Search Result Details

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Dean, Jesse
Item TypeName
Academic Article Measurement of central activation failure of the quadriceps femoris in healthy adults.
Academic Article Electrical stimulation factors in potentiation of human quadriceps femoris.
Academic Article Turning on the central contribution to contractions evoked by neuromuscular electrical stimulation.
Academic Article Turning off the central contribution to contractions evoked by neuromuscular electrical stimulation.
Academic Article Nonlinear twitch torque summation by motor units activated at M-wave and H-reflex latencies.
Academic Article The cost of walking downhill: is the preferred gait energetically optimal?
Academic Article Energetic costs of producing muscle work and force in a cyclical human bouncing task.
Concept Muscle, Skeletal
Academic Article Gradual mechanics-dependent adaptation of medial gastrocnemius activity during human walking.
Academic Article A neuromechanical strategy for mediolateral foot placement in walking humans.
Academic Article Walking with wider steps increases stance phase gluteus medius activity.
Academic Article Proprioceptive feedback contributes to the adaptation toward an economical gait pattern.
Academic Article Hip proprioceptive feedback influences the control of mediolateral stability during human walking.
Academic Article Characterizing the corticomotor connectivity of the bilateral ankle muscles during rest and isometric contraction in healthy adults.
Academic Article Altered post-stroke propulsion is related to paretic swing phase kinematics.
Search Criteria
  • Muscle Skeletal