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Egede, Leonard
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Dr. Egede is the Allen H. Johnson Endowed Chair and a tenured Professor of Medicine in the Division of General of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics at the Medical University of South Carolina. He is the Director of the MUSC Center for Health Disparities Research and the Director of the Charleston VA HSR&D Health Equity and Rural Outreach Innovation Center (HEROIC), one of 19 nationally funded VA HSR&D Centers of Innovation (COIN). Dr. Egede is a general internist and health services researcher and has participated and led research projects designed to understand racial/ethnic variations in health care. His expertise is in the interplay among psychosocial factors, race/ethnicity, and health outcomes for chronic diseases, and development and testing of interventions to improve health behaviors in ethnic minorities with chronic medical and mental conditions. He is PI of an NIH R01 (R01DK098529; 05/05/13-04/30/17), to evaluate the effectiveness of different technology-based diabetes education and skills training interventions in AAs with T2DM; PI on an NIH T35 grant (T35 DK007431-26) to train health professional students in research methods; and Co-I on an NIH R03 and VA HSR&D funded intervention studies. He also has an NIDDK K24 (K24DK093699), which provides protected time for mentoring. He is also conducting research on improving outcomes for non-communicable disease (diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease) in sub-Saharan African using innovative strategies. He has authored over 150 original publications related to psychosocial influences and racial/ethnic differences in health outcomes in peer-reviewed journals. He was a standing member of the NIH scientific review study section – the Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health Study Section and a member of the National Advisory Council of the Robert Wood Johnson Physician Faculty Scholars Program for several years. He is currently a Deputy Editor for the Journal of General Internal Medicine and on the editorial board of Current Diabetes Reviews. He also currently serves on the board of the Diabetes Initiative of South Carolina.