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Search Results
Hoffman, Stanley
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Hoffman, Stanley
Item Type
Academic Article
Immunolocalization of chick periostin protein in the developing heart.
Academic Article
Periostin promotes atrioventricular mesenchyme matrix invasion and remodeling mediated by integrin signaling through Rho/PI 3-kinase.
Academic Article
Periostin regulates collagen fibrillogenesis and the biomechanical properties of connective tissues.
Academic Article
BMP-2 induces cell migration and periostin expression during atrioventricular valvulogenesis.
Academic Article
Periostin promotes a fibroblastic lineage pathway in atrioventricular valve progenitor cells.
Academic Article
NCAM polypeptides in heart development: association with Z discs of forms that contain the muscle-specific domain.
Academic Article
Periostin is expressed within the developing teeth at the sites of epithelial-mesenchymal interaction.
Academic Article
Periostin regulates atrioventricular valve maturation.
Cell Adhesion Molecules
Cell Adhesion
Cell Adhesion Molecules, Neuronal
Neural Cell Adhesion Molecules
Academic Article
Periostin induces intracellular cross-talk between kinases and hyaluronan in atrioventricular valvulogenesis.
Academic Article
Binding properties of a cell adhesion molecule from neural tissue.
Academic Article
Chemical characterization of a neural cell adhesion molecule purified from embryonic brain membranes.
Academic Article
Structure and modulation of neural cell adhesion molecules in early and late embryogenesis.
Academic Article
Molecular topography of the neural cell adhesion molecule N-CAM: surface orientation and location of sialic acid-rich and binding regions.
Academic Article
Kinetics of homophilic binding by embryonic and adult forms of the neural cell adhesion molecule.
Academic Article
The mechanism of binding of neural cell adhesion molecules.
Academic Article
Two antigenically related neuronal cell adhesion molecules of different specificities mediate neuron-neuron and neuron-glia adhesion.
Academic Article
Sulfation and phosphorylation of the neural cell adhesion molecule, N-CAM.
Academic Article
Evolutionary conservation of key structures and binding functions of neural cell adhesion molecules.
Academic Article
Polypeptide components and binding functions of neuron-glia cell adhesion molecules.
Academic Article
Cytotactin, an extracellular matrix protein of neural and non-neural tissues that mediates glia-neuron interaction.
Academic Article
Site-restricted expression of cytotactin during development of the chicken embryo.
Academic Article
Differential contributions of Ng-CAM and N-CAM to cell adhesion in different neural regions.
Academic Article
Molecular features of cell-cell adhesion molecules.
Academic Article
A proteoglycan with HNK-1 antigenic determinants is a neuron-associated ligand for cytotactin.
Academic Article
Asymmetric expression in somites of cytotactin and its proteoglycan ligand is correlated with neural crest cell distribution.
Academic Article
Four exons encode a 93-base-pair insert in three neural cell adhesion molecule mRNAs specific for chicken heart and skeletal muscle.
Academic Article
Functional mapping of cytotactin: proteolytic fragments active in cell-substrate adhesion.
Academic Article
Topology of cell adhesion molecules.
Academic Article
Cytotactin and its proteoglycan ligand mark structural and functional boundaries in somatosensory cortex of the early postnatal mouse.
Academic Article
Expression and function of cell adhesion molecules during the early development of the heart.
Academic Article
Cytotactin and cytotactin-binding proteoglycan. An interactive pair of extracellular matrix proteins.
Academic Article
Expression of adhesion molecules and the establishment of boundaries during embryonic and neural development.
Academic Article
Expression of adhesion molecules during the formation and differentiation of the avian endocardial cushion tissue.
Academic Article
Species diversity of neuronectin and cytotactin expression patterns in the vertebrate central nervous system.
Academic Article
Eosinophil adhesion and maturation is modulated by laminin.
Academic Article
Functional characterization of antiadhesion molecules.
Academic Article
The interaction of the retina cell surface N-acetylgalactosaminylphosphotransferase with an endogenous proteoglycan ligand results in inhibition of cadherin-mediated adhesion.
Academic Article
Receptor-mediated adhesive and anti-adhesive functions of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan preparations from embryonic chicken brain.
Academic Article
Regulated binding of PTP1B-like phosphatase to N-cadherin: control of cadherin-mediated adhesion by dephosphorylation of beta-catenin.
Academic Article
Dot-like focal contacts in adherent eosinophils, their redistribution into peripheral belts, and correlated effects on cell migration and protected zone formation.
Academic Article
Differential regulation of beta1 integrins by chemoattractants regulates neutrophil migration through fibrin.
Academic Article
Coordinate regulation of cadherin and integrin function by the chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan neurocan.
Academic Article
Blockade of alpha 5 beta 1 integrins reverses the inhibitory effect of tenascin on chemotaxis of human monocytes and polymorphonuclear leukocytes through three-dimensional gels of extracellular matrix proteins.
Academic Article
Increased NCAM expression and vascular development in trisomy 16 mouse embryos: relationship with nuchal translucency.
Search Criteria
Cell Adhesion