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Search Results
Schoepf, U.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Schoepf, U.
Item Type
Academic Article
Comparative effectiveness research in cardiovascular imaging survival of the fittest?
Academic Article
Coronary computed tomography angiography in patients with chronic chest pain: systematic review of evidence base and cost-effectiveness.
Academic Article
Imaging evaluation of acute chest pain: systematic review of evidence base and cost-effectiveness.
Academic Article
Diagnosing acute pulmonary embolism: systematic review of evidence base and cost-effectiveness of imaging tests.
Academic Article
CT pulmonary angiography for acute pulmonary embolism: cost-effectiveness analysis and review of the literature.
Academic Article
Cardiac CT in the assessment of acute chest pain in the emergency department.
Academic Article
Cost-effectiveness of substituting dual-energy CT for SPECT in the assessment of myocardial perfusion for the workup of coronary artery disease.
Academic Article
Coronary computed tomography and triple rule out CT in patients with acute chest pain and an intermediate cardiac risk for acute coronary syndrome: part 2: economic aspects.
Academic Article
Evidence-base and cost-effectiveness of cardiothoracic imaging.
Costs and Cost Analysis
Cost Savings
Health Care Costs
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Hospital Costs
Academic Article
Coronary computed tomographic angiography in clinical practice: state of the art.
Academic Article
Current and future applications of CT coronary calcium assessment.
Academic Article
Design of CTP-PRO study (impact of stress Cardiac computed Tomography myocardial Perfusion on downstream resources and PROgnosis in patients with suspected or known coronary artery disease: A multicenter international study).
Academic Article
Assessing the value of coronary artery computed tomography as the first-line anatomical test for stable patients with indications for invasive angiography due to suspected coronary artery disease. Initial cost analysis in the CAT-CAD randomized trial.
Academic Article
In-Hospital Cost Comparison of Triple-Rule-Out Computed Tomography Angiography Versus Standard of Care in Patients With Acute Chest Pain.
Search Criteria
Costs and Cost Analysis