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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Bastia, Deepak
Item TypeName
Academic Article Mechanistic studies on the impact of transcription on sequence-specific termination of DNA replication and vice versa.
Academic Article Activation of distant replication origins in vivo by DNA looping as revealed by a novel mutant form of an initiator protein defective in cooperativity at a distance.
Academic Article Mechanistic studies of initiator-initiator interaction and replication initiation.
Academic Article Replication of plasmid R6K origin gamma in vitro. Dependence on dual initiator proteins and inhibition by transcription.
Academic Article Structural and functional analysis of a bipolar replication terminus. Implications for the origin of polarity of fork arrest.
Academic Article Termination of DNA replication of bacterial and plasmid chromosomes.
Academic Article Structural and functional analysis of a replication enhancer: separation of the enhancer activity from origin function by mutational dissection of the replication origin gamma of plasmid R6K.
Academic Article Escherichia coli replication terminator protein impedes simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA replication fork movement and SV40 large tumor antigen helicase activity in vitro at a prokaryotic terminus sequence.
Academic Article Reconstitution of R6K DNA replication in vitro using 22 purified proteins.
Academic Article Replication terminator protein of Escherichia coli is a transcriptional repressor of its own synthesis.
Academic Article Oligomeric initiator protein-mediated DNA looping negatively regulates plasmid replication in vitro by preventing origin melting.
Academic Article Nucleotide sequence determination of a strong promoter of the colicin E 1 plasmid. Analysis of restriction sites protected by RNA polymerase interactions before and after limited transcription.
Academic Article Mechanisms of polar arrest of a replication fork.
Academic Article Investigations of pi initiator protein-mediated interaction between replication origins alpha and gamma of the plasmid R6K.
Academic Article A host-encoded DNA-binding protein promotes termination of plasmid replication at a sequence-specific replication terminus.
Academic Article The replication terminator protein of E. coli is a DNA sequence-specific contra-helicase.
Academic Article DnaA protein is required for replication of the minimal replicon of the broad-host-range plasmid RK2 in Escherichia coli.
Academic Article DNA-protein interaction at the replication origins of plasmid chromosomes.
Academic Article The E2 "gene" of bovine papillomavirus encodes an enhancer-binding protein.
Academic Article The integration host factor of Escherichia coli binds to bent DNA at the origin of replication of the plasmid pSC101.
Academic Article Heterogeneity, complexity, and repetition of the chloroplast DNA of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
Academic Article Primary structure of the replication initiation protein of plasmid R6K.
Academic Article DNA-protein interaction at the origin of DNA replication of the plasmid pSC101.
Academic Article Cooperativity at a distance promoted by the combined action of two replication initiator proteins and a DNA bending protein at the replication origin of pSC101.
Academic Article A 27 kd protein of E. coli promotes antitermination of replication in vitro at a sequence-specific replication terminus.
Academic Article The replication initiator protein pi of the plasmid R6K specifically interacts with the host-encoded helicase DnaB.
Academic Article The relationship between sequence-specific termination of DNA replication and transcription.
Academic Article Direct physical interaction between DnaG primase and DnaB helicase of Escherichia coli is necessary for optimal synthesis of primer RNA.
Academic Article Helicase-contrahelicase interaction and the mechanism of termination of DNA replication.
Academic Article Biochemical investigations of control of replication initiation of plasmid R6K.
Academic Article Reconstitution of F factor DNA replication in vitro with purified proteins.
Academic Article Activation in vivo of the minimal replication origin beta of plasmid R6K requires a small target sequence essential for DNA looping.
Academic Article Crystallization and preliminary structural analysis of the replication terminator protein of Bacillus subtilis.
Academic Article The DnaK-DnaJ-GrpE chaperone system activates inert wild type pi initiator protein of R6K into a form active in replication initiation.
Academic Article Sequence-specific and polarized replication termination in vitro: complementation of extracts of tus- Escherichia coli by purified Ter protein and analysis of termination intermediates.
Academic Article Replication termination mechanism as revealed by Tus-mediated polar arrest of a sliding helicase.
Academic Article The nucleotide sequence surrounding the origin of DNA replication of Col E1.
Academic Article Replication initiation at a distance: determination of the cis- and trans-acting elements of replication origin alpha of plasmid R6K.
Academic Article A replication initiator protein enhances the rate of hybrid formation between a silencer RNA and an activator RNA.
Academic Article The replication initiator protein of plasmid pSC101 is a transcriptional repressor of its own cistron.
Academic Article The nucleotide sequence of the replication origin beta of the plasmid R6K.
Academic Article Use of gene fusions and protein-protein interaction in the isolation of a biologically active regulatory protein: the replication initiator protein of plasmid R6K.
Academic Article Termination of DNA replication in vitro at a sequence-specific replication terminus.
Academic Article The contrahelicase activities of the replication terminator proteins of Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis are helicase-specific and impede both helicase translocation and authentic DNA unwinding.
Academic Article Termination of DNA replication in vitro: requirement for stereospecific interaction between two dimers of the replication terminator protein of Bacillus subtilis and with the terminator site to elicit polar contrahelicase and fork impedance.
Academic Article The replication terminator protein of the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis functions as a polar contrahelicase in gram-negative Escherichia coli.
Academic Article Multiple pathways of copy control of gamma replicon of R6K: mechanisms both dependent on and independent of cooperativity of interaction of tau protein with DNA affect the copy number.
Academic Article The dimer-dimer interaction surface of the replication terminator protein of Bacillus subtilis and termination of DNA replication.
Concept Escherichia coli
Concept Escherichia coli Proteins
Search Criteria
  • Escherichia coli