Item Type | Name |
Academic Article
Electrocardiographically gated thin-section CT of the lung.
Academic Article
[Imaging of the thorax with multislice spiral CT].
Academic Article
Helical and single-slice conventional CT versus electron beam CT for the quantification of coronary artery calcification.
Academic Article
Segmental and subsegmental pulmonary arteries: evaluation with electron-beam versus spiral CT.
Academic Article
[Initial experiences with multi-slice detector spiral CT in diagnosis of arteriosclerosis of coronary vessels].
Academic Article
Coronary artery calcium measurement: agreement of multirow detector and electron beam CT.
Academic Article
Multislice helical CT of focal and diffuse lung disease: comprehensive diagnosis with reconstruction of contiguous and high-resolution CT sections from a single thin-collimation scan.
Academic Article
[Methods of quantification of coronary artery calcifications with electron-beam and conventional computed tomography].
Academic Article
Detection and quantification of coronary artery calcification with electron-beam and conventional CT.
Academic Article
Multiplanar reformat display technique in abdominal multidetector row CT imaging.
Academic Article
CT angiography for diagnosis of pulmonary embolism: state of the art.
Academic Article
Right ventricular enlargement on chest computed tomography: prognostic role in acute pulmonary embolism.
Academic Article
Images in cardiovascular medicine. Isolated subsegmental pulmonary embolus diagnosed by multidetector-row computed tomography.
Academic Article
Optimized image reconstruction for detection of deep venous thrombosis at multidetector-row CT venography.
Academic Article
64 slice cardiovascular CT in the emergency department: concepts and first experiences.
Academic Article
Acute abdomen: Added diagnostic value of coronal reformations with 64-slice multidetector row computed tomography.
Academic Article
Pulmonary embolism: comprehensive diagnosis by using electron-beam CT for detection of emboli and assessment of pulmonary blood flow.
Academic Article
Coronary CTA: image acquisition and interpretation.
Academic Article
Does two-segment image reconstruction at 64-section CT coronary angiography improve image quality and diagnostic accuracy?
Academic Article
Significant coronary artery stenosis: comparison on per-patient and per-vessel or per-segment basis at 64-section CT angiography.
Academic Article
Pulmonary embolism: computer-aided detection at multidetector row spiral computed tomography.
Academic Article
Right heart: split-bolus injection of diluted contrast medium for visualization at coronary CT angiography.
Academic Article
Iso-osmolality versus low-osmolality iodinated contrast medium at intravenous contrast-enhanced CT: effect on kidney function.
Academic Article
Coronary artery plaque formation at coronary CT angiography: morphological analysis and relationship to hemodynamics.
Academic Article
Subsegmental pulmonary emboli: improved detection with thin-collimation multi-detector row spiral CT.
Academic Article
Coronary CT angiography: automatic cardiac-phase selection for image reconstruction.
Academic Article
[Coronary CT angiography using prospective ECG triggering: high diagnostic accuracy with low radiation dose].
Academic Article
Adenosine-stress dynamic myocardial CT perfusion imaging: initial clinical experience.
Academic Article
[Comprehensive assessment of coronary disease using perfusion CT with pharmacologically induced stress].
Academic Article
High-temporal resolution dual-energy computed tomography of the heart using a novel hybrid image reconstruction algorithm: initial experience.
Academic Article
Coronary artery calcium: absolute quantification in nonenhanced and contrast-enhanced multi-detector row CT studies.
Academic Article
Radiation dose at coronary CT angiography: second-generation dual-source CT versus single-source 64-MDCT and first-generation dual-source CT.
Academic Article
Optimization of contrast material delivery for dual-energy computed tomography pulmonary angiography in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism.
Academic Article
Can non-calcified coronary artery plaques be detected on non-contrast CT calcium scoring studies?
Academic Article
Coronary atherosclerosis in African American and white patients with acute chest pain: characterization with coronary CT angiography.
Academic Article
Iterative image reconstruction techniques: Applications for cardiac CT.
Academic Article
Functional imaging of lung cancer using dual energy CT: how does iodine related attenuation correlate with standardized uptake value of 18FDG-PET-CT?
Academic Article
Comparison of image quality and radiation dose of different pulmonary CTA protocols on a 128-slice CT: high-pitch dual source CT, dual energy CT and conventional spiral CT.
Academic Article
Contrast-enhanced dual-energy CT of gastrointestinal stromal tumors: is iodine-related attenuation a potential indicator of tumor response?
Academic Article
Apicoaortic Conduits, an innovative solution to difficult aortic stenosis: the MUSC Experience.
Academic Article
CT detection of myocardial blood volume deficits: dual-energy CT compared with single-energy CT spectra.
Academic Article
Patient management after noninvasive cardiac imaging results from SPARC (Study of myocardial perfusion and coronary anatomy imaging roles in coronary artery disease).
Academic Article
CT detection of pulmonary embolism and aortic dissection.
Academic Article
Adenosine-stress dynamic myocardial perfusion imaging with second-generation dual-source CT: comparison with conventional catheter coronary angiography and SPECT nuclear myocardial perfusion imaging.
