Search Result Details

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Magruder, Kathryn
Item TypeName
Academic Article Prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder in Veterans Affairs primary care clinics.
Academic Article Racial differences in psychiatric symptom patterns and service use in VA primary care clinics.
Academic Article Patient factors relating to detection of posttraumatic stress disorder in Department of Veterans Affairs primary care settings.
Academic Article Racial disparities in trauma exposure, psychiatric symptoms, and service use among female patients in Veterans Affairs primary care clinics.
Academic Article Use of dual health care services among veterans seen in Veterans Affairs primary care clinics.
Academic Article Prevalence and features of panic disorder and comparison to posttraumatic stress disorder in VA primary care.
Academic Article Prevalence and features of generalized anxiety disorder in Department of Veteran Affairs primary care settings.
Academic Article Female veterans seeking medical care at Veterans Affairs primary care clinics: psychiatric and medical illness burden and service use.
Academic Article Performance characteristics of the posttraumatic stress disorder checklist and SPAN in Veterans Affairs primary care settings.
Academic Article Sexual assault, mental health, and service use among male and female veterans seen in Veterans Affairs primary care clinics: a multi-site study.
Academic Article Obsessive compulsive disorder in veterans in primary care: prevalence and impairment.
Concept United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Academic Article PTSD checklist scoring rules for elderly Veterans Affairs outpatients.
Academic Article Prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Aging Vietnam-Era Veterans: Veterans Administration Cooperative Study 569: Course and Consequences of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Vietnam-Era Veteran Twins.
Academic Article Physical Health Conditions Among a Population-Based Cohort of Vietnam-Era Women Veterans: Agreement Between Self-Report and Medical Records.
Academic Article Design and challenges for a randomized, multi-site clinical trial comparing the use of service dogs and emotional support dogs in Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Search Criteria
  • United States Department of Veterans Affairs