral valve tissue by organizing smooth muscle actin.
Search Criteria
  • Heart Valves