Academic Article
Prognostic value of perfusion defect volume at dual energy CTA in patients with pulmonary embolism: correlation with CTA obstruction scores, CT parameters of right ventricular dysfunction and adverse clinical outcome.
Academic Article
Potential of right to left ventricular volume ratio measured on chest CT for the prediction of pulmonary hypertension: correlation with pulmonary arterial systolic pressure estimated by echocardiography.
Academic Article
Image quality and radiation dose of low dose coronary CT angiography in obese patients: sinogram affirmed iterative reconstruction versus filtered back projection.
Academic Article
Quantification of coronary artery calcium on the basis of dual-energy coronary CT angiography.
Academic Article
Coronary CT angiography versus conventional cardiac angiography for therapeutic decision making in patients with high likelihood of coronary artery disease.
Academic Article
CT coronary angiography: image quality with sinogram-affirmed iterative reconstruction compared with filtered back-projection.
Academic Article
Fully automated derivation of coronary artery calcium scores and cardiovascular risk assessment from contrast medium-enhanced coronary CT angiography studies.
Academic Article
Radiation dose and image quality at high-pitch CT angiography of the aorta: intraindividual and interindividual comparisons with conventional CT angiography.
Academic Article
Can coronary artery anomalies be detected on CT calcium scoring studies?
Academic Article
Progression of arterial stiffness and coronary atherosclerosis: longitudinal evaluation by cardiac CT.
Academic Article
Ex vivo coronary atherosclerotic plaque characterization with multi-detector-row CT.
Academic Article
Dual-energy CT lung ventilation/perfusion imaging for diagnosing pulmonary embolism.
Academic Article
Atherosclerotic plaque burden in cocaine users with acute chest pain: analysis by coronary computed tomography angiography.
Academic Article
Predictive value of zero calcium score and low-end percentiles for the presence of significant coronary artery stenosis in stable patients with suspected coronary artery disease.
Academic Article
Optimal contrast application for cardiac 4-detector-row computed tomography.
Academic Article
Electrocardiographically gated 16-section CT of the thorax: cardiac motion suppression.
Academic Article
Right ventricular enlargement on chest computed tomography: a predictor of early death in acute pulmonary embolism.
Academic Article
CT measurement of coronary calcium mass: impact on global cardiac risk assessment.
Academic Article
Spiral computed tomography is the first-line chest imaging test for acute pulmonary embolism: yes.
Academic Article
Chest CT assessment following thrombolysis or surgical embolectomy for acute pulmonary embolism.
Academic Article
Computer-aided diagnosis as a second reader: spectrum of findings in CT studies of the chest interpreted as normal.
Academic Article
Multidetector CT of the paranasal sinus: potential for radiation dose reduction.
Academic Article
Iodinated contrast media: effect of osmolarity and injection temperature on erythrocyte morphology in vitro.
Academic Article
Dual-energy CT of the heart for diagnosing coronary artery stenosis and myocardial ischemia-initial experience.
Academic Article
Integrated assessment of coronary anatomy and myocardial perfusion using a retractable SPECT camera combined with 64-slice CT: initial experience.
Academic Article
Images in cardiology: Dual-energy computed tomography imaging of myocardial infarction.
Academic Article
New-onset heart failure caused by spontaneous papillary muscle rupture: diagnosis with dual-source computed tomographic coronary angiography.
Academic Article
Impact of right ventricular contrast attenuation on the accuracy of right ventricular function analysis at cardiac multi-detector-row CT.
Academic Article
Reproducibility of automated noncalcified coronary artery plaque burden assessment at coronary CT angiography.
Academic Article
Comparison of dual-energy computed tomography of the heart with single photon emission computed tomography for assessment of coronary artery stenosis and of the myocardial blood supply.
Academic Article
Cardiac CT in the assessment of acute chest pain in the emergency department.
Academic Article
Noncalcified atherosclerotic plaque burden at coronary CT angiography: a better predictor of ischemia at stress myocardial perfusion imaging than calcium score and stenosis severity.
Academic Article
Correlation of regional distribution and morphological pattern of calcification at CT coronary artery calcium scoring with non-calcified plaque formation and stenosis.
Academic Article
Automated computer-aided stenosis detection at coronary CT angiography: initial experience.
Academic Article
Leukocyte telomere length and coronary artery calcification.
Academic Article
Relationship between coronary artery disease and epicardial adipose tissue quantification at cardiac CT: comparison between automatic volumetric measurement and manual bidimensional estimation.
Academic Article
Adenosine-stress dynamic myocardial volume perfusion imaging with second generation dual-source computed tomography: Concepts and first experiences.
Academic Article
Intra-atrial course of the right coronary artery demonstrated at computed tomography coronary angiography.
Academic Article
Effect of healthy lifestyle behaviors on the association between leukocyte telomere length and coronary artery calcium.
Academic Article
Attenuation-based characterization of coronary atherosclerotic plaque: comparison of dual source and dual energy CT with single-source CT and histopathology.
Academic Article
Hemodynamic assessment of severe aortic stenosis: MRI evaluation of dynamic changes of vena contracta.
