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Search Results
Cantey, Joseph
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Cantey, Joseph
Item Type
Academic Article
HeLa cell adherence, actin aggregation, and invasion by nonenteropathogenic Escherichia coli possessing the eae gene.
Academic Article
Characterization of the Escherichia coli AF/R1 pilus operon: novel genes necessary for transcriptional regulation and for pilus-mediated adherence.
Academic Article
A rabbit model of diarrhea due to invasive Escherichia coli.
Academic Article
Prevention of bacterial infections of mucosal surfaces by immune secretory IgA.
Academic Article
Colonization, virulence, and mucosal interaction of an enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (strain RDEC-1) expressing shigella somatic antigen in the rabbit intestine.
Academic Article
Mucosal and systemic immune response to O antigen after colonization and diarrhea due to a Peyer's patch-adherent Escherichia coli (strain RDEC-1).
Academic Article
Inhibition of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (strain RDEC-1) adherence to rabbit intestinal brush borders by milk immune secretory immunoglobulin A.
Academic Article
Shiga toxin--an expanding role in the pathogenesis of infectious diseases.
Academic Article
Peyer's patch lymphoid follicle epithelial adherence of a rabbit enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (strain RDEC-1). Role of plasmid-mediated pili in initial adherence.
Academic Article
Increased adherence of Escherichia coli RDEC-1 to human tissue culture cells results in the activation of host signaling pathways.
Academic Article
Escherichia coli diarrhea.
Academic Article
Characterization of the eaeA gene from rabbit enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strain RDEC-1 and comparison to other eaeA genes from bacteria that cause attaching-effacing lesions.
Academic Article
Diarrhea due to Escherichia coli in the rabbit: a novel mechanism.
Academic Article
Characterization of colonization of the rabbit gastrointestinal tract by Escherichia coli RDEC-1.
Academic Article
Production of diarrhea in the rabbit by a mutant of Escherichia coli (RDEC-1) that does not express adherence (AF/R1) pili.
Academic Article
Infectious diarrhea. Pathogenesis and risk factors.
Academic Article
Specific adherence of Escherichia coli (strain RDEC-1) to membranous (M) cells of the Peyer's patch in Escherichia coli diarrhea in the rabbit.
Academic Article
Attachment of bacteria to intestinal epithelial cells in diarrhea caused by Escherichia coli strain RDEC-1 in the rabbit: stages and role of capsule.
Academic Article
Immune response of the ileum to invasive Escherichia coli diarrheal disease in rabbits.
Academic Article
Diarrhea due to Escherichia coli strain RDEC-1 in the rabbit: the peyer's patch as the initial site of attachment and colonization.
Academic Article
A case of diarrhea, bacteremia, and fever caused by a novel strain of Escherichia coli.
Academic Article
Peyer's patch adherence of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strains in rabbits.
Escherichia coli Infections
Escherichia coli
Escherichia coli Proteins
Academic Article
Indications and Types of Antibiotic Agents Used in 6 Acute Care Hospitals, 2009-2010: A Pragmatic Retrospective Observational Study.
Search Criteria
Escherichia coli