Item Type | Name |
Academic Article
Measuring individual differences in change with multidimensional Rasch models.
Academic Article
Population comparison of two clinical approaches to the metabolic syndrome: implications of the new International Diabetes Federation consensus definition.
Academic Article
Trends in hospital admissions and mortality from asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Australia, 1993-2003.
Academic Article
Cohort Profile: The North West Adelaide Health Study (NWAHS).
Academic Article
Untreated hypertension: prevalence and patient factors and beliefs associated with under-treatment in a population sample.
Academic Article
Cardiovascular disease risk associated with asthma and respiratory morbidity might be mediated by short-acting beta2-agonists.
Academic Article
Independent association of HbA(1c) and incident cardiovascular disease in people without diabetes.
Academic Article
Gender differences in asthma prevalence: variations with socioeconomic disadvantage.
Academic Article
Risks associated with low functional health literacy in an Australian population.
South Australia
Academic Article
The Australian baby boomer population--factors influencing changes to health-related quality of life over time.
Academic Article
Public open spaces and walking for recreation: moderation by attributes of pedestrian environments.
Academic Article
Do people with risky behaviours participate in biomedical cohort studies?
Academic Article
Trends in asthma prevalence and population changes in South Australia, 1990-2003.
Academic Article
Weighting of the data and analytical approaches may account for differences in overcoming the inadequate representativeness of the respondents to the third wave of a cohort study.
Academic Article
Functional health literacy mediates the relationship between socio-economic status, perceptions and lifestyle behaviors related to cancer risk in an Australian population.
Academic Article
Cohort profile: The men androgen inflammation lifestyle environment and stress (MAILES) study.
Academic Article
Area-level socioeconomic characteristics, prevalence and trajectories of cardiometabolic risk.
Academic Article
Validation of continuous clinical indices of cardiometabolic risk in a cohort of Australian adults.
Academic Article
Food environment, walkability, and public open spaces are associated with incident development of cardio-metabolic risk factors in a biomedical cohort.
Academic Article
Vitamin D levels in an Australian population.
Academic Article
Nocturnal Hypoxemia and Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea are Associated with Incident Type 2 Diabetes in a Population Cohort of Men.
Academic Article
Effects of area deprivation on health risks and outcomes: a multilevel, cross-sectional, Australian population study.
Academic Article
Geographic Clustering of Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Metropolitan Centres in France and Australia.
Academic Article
Predictive value of serum testosterone for type 2 diabetes risk assessment in men.
Academic Article
Lung function reductions associated with motor vehicle density in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a cross-sectional study.
Academic Article
Associations of Undiagnosed Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Excessive Daytime Sleepiness With Depression: An Australian Population Study.
Academic Article
The relationship between functional health literacy and obstructive sleep apnea and its related risk factors and comorbidities in a population cohort of men.
Academic Article
Hypertension Is Associated With Undiagnosed OSA During Rapid Eye Movement Sleep.
Academic Article
Sleep health of Australian adults in 2016: results of the 2016 Sleep Health Foundation national survey.
Academic Article
Sickness absenteeism is associated with sleep problems independent of sleep disorders: results of the 2016 Sleep Health Foundation national survey.
Academic Article
Prevalence and comorbidity of sleep conditions in Australian adults: 2016 Sleep Health Foundation national survey.
Academic Article
Frailty state transitions and associated factors in South Australian older adults.
Academic Article
Cholesterol-lowering therapy and the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme: a population study.
Academic Article
Higher Serum Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin Levels Are Associated With Incident Cardiovascular Disease in Men.
Academic Article
Association of metabolic phenotypes, grip strength and diabetes risk: The 15-year follow-up of The North West Adelaide Health Study, Australia.
Academic Article
Sociodemographic, lifestyle and metabolic predictors of all-cause mortality in a cohort of community-dwelling population: an 18-year follow-up of the North West Adelaide Health Study.
Academic Article
Frequency, trends and institutional variation in 30-day all-cause mortality and unplanned readmissions following hospitalisation for heart failure in Australia and New Zealand.