Academic Article
64-slice multidetector-row computed tomography in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease: interobserver agreement among radiologists with varied levels of experience on a per-patient and per-segment basis.
Academic Article
Adenosine-stress dynamic real-time myocardial perfusion CT and adenosine-stress first-pass dual-energy myocardial perfusion CT for the assessment of acute chest pain: initial results.
Academic Article
Radiation-related cancer risks in a clinical patient population undergoing cardiac CT.
Academic Article
Cost-effectiveness of substituting dual-energy CT for SPECT in the assessment of myocardial perfusion for the workup of coronary artery disease.
Academic Article
A clinical prediction rule for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease: validation, updating, and extension.
Academic Article
Dual energy CT pulmonary blood volume assessment in acute pulmonary embolism - correlation with D-dimer level, right heart strain and clinical outcome.
Academic Article
Accuracy of coronary artery stenosis detection with CT versus conventional coronary angiography compared with composite findings from both tests as an enhanced reference standard.
Academic Article
Coronary CT angiography: image quality, diagnostic accuracy, and potential for radiation dose reduction using a novel iterative image reconstruction technique-comparison with traditional filtered back projection.
Academic Article
Evaluation of heavily calcified vessels with coronary CT angiography: comparison of iterative and filtered back projection image reconstruction.
Academic Article
Quantification of left and right ventricular function and myocardial mass: comparison of low-radiation dose 2nd generation dual-source CT and cardiac MRI.
Academic Article
CT signs of right ventricular dysfunction: prognostic role in acute pulmonary embolism.
Academic Article
Reproducibility of left and right ventricular mass measurements with cardiac CT.
Academic Article
Pulmonary embolism: CT signs and cardiac biomarkers for predicting right ventricular dysfunction.
Academic Article
Impact of ventricular contrast medium attenuation on the accuracy of left and right ventricular function analysis at cardiac multi detector-row CT compared with cardiac MRI.
Academic Article
Prediction model to estimate presence of coronary artery disease: retrospective pooled analysis of existing cohorts.
Academic Article
Coronary computed tomography and triple rule out CT in patients with acute chest pain and an intermediate cardiac risk profile. Part 1: impact on patient management.
Academic Article
Interplatform reproducibility of CT coronary calcium scoring software.
Academic Article
Incremental prognostic value of different components of coronary atherosclerotic plaque at cardiac CT angiography beyond coronary calcification in patients with acute chest pain.
Academic Article
Coronary computed tomography and triple rule out CT in patients with acute chest pain and an intermediate cardiac risk for acute coronary syndrome: part 2: economic aspects.
Academic Article
Independent association between obstructive sleep apnea and noncalcified coronary plaque demonstrated by noninvasive coronary computed tomography angiography.
Academic Article
Coronary CT angiography: comparison of a novel iterative reconstruction with filtered back projection for reconstruction of low-dose CT-Initial experience.
Academic Article
Influence of observer experience and training on proficiency in coronary CT angiography interpretation.
Academic Article
Diagnostic performance evaluation of a computer-aided simple triage system for coronary CT angiography in patients with intermediate risk for acute coronary syndrome.
Academic Article
Impact of iodine delivery rate with varying flow rates on image quality in dual-energy CT of patients with suspected pulmonary embolism.
Middle Aged
Academic Article
Detection of coronary artery stenosis with sub-milliSievert radiation dose by prospectively ECG-triggered high-pitch spiral CT angiography and iterative reconstruction.
Academic Article
Magnetic resonance myocardial perfusion imaging at 3.0 Tesla for the identification of myocardial ischaemia: comparison with coronary catheter angiography and fractional flow reserve measurements.
Academic Article
Dynamic CT myocardial perfusion imaging: performance of 3D semi-automated evaluation software.
Academic Article
128-slice acceletated-pitch dual energy CT angiography of the head and neck: comparison of different low contrast medium volumes.
Academic Article
Iterative reconstruction to preserve image quality and diagnostic accuracy at reduced radiation dose in coronary CT angiography: an intraindividual comparison.
Academic Article
Congenital anomalies of coronary arteries in complex congenital heart disease: diagnosis and analysis with dual-source CT.
Academic Article
Reproducibility of noncalcified coronary artery plaque burden quantification from coronary CT angiography across different image analysis platforms.
Academic Article
Automated quantification of epicardial adipose tissue using CT angiography: evaluation of a prototype software.
Academic Article
Comparison of epicardial fat volume by computed tomography in black versus white patients with acute chest pain.
Academic Article
Comparison of the effect of iterative reconstruction versus filtered back projection on cardiac CT postprocessing.
Academic Article
Iterative image reconstruction techniques for CT coronary artery calcium quantification: comparison with traditional filtered back projection in vitro and in vivo.
Academic Article
First-arterial-pass dual-energy CT for assessment of myocardial blood supply: do we need rest, stress, and delayed acquisition? Comparison with SPECT.
Academic Article
Diagnostic accuracy of coronary CT angiography: comparison of filtered back projection and iterative reconstruction with different strengths.
Academic Article
Coronary artery computed tomography scanning.
