Item Type | Name |
Academic Article
Recovery from prior stimulation: masking of speech by interrupted noise for younger and older adults with normal hearing.
Academic Article
Word recognition in noise at higher-than-normal levels: decreases in scores and increases in masking.
Academic Article
Recognition of filtered words in noise at higher-than-normal levels: decreases in scores with and without increases in masking.
Academic Article
Individual and level-dependent differences in masking for adults with normal and impaired hearing.
Academic Article
Spectral contributions to the benefit from spatial separation of speech and noise.
Academic Article
Spectral and threshold effects on recognition of speech at higher-than-normal levels.
Academic Article
Estimates of basilar-membrane nonlinearity effects on masking of tones and speech.
Academic Article
Speech recognition in noise: estimating effects of compressive nonlinearities in the basilar-membrane response.
Academic Article
Binaural advantage for younger and older adults with normal hearing.
Academic Article
Factors affecting the benefits of high-frequency amplification.
Academic Article
Spatial benefit of bilateral hearing AIDS.
Academic Article
Age-related differences in gap detection: effects of task difficulty and cognitive ability.
Academic Article
Level-dependent changes in detection of temporal gaps in noise markers by adults with normal and impaired hearing.
Academic Article
Level-dependent changes in perception of speech envelope cues.
Academic Article
Pupil size varies with word listening and response selection difficulty in older adults with hearing loss.
Academic Article
Spatial separation benefit for unaided and aided listening.
Academic Article
The cingulo-opercular network provides word-recognition benefit.
Academic Article
Cortical activity predicts which older adults recognize speech in noise and when.
Academic Article
Task-Related Vigilance During Word Recognition in Noise for Older Adults with Hearing Loss.
Academic Article
Sentence intelligibility during segmental interruption and masking by speech-modulated noise: Effects of age and hearing loss.
Academic Article
Cingulo-Opercular Function During Word Recognition in Noise for Older Adults with Hearing Loss.
Academic Article
Glimpsing Speech in the Presence of Nonsimultaneous Amplitude Modulations From a Competing Talker: Effect of Modulation Rate, Age, and Hearing Loss.
Academic Article
Simultaneous and forward masking of vowels and stop consonants: Effects of age, hearing loss, and spectral shaping.
Academic Article
Syllable-constituent perception by hearing-aid users: Common factors in quiet and noise.
Academic Article
Cingulo-opercular activity affects incidental memory encoding for speech in noise.
Academic Article
Talker identification: Effects of masking, hearing loss, and age.
Academic Article
Amplitude modulation detection with a short-duration carrier: Effects of a precursor and hearing loss.
Academic Article
Age effects on perceptual organization of speech: Contributions of glimpsing, phonemic restoration, and speech segregation.
Academic Article
Age effects on the contributions of envelope and periodicity cues to recognition of interrupted speech in quiet and with a competing talker.
Academic Article
Sentence perception in noise by hearing-aid users predicted by syllable-constituent perception and the use of context.
Academic Article
Comparing Speech Recognition for Listeners With Normal and Impaired Hearing: Simulations for Controlling Differences in Speech Levels and Spectral Shape.
Signal-To-Noise Ratio
Academic Article
Glimpsing keywords across sentences in noise: A microstructural analysis of acoustic, lexical, and listener factors.
Academic Article
Evidence for cortical adjustments to perceptual decision criteria during word recognition in noise.