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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Schlosser, Rodney
overview Rodney J. Schlosser, M.D., is the director of Rhinology and Sinus Surgery at The Nose & Sinus Center and is currently the only fellowship-trained adult and pediatric sinus surgeon in the state of South Carolina. After graduating from the US Military Academy at West Point and serving four years of active military duty in the US Army, Dr. Schlosser received his medical degree from the Mayo Clinic. He then completed his ENT residency at the University of Virginia where he trained under the mentorship of Charles W. Gross, MD, a nationally recognized sinus surgeon and pediatric otolaryngologist. After his residency, Dr. Schlosser completed an additional year of study during a fellowship devoted exclusively to the treatment of advanced sinus disease at the University of Pennsylvania with David W. Kennedy, MD, one of the premiere sinus surgeons in the world. Dr. Schlosser has written more than 70 articles and chapters dealing with sinus and nasal topics and regularly travels around the world to speak and teach courses on the latest techniques in endoscopic sinus surgery and computerized image-guided surgery. Dr. Schlosser focuses primarily on difficult adult and pediatric sinus cases, nasal obstruction, revision surgeries, sinonasal tumors, encephaloceles/cerebrospinal fluid leaks, severe nasal polyposis, smell and taste disorders, and congenital nasal disorders.
Search Criteria
  • Reoperation