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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Alexov, Emil
Item TypeName
Concept Computer Simulation
Academic Article Role of the protein side-chain fluctuations on the strength of pair-wise electrostatic interactions: comparing experimental with computed pK(a)s.
Academic Article Electrostatic properties of protein-protein complexes.
Academic Article Comparative study of generalized born models: Born radii and peptide folding.
Academic Article Poisson-Boltzmann calculations of nonspecific salt effects on protein-protein binding free energies.
Academic Article Electrostatic control of the overall shape of calmodulin: numerical calculations.
Academic Article BANMOKI: a searchable database of homology-based 3D models and their electrostatic properties of five bacterial nucleoside monophosphate kinase families.
Academic Article Assessing the quality of the homology-modeled 3D structures from electrostatic standpoint: test on bacterial nucleoside monophosphate kinase families.
Academic Article Optimization of electrostatic interactions in protein-protein complexes.
Academic Article In silico modeling of pH-optimum of protein-protein binding.
Academic Article On the role of electrostatics in protein-protein interactions.
Academic Article A missense mutation in CLIC2 associated with intellectual disability is predicted by in silico modeling to affect protein stability and dynamics.
Academic Article In silico and in vitro investigations of the mutability of disease-causing missense mutation sites in spermine synthase.
Academic Article Developing hybrid approaches to predict pKa values of ionizable groups.
Academic Article Analyzing effects of naturally occurring missense mutations.
Academic Article Enhancing human spermine synthase activity by engineered mutations.
Academic Article A novel p.Leu(381)Phe mutation in presenilin 1 is associated with very early onset and unusually fast progressing dementia as well as lysosomal inclusions typically seen in Kufs disease.
Academic Article Computational and experimental approaches to reveal the effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms with respect to disease diagnostics.
Academic Article Predicting Binding Free Energy Change Caused by Point Mutations with Knowledge-Modified MM/PBSA Method.
Academic Article Revealing the Effects of Missense Mutations Causing Snyder-Robinson Syndrome on the Stability and Dimerization of Spermine Synthase.
Academic Article SAAFEC: Predicting the Effect of Single Point Mutations on Protein Folding Free Energy Using a Knowledge-Modified MM/PBSA Approach.
Academic Article SAAMBE: Webserver to Predict the Charge of Binding Free Energy Caused by Amino Acids Mutations.
Academic Article In silico investigation of pH-dependence of prolactin and human growth hormone binding to human prolactin receptor.
Academic Article DelPhiForce, a tool for electrostatic force calculations: Applications to macromolecular binding.
Academic Article Three additional patients with EED-associated overgrowth: potential mutation hotspots identified?
Academic Article A super-Gaussian Poisson-Boltzmann model for electrostatic free energy calculation: smooth dielectric distribution for protein cavities and in both water and vacuum states.
Search Criteria
  • Computer Simulation