Item Type | Name |
Academic Article
Receptor docking sites for G-protein betagamma subunits. Implications for signal regulation.
Academic Article
Heterogeneous processing of a G protein gamma subunit at a site critical for protein and membrane interactions.
Academic Article
A major G protein alpha O isoform in bovine brain is deamidated at Asn346 and Asn347, residues involved in receptor coupling.
Academic Article
A mutation in the putative Mg(2+)-binding site of Gs alpha prevents its activation by receptors.
Academic Article
Identification of a region in G protein gamma subunits conserved across species but hypervariable among subunit isoforms.
Academic Article
Structural characterization of intact G protein gamma subunits by mass spectrometry.
Academic Article
Characterization of the major bovine brain Go alpha isoforms. Mapping the structural differences between the alpha subunit isoforms identifies a variable region of the protein involved in receptor interactions.
Academic Article
The N54 mutant of Galphas has a conditional dominant negative phenotype which suppresses hormone-stimulated but not basal cAMP levels.
Academic Article
The relationship of G(o)alpha subunit deamidation to the tissue distribution, nucleotide binding properties, and betagamma dimer interactions of G(o)alpha subunit isoforms.
Academic Article
Gamma 2 subunit of G protein heterotrimer is an N-end rule ubiquitylation substrate.
Academic Article
Identification of Gbetagamma binding sites in the third intracellular loop of the M(3)-muscarinic receptor and their role in receptor regulation.
Academic Article
Genomic analysis of G protein gamma subunits in human and mouse - the relationship between conserved gene structure and G protein betagamma dimer formation.
Academic Article
G Protein betagamma dimer formation: Gbeta and Ggamma differentially determine efficiency of in vitro dimer formation.
Academic Article
Proteomic analysis of bovine brain G protein gamma subunit processing heterogeneity.
Academic Article
Role of the chaperonin CCT/TRiC complex in G protein betagamma-dimer assembly.
Academic Article
Distinct guanine nucleotide binding and release properties of the three Gi proteins.
Academic Article
Differential regulation of G protein subunit expression in mouse oocytes, eggs, and early embryos.
Academic Article
Analysis of signal transfer from receptor to Go/Gi in different membrane environments and receptor-independent activators of brain G protein.
Academic Article
Separation and analysis of G protein gamma subunits.
Academic Article
Synthesis and assembly of G protein ?? dimers: comparison of in vitro and in vivo studies.
Academic Article
Two forms of the bovine brain Go that stimulate the inositol trisphosphate-mediated Cl- currents in Xenopus oocytes. Distinct guanine nucleotide binding properties.
Academic Article
ADP-ribosylation of membrane components by pertussis and cholera toxin.
Academic Article
Pertussis toxin alters the growth characteristics of Swiss 3T3 cells.
Academic Article
Purification of Ns and Ni, the coupling proteins of hormone-sensitive adenylyl cyclases without intervention of activating regulatory ligands.
Academic Article
Characterization by two-dimensional peptide mapping of the gamma subunits of Ns and Ni, the regulatory proteins of adenylyl cyclase, and of transducin, the guanine nucleotide-binding protein of rod outer segments of the eye.
Academic Article
Mechanisms in the vectorial receptor-adenylate cyclase signal transduction.
Academic Article
Stimulation and inhibition of adenylyl cyclases mediated by distinct regulatory proteins.
Academic Article
Pertussis toxin substrate, the putative Ni component of adenylyl cyclases, is an alpha beta heterodimer regulated by guanine nucleotide and magnesium.
Academic Article
Gi is involved in ethanol inhibition of L-type calcium channels in undifferentiated but not differentiated PC-12 cells.
Academic Article
Factors determining specificity of signal transduction by G-protein-coupled receptors. Regulation of signal transfer from receptor to G-protein.
Academic Article
Bovine brain GO isoforms have distinct gamma subunit compositions.
Academic Article
Alterations in macrophage G proteins are associated with endotoxin tolerance.
Academic Article
Characterization of a G-protein activator in the neuroblastoma-glioma cell hybrid NG108-15.
Academic Article
Role of subunit diversity in signaling by heterotrimeric G proteins.
Academic Article
A dominant negative Galphas mutant that prevents thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor activation of cAMP production and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate turnover: competition by different G proteins for activation by a common receptor.
Academic Article
Complex haplotype structure of the human GNAS gene identifies a recombination hotspot centred on a single nucleotide polymorphism widely used in association studies.
Academic Article
Hormone inhibition of adenylyl cyclase. Differences in the mechanisms for inhibition by hormones and G protein beta gamma.
Academic Article
Sequence dependence and differential expression of Ggamma5 subunit isoforms of the heterotrimeric G proteins variably processed after prenylation in mammalian cells.
Academic Article
Aquaporin 0-calmodulin interaction and the effect of aquaporin 0 phosphorylation.
Academic Article
G protein subunit interactions. Studies with biotinylated G protein subunits.
Academic Article
Identification of a gamma subunit associated with the adenylyl cyclase regulatory proteins Ns and Ni.
Academic Article
Interaction of the stimulatory and inhibitory regulatory proteins of the adenylyl cyclase system with the catalytic component of cyc-S49 cell membranes.
Academic Article
Determination of the complete covalent structure of the gamma 2 subunit of bovine brain G proteins by mass spectrometry.
Academic Article
Synthesis and use of biotinylated beta gamma complexes prepared from bovine brain G proteins.
Academic Article
The effect of pertussis toxin on the growth of vascular smooth muscle cells stimulated by serum or platelet-derived growth factor.
Academic Article
Gbeta subunit interacts with a peptide encoding region 956-982 of adenylyl cyclase 2. Cross-linking of the peptide to free Gbetagamma but not the heterotrimer.
Academic Article
A surface on the G protein beta-subunit involved in interactions with adenylyl cyclases.
Protein Binding
GTP-Binding Protein alpha Subunits, Gi-Go
Heterotrimeric GTP-Binding Proteins
GTP-Binding Proteins
GTP-Binding Protein gamma Subunits
GTP-Binding Protein alpha Subunits, Gs
GTP-Binding Protein beta Subunits
Academic Article
The N54-as Mutant Has Decreased Affinity for ?? and Suggests a Mechanism for Coupling Heterotrimeric G Protein Nucleotide Exchange with Subunit Dissociation.