Academic Article
Prevalence and types of coronary to pulmonary artery fistula in a Chinese population at dual-source CT coronary angiography.
Academic Article
Feasibility of prospectively ECG-triggered high-pitch coronary CT angiography with 30 mL iodinated contrast agent at 70 kVp: initial experience.
Academic Article
Low tube voltage and low contrast material volume cerebral CT angiography.
Academic Article
Differences in coronary artery disease by CT angiography between patients developing unstable angina pectoris vs. major adverse cardiac events.
Academic Article
Global quantification of left ventricular myocardial perfusion at dynamic CT: feasibility in a multicenter patient population.
Academic Article
Closing in on the K edge: coronary CT angiography at 100, 80, and 70 kV-initial comparison of a second- versus a third-generation dual-source CT system.
Academic Article
Image quality and radiation dose of lower extremity CT angiography using 70 kVp, high pitch acquisition and sinogram-affirmed iterative reconstruction.
Academic Article
CT dose reduction using prospectively triggered or fast-pitch spiral technique employed in cardiothoracic imaging (the CT dose study).
Academic Article
Incremental value of pharmacological stress cardiac dual-energy CT over coronary CT angiography alone for the assessment of coronary artery disease in a high-risk population.
Academic Article
Reduced radiation dose and improved image quality at cardiovascular CT angiography by automated attenuation-based tube voltage selection: intra-individual comparison.
Academic Article
Radiation risks from cardiovascular imaging tests.
Academic Article
Comparison of diagnostic value of a novel noninvasive coronary computed tomography angiography method versus standard coronary angiography for assessing fractional flow reserve.
Academic Article
Giant left ventricular pseudoaneurysm as a complication after mitral valve replacement surgery.
Academic Article
High-pitch coronary CT angiography at 70 kVp with low contrast medium volume: comparison of 80 and 100 kVp high-pitch protocols.
Academic Article
Invasive cardiac aspergillosis with postinfectious left ventricular aneurysm in a patient with acute myeloid leukemia.
Academic Article
Application of an Advanced Image-Based Virtual Monoenergetic Reconstruction of Dual Source Dual-Energy CT Data at Low keV Increases Image Quality for Routine Pancreas Imaging.
Academic Article
Prognostic value of epicardial fat volume measurements by computed tomography: a systematic review of the literature.
Academic Article
Monoenergetic extrapolation of cardiac dual energy CT for artifact reduction.
Academic Article
Transient Ischemic Dilation of the Left Ventricle on SPECT: Correlation with Findings at Coronary CT Angiography.
Academic Article
Pulmonary embolism and renal vein thrombosis in patients with nephrotic syndrome: prospective evaluation of prevalence and risk factors with CT.
Academic Article
Computer-aided stenosis detection at coronary CT angiography: effect on performance of readers with different experience levels.
Academic Article
Coronary CT angiography-derived fractional flow reserve correlated with invasive fractional flow reserve measurements--initial experience with a novel physician-driven algorithm.
Academic Article
Coronary In-Stent Restenosis: Assessment with Corrected Coronary Opacification Difference across Coronary Stents Measured with CT Angiography.
Academic Article
Radiation dose and image quality of 70 kVp cerebral CT angiography with optimized sinogram-affirmed iterative reconstruction: comparison with 120 kVp cerebral CT angiography.
Academic Article
Predictive Value of Computed Tomography in Acute Pulmonary Embolism: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Academic Article
Coronary computed tomographic angiography in clinical practice: state of the art.
Academic Article
Seventy-Peak Kilovoltage High-Pitch Thoracic Aortic CT Angiography without ECG Gating: Evaluation of Image Quality and Radiation Dose.
Academic Article
Diagnostic value of quantitative stenosis predictors with coronary CT angiography compared to invasive fractional flow reserve.
Academic Article
Absolute Versus Relative Myocardial Blood Flow by Dynamic CT Myocardial Perfusion Imaging in Patients With Anatomic Coronary Artery Disease.
Academic Article
Mammographic detection of breast arterial calcification as an independent predictor of coronary atherosclerotic disease in a single ethnic cohort of African American women.
Academic Article
Dual-energy CT of the pancreas: improved carcinoma-to-pancreas contrast with a noise-optimized monoenergetic reconstruction algorithm.
Academic Article
Prospectively ECG-Triggered Sequential Dual-Source Coronary CT Angiography in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: Influence of Heart Rate on Image Quality and Evaluation of Diagnostic Accuracy.
Academic Article
Myocardial Late Gadolinium Enhancement: Accuracy of T1 Mapping-based Synthetic Inversion-Recovery Imaging.
Academic Article
Clinical feasibility of a myocardial signal intensity threshold-based semi-automated cardiac magnetic resonance segmentation method.
Academic Article
Comparison of quantitative stenosis characteristics at routine coronary computed tomography angiography with invasive fractional flow reserve for assessing lesion-specific ischemia.
Academic Article
Image quality, radiation dose, and diagnostic accuracy of prospectively ECG-triggered high-pitch coronary CT angiography at 70?kVp in a clinical setting: comparison with invasive coronary angiography.
