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Search Results
Mauldin, Patrick
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Mauldin, Patrick
Item Type
Academic Article
A study on the cost-effectiveness of coronary revascularization: introducing the simultaneous mimic health status model.
Academic Article
A prospective randomized trial comparing the benefits and limitations of 6Fr and 8Fr guiding catheters in elective coronary angioplasty: clinical, procedural, angiographic, and economic end points.
Academic Article
Applying the resource-based relative value scale to the Emory angioplasty versus surgery trial.
Academic Article
Determining patient utility following coronary revascularization.
Academic Article
The systems, the operators, the patients: the impact of PTCA equipment on health care cost.
Academic Article
A prospective randomized trial of 0.010" versus 0.014" balloon PTCA systems and interventional fellow versus attending physician as primary operator in elective PTCA: economic, technical, and clinical end points.
Academic Article
Economic winners and losers after introduction of an effective new therapy depend on the type of payment system.
Academic Article
A comparison of self-selectivity corrections in economic evaluations and outcomes research.
Academic Article
Costs of revascularization over eight years in the randomized and eligible patients in the Emory Angioplasty versus Surgery Trial (EAST).
Academic Article
Publications concerning costs of various cardiovascular procedures and drugs.
Academic Article
A comparison of the costs of and quality of life after coronary angioplasty or coronary surgery for multivessel coronary artery disease. Results from the Emory Angioplasty Versus Surgery Trial (EAST).
Academic Article
Cost and therapeutic modification of intracoronary ultrasound-assisted coronary angioplasty.
Angioplasty, Balloon, Coronary
Search Criteria
Angioplasty Balloon