Item Type | Name |
Academic Article
Mood improvement following daily left prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with depression: a placebo-controlled crossover trial.
Academic Article
Activation of prefrontal cortex and anterior thalamus in alcoholic subjects on exposure to alcohol-specific cues.
Academic Article
Left prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatment of depression in bipolar affective disorder: a pilot study of acute safety and efficacy.
Academic Article
Acute left prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation in depressed patients is associated with immediately increased activity in prefrontal cortical as well as subcortical regions.
Academic Article
Postoperative left prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation reduces patient-controlled analgesia use.
Academic Article
A single 20 mg dose of the full D1 dopamine agonist dihydrexidine (DAR-0100) increases prefrontal perfusion in schizophrenia.
Academic Article
Development and evaluation of a portable sham transcranial magnetic stimulation system.
Academic Article
Focal electrical stimulation as a sham control for repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: Does it truly mimic the cutaneous sensation and pain of active prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation?
Academic Article
Changes in cerebral activations during movement execution and imagery after parietal cortex TMS interleaved with 3T MRI.
Academic Article
More lateral and anterior prefrontal coil location is associated with better repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation antidepressant response.
Academic Article
A pilot study investigating the effects of fast left prefrontal rTMS on chronic neuropathic pain.
Academic Article
Significant analgesic effects of one session of postoperative left prefrontal cortex repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: a replication study.
Academic Article
The effect of daily prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over several weeks on resting motor threshold.
Academic Article
Decreasing procedural pain over time of left prefrontal rTMS for depression: initial results from the open-label phase of a multi-site trial (OPT-TMS).
Academic Article
Daily left prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy for major depressive disorder: a sham-controlled randomized trial.
Academic Article
An efficient and accurate new method for locating the F3 position for prefrontal TMS applications.
Academic Article
Fractional anisotropy changes after several weeks of daily left high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the prefrontal cortex to treat major depression.
Academic Article
Safety, tolerability, and effectiveness of high doses of adjunctive daily left prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for treatment-resistant depression in a clinical setting.
Academic Article
A potential role for thalamocingulate circuitry in human maternal behavior.
Academic Article
Ten sessions of adjunctive left prefrontal rTMS significantly reduces fibromyalgia pain: a randomized, controlled pilot study.
Academic Article
Improving the antidepressant efficacy of transcranial magnetic stimulation: maximizing the number of stimulations and treatment location in treatment-resistant depression.
Academic Article
Endogenous opioids mediate left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex rTMS-induced analgesia.
Academic Article
Volitional reduction of anterior cingulate cortex activity produces decreased cue craving in smoking cessation: a preliminary real-time fMRI study.
Academic Article
Prefrontal rTMS for treating depression: location and intensity results from the OPT-TMS multi-site clinical trial.
Academic Article
Long-term efficacy of repeated daily prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in treatment-resistant depression.
Academic Article
Naloxone-reversible modulation of pain circuitry by left prefrontal rTMS.
Academic Article
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex reduces nicotine cue craving.
Academic Article
Prefrontal cortex transcranial magnetic stimulation does not change local diffusion: a magnetic resonance imaging study in patients with depression.
Academic Article
A pilot functional MRI study of the effects of prefrontal rTMS on pain perception.
Academic Article
Reduction of cue-induced craving through realtime neurofeedback in nicotine users: the role of region of interest selection and multiple visits.
Academic Article
Probing the frontostriatal loops involved in executive and limbic processing via interleaved TMS and functional MRI at two prefrontal locations: a pilot study.
Academic Article
Stimulating the brain.
Academic Article
Safety and benefits of distance-adjusted prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation in depressed patients 55-75 years of age: a pilot study.
Academic Article
Can left prefrontal rTMS be used as a maintenance treatment for bipolar depression?
Academic Article
Regional brain activity in women grieving a romantic relationship breakup.
Academic Article
Are individual differences in fatigue vulnerability related to baseline differences in cortical activation?
Academic Article
Cerebral blood flow changes during vagus nerve stimulation for depression.
Academic Article
Fifteen minutes of left prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation acutely increases thermal pain thresholds in healthy adults.
Academic Article
Daily left prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in the acute treatment of major depression: clinical predictors of outcome in a multisite, randomized controlled clinical trial.
Academic Article
Prefrontal EEG asymmetry as a potential biomarker of antidepressant treatment response with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS): a case series.
Academic Article
Interregional cerebral metabolic associativity during a continuous performance task (Part II) : differential alterations in bipolar and unipolar disorders.
Academic Article
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the prefrontal cortex in depression.
Academic Article
Bilateral epidural prefrontal cortical stimulation for treatment-resistant depression.
Academic Article
Feasibility of simultaneous cognitive behavioral therapy and left prefrontal rTMS for treatment resistant depression.
Academic Article
Fast left prefrontal rTMS acutely suppresses analgesic effects of perceived controllability on the emotional component of pain experience.
Academic Article
Prefrontal cortex transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) temporarily reduces food cravings and increases the self-reported ability to resist food in adults with frequent food craving.
Academic Article
Daily left prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for acute treatment of medication-resistant depression.