Academic Article
Dual-Energy Computed Tomography Angiography of the Lower Extremity Runoff: Impact of Noise-Optimized Virtual Monochromatic Imaging on Image Quality and Diagnostic Accuracy.
Academic Article
Contrast-Induced Nephropathy.
Academic Article
Coronary CT angiography in obese patients using 3(rd) generation dual-source CT: effect of body mass index on image quality.
Academic Article
Computed Tomography-Derived Parameters of Myocardial Morphology and Function in Black and White Patients With Acute Chest Pain.
Academic Article
Semiautomated Global Quantification of Left Ventricular Myocardial Perfusion at Stress Dynamic CT:: Diagnostic Accuracy for Detection of Territorial Myocardial Perfusion Deficits Compared to Visual Assessment.
Academic Article
Optimization of window settings for virtual monoenergetic imaging in dual-energy CT of the liver: A multi-reader evaluation of standard monoenergetic and advanced imaged-based monoenergetic datasets.
Academic Article
Coronary CT angiography derived morphological and functional quantitative plaque markers correlated with invasive fractional flow reserve for detecting hemodynamically significant stenosis.
Academic Article
Effect of automated tube voltage selection, integrated circuit detector and advanced iterative reconstruction on radiation dose and image quality of 3rd generation dual-source aortic CT angiography: An intra-individual comparison.
Academic Article
Virtual unenhanced imaging of the liver with third-generation dual-source dual-energy CT and advanced modeled iterative reconstruction.
Academic Article
Coronary CT angiography-derived quantitative markers for predicting in-stent restenosis.
Academic Article
Prognostic implications of coronary CT angiography-derived quantitative markers for the prediction of major adverse cardiac events.
Academic Article
Automated tube voltage selection for radiation dose and contrast medium reduction at coronary CT angiography using 3(rd) generation dual-source CT.
Academic Article
A noise-optimized virtual monochromatic reconstruction algorithm improves stent visualization and diagnostic accuracy for detection of in-stent re-stenosis in lower extremity run-off CT angiography.
Academic Article
Correction Factors for CT Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring Using Advanced Modeled Iterative Reconstruction Instead of Filtered Back Projection.
Academic Article
Can dual-energy computed tomography improve visualization of hypoenhancing liver lesions in portal venous phase? Assessment of advanced image-based virtual monoenergetic images.
Academic Article
Correlation and predictive value of aortic root calcification markers with coronary artery calcification and obstructive coronary artery disease.
Academic Article
Accuracy and Radiation Dose Reduction Using Low-Voltage Computed Tomography Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring With Tin Filtration.
Academic Article
Coronary artery assessment using self-navigated free-breathing radial whole-heart magnetic resonance angiography in patients with congenital heart disease.
Academic Article
Advanced Cardiac Imaging in Adults With Congenital Heart Disease: The Great Wave.
Academic Article
Altered Amygdala Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Maintenance Hemodialysis End-Stage Renal Disease Patients with Depressive Mood.
Academic Article
Single- and dual-energy CT of the abdomen: comparison of radiation dose and image quality of 2nd and 3rd generation dual-source CT.
Academic Article
Diagnostic accuracy of coronary CT angiography using 3rd-generation dual-source CT and automated tube voltage selection: Clinical application in a non-obese and obese patient population.
Academic Article
T(Rho) and magnetization transfer and INvErsion recovery (TRAMINER)-prepared imaging: A novel contrast-enhanced flow-independent dark-blood technique for the evaluation of myocardial late gadolinium enhancement in patients with myocardial infarction.
Academic Article
Radiation Optimized Dual-source Dual-energy Computed Tomography Pulmonary Angiography: Intra-individual and Inter-individual Comparison.
Academic Article
Prognostic value of CT-derived left atrial and left ventricular measures in patients with acute chest pain.
Academic Article
Intra-individual comparison of CAIPIRINHA VIBE technique with conventional VIBE sequences in contrast-enhanced MRI of focal liver lesions.
Academic Article
Optimal timing of image acquisition for arterial first pass CT myocardial perfusion imaging.
Academic Article
Effect of inversion time on the precision of myocardial late gadolinium enhancement quantification evaluated with synthetic inversion recovery MR imaging.
Academic Article
Accuracy of Noncontrast Quiescent-Interval Single-Shot Lower Extremity MR Angiography Versus CT?Angiography for Diagnosis of Peripheral Artery Disease: Comparison With Digital Subtraction Angiography.
Academic Article
Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography-Derived Plaque Quantification in Patients With Acute Coronary?Syndrome.
Academic Article
Coronary artery calcium in breast cancer survivors after radiation therapy.
Academic Article
Predictive value of perfusion defects on dual energy CTA in the absence of thromboembolic clots.
Academic Article
High-pitch computed tomography pulmonary angiography with iterative reconstruction at 80 kVp and 20 mL contrast agent volume.
Academic Article
Squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue with metastasis to the right ventricle.
Academic Article
Comparison of Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography-Derived vs Invasive Fractional Flow Reserve Assessment: Meta-Analysis with Subgroup Evaluation of Intermediate Stenosis.
