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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Bennett, Charles
Item TypeName
Concept United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Academic Article U.S. hospital care for HIV-infected persons and the role of public, private, and Veterans Administration hospitals.
Academic Article Angiotensin receptor blockers: are they related to lung cancer?
Academic Article Unintended consequences of health information technology: evidence from veterans affairs colorectal cancer oncology watch intervention.
Academic Article US hospital care for patients with HIV infection and pneumonia: the role of public, private, and Veterans Affairs hospitals in the early highly active antiretroviral therapy era.
Academic Article Process evaluation in an intervention designed to improve rates of colorectal cancer screening in a VA medical center.
Academic Article Evaluating the supportive care costs of severe radiochemotherapy-induced mucositis and pharyngitis : results from a Northwestern University Costs of Cancer Program pilot study with head and neck and nonsmall cell lung cancer patients who received care at a county hospital, a Veterans Administration hospital, or a comprehensive cancer care center.
Academic Article Surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy use among veterans with colon cancer: insights from a California study.
Academic Article Single- versus multiple-tablet HIV regimens: adherence and hospitalization risks.
Academic Article Time course and predictors of use of erectile dysfunction treatment in a Veterans Affairs medical center.
Academic Article Why California's Proposition 61 Was a Bad Idea.
Academic Article Major hemorrhage in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients in the US Veterans Health Administration system in the pre-ibrutinib era: Incidence and risk factors.
Academic Article Racial variation in the use of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the Department of Veterans Affairs medical system.
Academic Article QOL and outcomes research in prostate cancer patients with low socioeconomic status.
Academic Article Quality of life after a diagnosis of prostate cancer among men of lower socioeconomic status: results from the Veterans Affairs Cancer of the Prostate Outcomes Study.
Academic Article End of an era of administering erythropoiesis stimulating agents among Veterans Administration cancer patients with chemotherapy-induced anemia.
Search Criteria
  • United States Department of Veterans Affairs