Search Result Details

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Drenowatz, Clemens
Item TypeName
Concept Body Mass Index
Academic Article Maturity-related differences in physical activity among 10- to 12-year-old girls.
Academic Article Influence of socio-economic status on habitual physical activity and sedentary behavior in 8- to 11-year old children.
Academic Article Joint association of physical activity/screen time and diet on CVD risk factors in 10-year-old children.
Academic Article Differences in health behavior, physical fitness, and cardiovascular risk in early, average, and late mature children.
Academic Article Organized sports, overweight, and physical fitness in primary school children in Germany.
Academic Article Correlates of weight gain in German children attending elementary school.
Academic Article Interaction of sedentary behaviour, sports participation and fitness with weight status in elementary school children.
Academic Article The independent association between diet quality and body composition.
Academic Article The association between resistance exercise and cardiovascular disease risk in women.
Academic Article Parental characteristics have a larger effect on children's health behaviour than their body weight.
Academic Article Differences in correlates of energy balance in normal weight, overweight and obese adults.
Academic Article The Prospective Association between Different Types of Exercise and Body Composition.
Academic Article Prospective association between body composition, physical activity and energy intake in young adults.
Academic Article Low levels of physical activity are associated with dysregulation of energy intake and fat mass gain over 1 year.
Academic Article Relation of Body's Lean Mass, Fat Mass, and Body Mass Index With Submaximal Systolic Blood Pressure in Young Adult Men.
Academic Article Is nutrient intake associated with physical activity levels in healthy young adults?
Academic Article Anti-inflammatory Dietary Inflammatory Index scores are associated with healthier scores on other dietary indices.
Academic Article Effects of moderate and vigorous physical activity on fitness and body composition.
Academic Article Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Body Fatness, and Submaximal Systolic Blood Pressure Among Young Adult Women.
Academic Article The association of change in physical activity and body weight in the regulation of total energy expenditure.
Academic Article Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between different exercise types and food cravings in free-living healthy young adults.
Academic Article Bidirectional association between weight status and motor skills in adolescents : A?4-year longitudinal study.
Academic Article Energy Intake Derived from an Energy Balance Equation, Validated Activity Monitors, and Dual X-Ray Absorptiometry Can Provide Acceptable Caloric Intake Data among Young Adults.
Academic Article Development of physical fitness in Austrian primary school children : A?longitudinal study among overweight and non-overweight children over 2.5?years.
Academic Article Long-term effect of migration background on the development of physical fitness among primary school children.
Academic Article Association of Body Weight and Physical Fitness during the Elementary School Years.
Academic Article Association between 24-h movement guidelines and cardiometabolic health in Chilean adults.
Academic Article Association of physical activity, muscular strength, and obesity indicators with self-concept in Chilean children.
Academic Article European fitness landscape for children and adolescents: updated reference values, fitness maps and country rankings based on nearly 8 million test results from 34 countries gathered by the FitBack network.
Academic Article Walking and cycling, as active transportation, and obesity factors in adolescents from eight countries.
Academic Article School health programs of physical education and/or diet among pupils of primary and secondary school levels I and II linked to body mass index: A systematic review protocol within the project From Science 2 School.
Academic Article Association between breastfeeding, parents' body mass index and birth weight with obesity indicators in children.
Academic Article Are the different cut-off points for sitting time associated with excess weight in adults? A population based study in Latin America.
Search Criteria
  • Body Mass Index