Academic Article
Individual variability in the locus of prefrontal craving for nicotine: implications for brain stimulation studies and treatments.
Academic Article
The expanding evidence base for rTMS treatment of depression.
Academic Article
Understanding emotional prosody activates right hemisphere regions.
Prefrontal Cortex
Academic Article
The painfulness of active, but not sham, transcranial magnetic stimulation decreases rapidly over time: results from the double-blind phase of the OPT-TMS Trial.
Academic Article
Low frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex transiently increases cue-induced craving for methamphetamine: a preliminary study.
Academic Article
Fast left prefrontal rTMS reduces post-gastric bypass surgery pain: findings from a large-scale, double-blind, sham-controlled clinical trial.
Academic Article
Lower subcortical gray matter volume in both younger smokers and established smokers relative to non-smokers.
Academic Article
Cathodal and anodal left prefrontal tDCS and the perception of control over pain.
Academic Article
A two-site pilot randomized 3 day trial of high dose left prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for suicidal inpatients.
Academic Article
Regional cerebral blood flow changes associated with focal electrically administered seizure therapy (FEAST).
Academic Article
A pilot study to investigate the induction and manipulation of learned helplessness in healthy adults.
Academic Article
Differential abnormalities of functional connectivity of the amygdala and hippocampus in unipolar and bipolar affective disorders.
Academic Article
Transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of substance addiction.
Academic Article
Safe management of a bipolar depressed patient with prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) Over 7 years and >2 million stimuli.
Academic Article
Mobilization of Medial and Lateral Frontal-Striatal Circuits in Cocaine Users and Controls: An Interleaved TMS/BOLD Functional Connectivity Study.
Academic Article
Five-Year Follow-Up of Bilateral Epidural Prefrontal Cortical Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Depression.
Academic Article
The Clinical TMS Society Consensus Review and Treatment Recommendations for TMS Therapy for Major Depressive Disorder.
Academic Article
Motor/Prefrontal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) Following Lumbar Surgery Reduces Postoperative Analgesia Use.
Academic Article
The Efficacy of Daily Prefrontal Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) for Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS): A Randomized Controlled Single-blind Study.
Academic Article
Resting-state functional connectivity of antero-medial prefrontal cortex sub-regions in major depression and relationship to emotional intelligence.
Academic Article
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex reduces resting-state insula activity and modulates functional connectivity of the orbitofrontal cortex in cigarette smokers.
Academic Article
Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex inhibits medial orbitofrontal activity in smokers.
Academic Article
Left frontal pole theta burst stimulation decreases orbitofrontal and insula activity in cocaine users and alcohol users.
Academic Article
Prefrontal versus motor cortex transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) effects on post-surgical opioid use.
Academic Article
Single pulse TMS to the DLPFC, compared to a matched sham control, induces a direct, causal increase in caudate, cingulate, and thalamic BOLD signal.
Academic Article
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) administration to heavy cannabis users.
Academic Article
Transdiagnostic Effects of Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Cue Reactivity.
Academic Article
Exposure Therapy and Simultaneous Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Controlled Pilot Trial for the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.
Academic Article
State-Dependent Effects of Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Continuous Thetaburst Stimulation on Cocaine Cue Reactivity in Chronic Cocaine Users.
Academic Article
Identifying response and predictive biomarkers for Transcranial magnetic stimulation outcomes: protocol and rationale for a mechanistic study of functional neuroimaging and behavioral biomarkers in veterans with Pharmacoresistant depression.
Academic Article
Can transcranial electrical stimulation motor threshold estimate individualized tDCS doses over the prefrontal cortex? Evidence from reverse-calculation electric field modeling.
Academic Article
Two weeks of image-guided left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation improves smoking cessation: A double-blind, sham-controlled, randomized clinical trial.
Academic Article
Decreased interhemispheric connectivity and increased cortical excitability in unmedicated schizophrenia: A prefrontal interleaved TMS fMRI study.
Academic Article
A two-site, open-label, non-randomized trial comparing Focal Electrically-Administered Seizure Therapy (FEAST) and right unilateral ultrabrief pulse electroconvulsive therapy (RUL-UBP ECT).
Academic Article
A reexamination of motor and prefrontal TMS in tobacco use disorder: Time for personalized dosing based on electric field modeling?
Academic Article
Prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation for depression in US military veterans - A naturalistic cohort study in the veterans health administration.
Academic Article
Daily prefrontal closed-loop repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) produces progressive EEG quasi-alpha phase entrainment in depressed adults.
Academic Article
DLPFC stimulation alters working memory related activations and performance: An interleaved TMS-fMRI study.
Academic Article
Electric Field Strength From Prefrontal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Determines Degree of Working Memory Response: A Potential Application of Reverse-Calculation Modeling?
Academic Article
Ruminative reflection is associated with anticorrelations between the orbitofrontal cortex and the default mode network in depression: implications for repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Academic Article
Pursuing personalized medicine for depression by targeting the lateral or medial prefrontal cortex with Deep TMS.
Academic Article
Neuronavigation maximizes accuracy and precision in TMS positioning: Evidence from 11,230 distance, angle, and electric field modeling measurements.