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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Egede, Leonard
overview Dr. Egede is the Allen H. Johnson Endowed Chair and a tenured Professor of Medicine in the Division of General of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics at the Medical University of South Carolina. He is the Director of the MUSC Center for Health Disparities Research and the Director of the Charleston VA HSR&D Health Equity and Rural Outreach Innovation Center (HEROIC), one of 19 nationally funded VA HSR&D Centers of Innovation (COIN). Dr. Egede is a general internist and health services researcher and has participated and led research projects designed to understand racial/ethnic variations in health care. His expertise is in the interplay among psychosocial factors, race/ethnicity, and health outcomes for chronic diseases, and development and testing of interventions to improve health behaviors in ethnic minorities with chronic medical and mental conditions. He is PI of an NIH R01 (R01DK098529; 05/05/13-04/30/17), to evaluate the effectiveness of different technology-based diabetes education and skills training interventions in AAs with T2DM; PI on an NIH T35 grant (T35 DK007431-26) to train health professional students in research methods; and Co-I on an NIH R03 and VA HSR&D funded intervention studies. He also has an NIDDK K24 (K24DK093699), which provides protected time for mentoring. He is also conducting research on improving outcomes for non-communicable disease (diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease) in sub-Saharan African using innovative strategies. He has authored over 150 original publications related to psychosocial influences and racial/ethnic differences in health outcomes in peer-reviewed journals. He was a standing member of the NIH scientific review study section – the Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health Study Section and a member of the National Advisory Council of the Robert Wood Johnson Physician Faculty Scholars Program for several years. He is currently a Deputy Editor for the Journal of General Internal Medicine and on the editorial board of Current Diabetes Reviews. He also currently serves on the board of the Diabetes Initiative of South Carolina.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Egede, Leonard
Item TypeName
Academic Article Lifestyle modification to improve blood pressure control in individuals with diabetes: is physician advice effective?
Academic Article National patterns and correlates of complementary and alternative medicine use in adults with diabetes.
Academic Article Effect of depression on self-management behaviors and health outcomes in adults with type 2 diabetes.
Academic Article Racial differences in diabetes self-management and quality of care in Texas.
Academic Article Depression, physical activity and glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes.
Academic Article Rationale and design: telephone-delivered behavioral skills interventions for Blacks with Type 2 diabetes.
Academic Article Variation in quality of care indicators for diabetes in a national sample of veterans and non-veterans.
Academic Article The effect of major depression on preventive care and quality of life among adults with diabetes.
Academic Article The effect of minority status and rural residence on actions to control high blood pressure in the U.S.
Academic Article Associations between health literacy, diabetes knowledge, self-care behaviors, and glycemic control in a low income population with type 2 diabetes.
Academic Article The association between major depression, health behaviors, and quality of life in adults with stroke.
Academic Article Diabetes empowerment, medication adherence and self-care behaviors in adults with type 2 diabetes.
Academic Article Associations between coping, diabetes knowledge, medication adherence and self-care behaviors in adults with type 2 diabetes.
Academic Article Effect of diabetes fatalism on medication adherence and self-care behaviors in adults with diabetes.
Academic Article Behavioral counseling interventions for primary prevention of coronary heart disease in individuals with type-2 diabetes.
Academic Article Racial/ethnic differences in multiple self-care behaviors in adults with diabetes.
Academic Article Rationale and design: telepsychology service delivery for depressed elderly veterans.
Academic Article Validation of an Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills model of diabetes self-care (IMB-DSC).
Academic Article The effect of depression on self-care behaviors and quality of care in a national sample of adults with diabetes.
Academic Article Role of motivation in the relationship between depression, self-care, and glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes.
Academic Article An information-motivation-behavioral skills analysis of diet and exercise behavior in Puerto Ricans with diabetes.
Academic Article Associations between binge and heavy drinking and health behaviors in a nationally representative sample.