Academic Article
Ultralow-radiation-dose chest CT: accuracy for lung densitometry and emphysema detection.
Academic Article
Fractional flow reserve derived by coronary computed tomography angiography : A?sophisticated analysis method for detecting hemodynamically significant coronary stenosis.
Academic Article
Effect of reduced x-ray tube voltage, low iodine concentration contrast medium, and sinogram-affirmed iterative reconstruction on image quality and radiation dose at coronary CT angiography: results of the prospective multicenter REALISE trial.
Academic Article
Cardiac CTA for Evaluation of Prosthetic?Valve?Dysfunction.
Academic Article
Performance of Automated Software in the Assessment of Segmental Left Ventricular Function in Cardiac CT: Comparison with Cardiac Magnetic Resonance.
Academic Article
Radiation Dose Levels of Retrospectively ECG-Gated Coronary CT Angiography Using 70-kVp Tube Voltage in Patients with High or Irregular Heart Rates.
Academic Article
Global quantification of left ventricular myocardial perfusion at dynamic CT imaging: Prognostic value.
Academic Article
Prognostic Value of Stress Dynamic Myocardial Perfusion CT in a Multicenter Population With Known or Suspected Coronary Artery Disease.
Academic Article
Prospectively ECG-triggered high-pitch 80?kVp coronary computed tomography angiography with 30?mL of 270?mg I/mL contrast material and iterative reconstruction.
Academic Article
Virtual Monoenergetic Imaging and Iodine Perfusion Maps Improve Diagnostic Accuracy of Dual-Energy Computed Tomography Pulmonary Angiography With Suboptimal Contrast Attenuation.
Academic Article
Technical Feasibility of a Combined Noncontrast Magnetic Resonance Protocol for Preoperative Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Evaluation.
Academic Article
CT coronary calcium scoring with tin filtration using iterative beam-hardening calcium correction reconstruction.
Academic Article
70-kVp High-pitch Computed Tomography Pulmonary Angiography with 40 mL Contrast Agent: Initial Experience.
Academic Article
Small Intracranial Aneurysms: Diagnostic Accuracy of CT Angiography.
Academic Article
Non-Electrocardiogram-Triggered 70-kVp High-Pitch Computed Tomography Angiography of the Whole Aorta With Iterative Reconstruction: Initial Results.
Academic Article
Iterative beam-hardening correction with advanced modeled iterative reconstruction in low voltage CT coronary calcium scoring with tin filtration: Impact on coronary artery calcium quantification and image quality.
Academic Article
Iterative reconstruction improves detection of in-stent restenosis by high-pitch dual-source coronary CT angiography.
Academic Article
Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography-Derived Fractional Flow Reserve Based on Machine Learning for Risk Stratification of Non-Culprit Coronary Narrowings in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome.
Academic Article
What is the optimal anatomic location for coronary artery pressure measurement at CT-derived FFR?
Academic Article
Coronary CT Angiography-derived Fractional Flow Reserve.
Academic Article
Prognostic value of coronary atherosclerosis progression evaluated by coronary CT angiography in patients with stable angina.
Academic Article
Quantitative evaluation of beam-hardening artefact correction in dual-energy CT myocardial perfusion imaging.
Academic Article
Heavily Calcified Coronary Arteries: Advanced Calcium Subtraction Improves Luminal Visualization and Diagnostic Confidence in Dual-Energy Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography.
Academic Article
Image quality and radiation dose of lower extremity CT angiography at 70 kVp on an integrated circuit detector dual-source computed tomography.
Academic Article
Re-Establishing Brain Networks in Patients with ESRD after Successful Kidney Transplantation.
Academic Article
Acute kidney injury in patients with nephrotic syndrome undergoing contrast-enhanced CT for suspected venous thromboembolism: a propensity score-matched retrospective cohort study.
Academic Article
Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography-Derived Fractional Flow Reserve for Therapeutic Decision Making.
Academic Article
Diagnostic accuracy of low and high tube voltage coronary CT angiography using an X-ray tube potential-tailored contrast medium injection protocol.
Academic Article
Image quality, radiation dose and diagnostic accuracy of 70 kVp whole brain volumetric CT perfusion imaging: a preliminary study.
Academic Article
Detection and size measurements of pulmonary nodules in ultra-low-dose CT with iterative reconstruction compared to low dose CT.
Academic Article
Quantitative inversion time prescription for myocardial late gadolinium enhancement using T1-mapping-based synthetic inversion recovery imaging: reducing subjectivity in the estimation of inversion time.
Academic Article
High-pitch low-voltage CT coronary artery calcium scoring with tin filtration: accuracy and radiation dose reduction.
Academic Article
A noise-optimized virtual monoenergetic reconstruction algorithm improves the diagnostic accuracy of late hepatic arterial phase dual-energy CT for the detection of hypervascular liver lesions.
Academic Article
Applicability and accuracy of pretest probability calculations implemented in the NICE clinical guideline for decision making about imaging in patients with chest pain of recent onset.
Academic Article
Beam-hardening in 70-kV Coronary CT angiography: Artifact reduction using an advanced post-processing algorithm.
