Search Result Details

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Schoepf, U.
Item TypeName
Academic Article Potential of right to left ventricular volume ratio measured on chest CT for the prediction of pulmonary hypertension: correlation with pulmonary arterial systolic pressure estimated by echocardiography.
Academic Article Cardiac magnetic resonance assessment of left and right ventricular morphologic and functional adaptations in professional soccer players.
Academic Article Reproducibility of left and right ventricular mass measurements with cardiac CT.
Academic Article Impact of ventricular contrast medium attenuation on the accuracy of left and right ventricular function analysis at cardiac multi detector-row CT compared with cardiac MRI.
Concept Stroke Volume
Academic Article Clinical feasibility of a myocardial signal intensity threshold-based semi-automated cardiac magnetic resonance segmentation method.
Academic Article Computed Tomography-Derived Parameters of Myocardial Morphology and Function in Black and White Patients With Acute Chest Pain.
Academic Article Compressed sensing acceleration of cardiac cine imaging allows reliable and reproducible assessment of volumetric and functional parameters of the left and right atrium.
Academic Article CarDiac magnEtic Resonance for prophylactic Implantable-cardioVerter defibrillAtor ThErapy in Non-Ischaemic dilated CardioMyopathy: an international Registry.
Academic Article Cardiac magnetic resonance for prophylactic implantable-cardioverter defibrillator therapy international study: prognostic value of cardiac magnetic resonance-derived right ventricular parameters substudy.
Academic Article Time-dependent cardiac structural and functional changes after kidney transplantation: a multi-parametric cardiac magnetic resonance study.
Search Criteria
  • Stroke Volume