Concept Telephone
Concept Activities of Daily Living
Concept Risk-Taking
Concept Case Management
Concept Motor Activity
Concept Needs Assessment
Concept Independent Living
Concept Sick Role
Concept Costs and Cost Analysis
Concept Retirement
Concept Information Dissemination
Concept Absenteeism
Concept Risk Reduction Behavior
Concept Communication
Concept Program Evaluation
Concept Social Support
Concept Alcohol Drinking
Concept Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
Concept Child Abuse
Concept Community-Institutional Relations
Concept Family Relations
Concept Family
Concept Statistics as Topic
Concept Patient Acceptance of Health Care
Concept Physician-Patient Relations
Concept Attitude to Health
Concept Self Concept
Concept Smoking Cessation
Concept Ethics
Concept State Health Plans
Concept Commerce
Concept Leisure Activities
Concept Interpersonal Relations
Concept Acculturation
Concept Medical Informatics
Concept Contraception Behavior
Concept Domestic Violence
Concept Medicaid
Concept Cooperative Behavior
Concept Disaster Planning
Concept Exercise
Concept Suicide
Concept Videoconferencing
Concept Smoking
Concept Medication Adherence
Concept Employment
Concept Medical Assistance
Concept Comparative Effectiveness Research
Concept Friends
Concept Life Style
Concept Data Collection
Concept Sports
Concept Feeding Behavior
Concept Health Behavior
Concept Cost-Benefit Analysis
Concept Interdisciplinary Communication
Concept Patient Compliance
Concept Social Identification
Concept Behavior Therapy
Concept Self Medication
Concept Withholding Treatment
Concept Program Development
Concept Child Abuse, Sexual
Concept Residence Characteristics
Concept Financing, Personal
Concept Surveys and Questionnaires
Concept Practice Patterns, Physicians'
Concept Life Change Events
Concept Warfare
Concept Trust
Concept Public Policy
Concept Total Quality Management
Concept Referral and Consultation
Concept Emigration and Immigration
Concept Behavior
Concept Adaptation, Psychological
Concept Financial Management
Academic Article Effect of diabetes self-efficacy on glycemic control, medication adherence, self-care behaviors, and quality of life in a predominantly low-income, minority population.
Academic Article Advancing partnered research in the VA healthcare system: the pursuit of increased research engagement, responsiveness, and impact.
Academic Article Technology-Intensified Diabetes Education Study (TIDES) in African Americans with type 2 diabetes: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Academic Article Effect of neighborhood factors on diabetes self-care behaviors in adults with type 2 diabetes.
Academic Article Tablet-Aided BehavioraL intervention EffecT on Self-management skills (TABLETS) for Diabetes.
Academic Article Quantifying direct effects of social determinants of health on glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes.
Academic Article Effect of perceived racial discrimination on self-care behaviors, glycemic control, and quality of life in adults with type 2 diabetes.
Academic Article Effective strategies for global health research, training and clinical care: a narrative review.
Academic Article Assessing the relationship between neighborhood factors and diabetes related health outcomes and self-care behaviors.
Academic Article Associations Between Adverse Childhood Experiences, High-Risk Behaviors, and Morbidity in Adulthood.
Academic Article Telephone-Delivered Behavioral Skills Intervention for African American Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Academic Article Cytokine balance and behavioral intervention; findings from the Peer Approaches to Lupus Self-Management (PALS) project.
Academic Article Effect of psychotherapy for depression via home telehealth on glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes: Subgroup analysis of a randomized clinical trial.
Academic Article Cost-Effectiveness of Behavioral Activation for Depression in Older Adult Veterans: In-Person Care Versus Telehealth.
Academic Article US ethnic group differences in self-management in the 2nd diabetes attitudes, wishes and needs (DAWN2) study.
Academic Article Examination of dietary habits among the indigenous Kuna Indians of Panama.
Academic Article Peer approaches to self-management (PALS): comparing a peer mentoring approach for disease self-management in African American women with lupus with a social support control: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Academic Article Differential Impact of Food Insecurity, Distress, and Stress on Self-care Behaviors and Glycemic Control Using Path Analysis.
Academic Article Individual-, Community-, and Health System-Level Barriers to Optimal Type 2 Diabetes Care for Inner-City African Americans: An Integrative Review and Model Development.
Academic Article Lowering the impact of food insecurity in African American adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus (LIFT-DM) - Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Academic Article Examining the Relationship Between Delay Discounting, Delay Aversion, Diabetes Self-care Behaviors, and Diabetes Outcomes in U.S. Adults With Type 2 Diabetes.
Academic Article Association Between Dissatisfaction With Care and Diabetes Self-Care Behaviors, Glycemic Management, and Quality of Life of Adults With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Concept Racism
Concept Sexism
Concept Social Discrimination
Concept Social Stigma
Concept Policy
Academic Article The relationship between C-Reactive protein and mortality in adults with diabetes: Influences of demographic characteristics, lifestyle behaviors, and medications.
Academic Article Relationship between housing insecurity, diabetes processes of care, and self-care behaviors.
Academic Article Contraception utilization in women with pregestational diabetes.
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  • Behavior