Academic Article
Comparison of the effect of radiation exposure from dual-energy CT versus single-energy CT on double-strand breaks at CT pulmonary angiography.
Academic Article
Coronary CT Angiography-derived Fractional Flow Reserve: Machine Learning Algorithm versus Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling.
Academic Article
Dynamic CT myocardial perfusion imaging identifies early perfusion abnormalities in diabetes and hypertension: Insights from a multicenter registry.
Academic Article
Intermodel agreement of myocardial blood flow estimation from stress-rest myocardial perfusion magnetic resonance imaging in patients with coronary artery disease.
Academic Article
A novel approach for fractional flow reserve derivation from coronary computed tomographic angiography.
Academic Article
Non-contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography: a reliable clinical tool for evaluating transplant renal artery stenosis.
Academic Article
Predictive value of coronary computed tomography angiography in asymptomatic individuals with diabetes mellitus: Systematic review and meta-analysis.
Academic Article
Extracellular volume quantitation using dual-energy CT in patients with heart failure: Comparison with 3T cardiac MR.
Academic Article
Diagnostic yield and accuracy of coronary CT angiography after abnormal nuclear myocardial perfusion imaging.
Academic Article
Diagnostic Accuracy of a Machine-Learning Approach to Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography-Based Fractional Flow Reserve: Result From the MACHINE Consortium.
Academic Article
Association of Serum Lipid Profile With Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography-derived Morphologic and Functional Quantitative Plaque Markers.
Academic Article
The value of Coronary Artery computed Tomography as the first-line anatomical test for stable patients with indications for invasive angiography due to suspected Coronary Artery Disease: CAT-CAD randomized trial.
Academic Article
Feasibility of extracellular volume quantification using dual-energy CT.
Academic Article
Fractional flow reserve derived from CCTA may have a prognostic role in myocardial bridging.
Academic Article
Artificial intelligence machine learning-based coronary CT fractional flow reserve (CT-FFRML): Impact of iterative and filtered back projection reconstruction techniques.
Academic Article
Coronary CT angiography-derived plaque quantification with artificial intelligence CT fractional flow reserve for the identification of lesion-specific ischemia.
Academic Article
Comparison of the Diagnostic Performance of Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography-Derived Fractional Flow Reserve in Patients With Versus Without Diabetes Mellitus (from the MACHINE Consortium).
Academic Article
Intermodel disagreement of myocardial blood flow estimation from dynamic CT perfusion imaging.
Academic Article
Progression of coronary atherosclerotic plaque burden and relationship with adverse cardiovascular event in asymptomatic diabetic patients.
Academic Article
Iodine quantification based on rest / stress perfusion dual energy CT to differentiate ischemic, infarcted and normal myocardium.
Academic Article
Prognostic value of CT myocardial perfusion imaging and CT-derived fractional flow reserve for major adverse cardiac events in patients with coronary artery disease.
Academic Article
Modified calcium subtraction in dual-energy CT angiography of the lower extremity runoff: impact on diagnostic accuracy for stenosis detection.
Academic Article
Machine Learning Using CT-FFR Predicts Proximal Atherosclerotic Plaque Formation Associated With LAD Myocardial Bridging.
Academic Article
Coronary CT angiography radiation dose trends: A 10-year analysis to develop institutional diagnostic reference levels.
Academic Article
Effect of Tube Voltage on Diagnostic Performance of Fractional Flow Reserve Derived From Coronary CT Angiography With Machine Learning: Results From the MACHINE Registry.
Academic Article
Cardiac Computed Tomography for Atrial Fibrillation Patients Undergoing Ablation: Implications for the Prediction of Early Recurrence.
Academic Article
Automated plaque analysis for the prognostication of major adverse cardiac events.
Academic Article
Diagnostic performance of fractional flow reserve derived from coronary CT angiography for detection of lesion-specific ischemia: A multi-center study and meta-analysis.
Academic Article
Correcting versus resolving respiratory motion in free-breathing whole-heart MRA: a comparison in patients with thoracic aortic disease.
Academic Article
CT FFR for Ischemia-Specific CAD With?a?New Computational Fluid Dynamics Algorithm: A Chinese Multicenter Study.
Academic Article
Influence of Coronary Calcium on Diagnostic Performance of Machine Learning CT-FFR: Results From MACHINE Registry.
Academic Article
Impact of Coronary Computerized Tomography Angiography-Derived Plaque Quantification and Machine-Learning Computerized Tomography Fractional Flow Reserve on Adverse Cardiac Outcome.
Academic Article
Gender differences in the diagnostic performance of machine learning coronary CT angiography-derived fractional flow reserve -results from the MACHINE registry.
Academic Article
Myocardial extracellular volume fraction to differentiate healthy from cardiomyopathic myocardium using dual-source dual-energy CT.
Academic Article
Diagnostic Performance of Machine Learning Based CT-FFR in Detecting Ischemia in Myocardial Bridging and Concomitant Proximal Atherosclerotic Disease.
Academic Article
Evaluation of a Deep Learning-Based Automated CT Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring Algorithm.
