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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Nemeth, Lynne
overview Dr. Lynne Nemeth is a Professor in the College of Nursing, and a Nurse Researcher at the Medical University Hospital Authority. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in nursing from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, her Master of Science degree from Boston College as a Clinical Nurse Specialist, and her doctoral degree from the Medical University of South Carolina, in Nursing Science. With a diverse career in nursing, Dr. Nemeth has extensive clinical, educational, administrative and research experience. Dr. Nemeth came to MUSC in 1999 as director for Outcomes Management, Research and Development, where she provided leadership for case management, social work, outcomes and quality, home care, clinical education, interpreter services, lactation consultation and diabetes education. Her clinical areas of interest have developed broadly from opportunities to practice in critical care, emergency, trauma, neuroscience, outcomes and case management. Dr. Nemeth has authored and co-authored numerous journal articles, book chapters, and has made presentations at national, international societies and professional organizations she has been affiliated with. As a reviewer for several journals, she has also served on the editorial boards for Outcomes Management and Perspectives in Health Information Management, and has been a guest issue editor for Topics in Health Information Management four times. Dr. Nemeth has led numerous quality initiatives over the past decade, including clinical pathway and coordinated care development and implementation, medication safety, discharge planning and hospital patient flow, documentation systems improvement, assessment of cultural competence and assessment of magnet hospital nursing standards. Dr. Nemeth developed a Clinical Nurse Scholars Fellowship program for clinical nurses at the Medical University Hospital Authority in collaboration with Dr. Charlene Pope and clinical nurses at the Ralph H. Johnson Veterans Administration Medical Center. This program has mentored clinical nurses through the research process. Dr. Nemeth’s current and recent research is focused on translation of research into practice. She is currently principal investigator for “Synthesizing Lessons Learned Using Health Information Technology” [AHRQ]. She recently served as project director for the study “Implementation and Evaluation of Standing Orders Using Health Information Technology” [AHRQ], and was co-investigator on “Colorectal Cancer Screening in Primary Care” [NCI]. She is concluding the study “Medication Safety in Primary Care-Translating Research into Practice” [AHRQ] and continues as co-investigator on “Implementation of Alcohol Screening, Intervention and Treatment in Primary Care” [NIAAA] and “Reducing Inappropriate Antibiotic Use” [AHRQ] within PPRNet, a primary care research network of practices that use the Practice Partnerª electronic health record. Dr. Nemeth’s area of focus is on implementation science and developing the interdisciplinary team role and leadership skills in primary care practices.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Nemeth, Lynne
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  • Social Work