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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Carpenter, Matthew
overview Dr. Carpenter's general research interests are within nicotine dependence and tobacco control. He leads studies across the methodological continuum, from lab based studies on craving and stimulus control, to clinical trials for smoking cessation, to comprehensive, systems-wide delivery of cessation services. He has a number of studies that examine the behavioral consequences of alternative tobacco products, including electronic (e-)cigarettes. He has received funding from the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Cancer Institute (NCI) and smaller foundations. He regularly mentors psychology interns and postdoctoral fellows, and is active in community advocacy to promote smoke-free legislation.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Carpenter, Matthew
Item TypeName
Academic Article Menstrual cycle phase effects on nicotine withdrawal and cigarette craving: a review.
Academic Article Laboratory-based, cue-elicited craving and cue reactivity as predictors of naturally occurring smoking behavior.
Academic Article Gender differences in craving and cue reactivity to smoking and negative affect/stress cues.
Academic Article Craving, cue reactivity, and stimulus control among early-stage young smokers: effects of smoking intensity and gender.
Academic Article Impulsivity and cigarette craving among adolescent daily and occasional smokers.
Academic Article Alcohol consumption as a predictor of reactivity to smoking and stress cues presented in the natural environment of smokers.
Academic Article Perceptions of Snus Among US Adult Smokers Given Free Product.
Academic Article A pilot trial of In vivo NRT sampling to increase medication adherence in community corrections smokers.
Academic Article Effect of a Brief Memory Updating Intervention on Smoking Behavior: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Academic Article Sex Differences in Subjective and Behavioral Responses to Stressful and Smoking Cues Presented in the Natural Environment of Smokers.
Academic Article Multi-method assessment of distress tolerance and smoking-related factors among adult daily smokers.
Academic Article The influence of gender and oxytocin on stress reactivity, cigarette craving, and smoking in a randomized, placebo-controlled laboratory relapse paradigm.
Concept Craving
Search Criteria
  • Craving