Academic Article
Assessing the value of coronary artery computed tomography as the first-line anatomical test for stable patients with indications for invasive angiography due to suspected coronary artery disease. Initial cost analysis in the CAT-CAD randomized trial.
Academic Article
Coronary CT angiography derived plaque markers correlated with invasive instantaneous flow reserve for detecting hemodynamically significant coronary stenoses.
Academic Article
Low-kV coronary artery calcium scoring with tin filtration using a kV-independent reconstruction algorithm.
Academic Article
Contrast medium injection protocols for coronary CT angiography: should contrast medium volumes be tailored to body weight or body surface area?
Academic Article
In-Hospital Cost Comparison of Triple-Rule-Out Computed Tomography Angiography Versus Standard of Care in Patients With Acute Chest Pain.
Academic Article
Evaluating a New Contrast Media Injection System in Coronary CT Angiography.
Academic Article
Tube Voltage, DNA Double-Strand Breaks, and Image Quality in Coronary CT Angiography.
Academic Article
Stress Myocardial Perfusion Imaging vs Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography for Diagnosis of Invasive Vessel-Specific Coronary Physiology: Predictive Modeling Results From the Computed Tomographic Evaluation of Atherosclerotic Determinants of Myocardial Ischemia (CREDENCE) Trial.
Academic Article
Predictive Value of Cardiac CTA, Cardiac MRI, and Transthoracic Echocardiography for Cardioembolic Stroke Recurrence.
Academic Article
Evaluation of a Tube Voltage-Tailored Contrast Medium Injection Protocol for Coronary CT Angiography: Results From the Prospective VOLCANIC Study.
Academic Article
Gadobutrol-Enhanced Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Detection of Coronary Artery Disease.
Academic Article
A clinically applicable deep-learning model for detecting intracranial aneurysm in computed tomography angiography images.
Academic Article
How the Workload and Outcome of Imaging Examinations Changed During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown.
Academic Article
CT Angiography-Derived RECHARGE Score Predicts Successful Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Patients with Chronic Total Occlusion.
Academic Article
Measurement accuracy of prototype non-contrast, compressed sensing-based, respiratory motion-resolved whole heart cardiovascular magnetic resonance angiography for the assessment of thoracic aortic dilatation: comparison with computed tomography angiography.
Academic Article
Serial coronary CT angiography-derived fractional flow reserve and plaque progression can predict long-term outcomes of coronary artery disease.
Academic Article
Performance of an Artificial Intelligence-Based Platform Against Clinical Radiology Reports for the Evaluation of Noncontrast Chest CT.
Academic Article
Non-invasive fractional flow reserve (FFRCT) in the evaluation of acute chest pain - Concepts and first experiences.
Academic Article
Assessment of Intramyocardial Fat Content Using Computed Tomography: Is There a Relationship With Obesity?
Academic Article
Prospective Evaluation of the First Integrated Positron Emission Tomography/Dual-Energy Computed Tomography System in Patients With Lung Cancer.
Academic Article
Utilizing Artificial Intelligence to Determine Bone Mineral Density Via Chest Computed Tomography.
Academic Article
Comparison of Artificial Intelligence-Based Fully Automatic Chest CT Emphysema Quantification to Pulmonary Function Testing.
Academic Article
Artificial Intelligence-based Fully Automated Per Lobe Segmentation and Emphysema-quantification Based on Chest Computed Tomography Compared With Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease Severity of Smokers.
Academic Article
More holes, more contrast? Comparing an 18-gauge non-fenestrated catheter with a 22-gauge fenestrated catheter for cardiac CT.
Academic Article
Impact of machine learning-based coronary computed tomography angiography fractional flow reserve on treatment decisions and clinical outcomes in patients with suspected coronary artery disease.
Academic Article
Individualized coronary calcium scoring at any tube voltage using a kV-independent reconstruction algorithm.
Academic Article
A fully automated software platform for structural mitral valve analysis.
Academic Article
Influence of coronary stenosis location on diagnostic performance of machine learning-based fractional flow reserve from CT angiography.
Academic Article
Relationship of age, atherosclerosis and angiographic stenosis using artificial intelligence.
Academic Article
Calcium Scoring at Coronary CT Angiography Using Deep Learning.
Academic Article
The effect of scan and patient parameters on the diagnostic performance of AI for detecting coronary stenosis on coronary CT angiography.
Academic Article
Automated Dual-energy Computed Tomography-based Extracellular Volume Estimation for Myocardial Characterization in Patients With Ischemic and Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy.
Academic Article
Cardiac magnetic resonance for prophylactic implantable-cardioverter defibrillator therapy international study: prognostic value of cardiac magnetic resonance-derived right ventricular parameters substudy.
Academic Article
Stable patients with suspected myocardial ischemia: comparison of machine-learning computed tomography-based fractional flow reserve and stress perfusion cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging to detect myocardial ischemia.
Academic Article
Coronary CTA With AI-QCT Interpretation: Comparison With Myocardial Perfusion Imaging for Detection of Obstructive Stenosis Using Invasive Angiography as Reference Standard.
Academic Article
Impact of Artificial Intelligence Assistance on Chest CT Interpretation Times: A Prospective Randomized Study.