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Search Results
See, Ronald
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
See, Ronald
Item Type
Academic Article
Differential involvement of orbitofrontal cortex subregions in conditioned cue-induced and cocaine-primed reinstatement of cocaine seeking in rats.
Academic Article
The role of the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, basolateral amygdala, and dorsal hippocampus in contextual reinstatement of cocaine seeking in rats.
Academic Article
Chronic cocaine reduces RGS4 mRNA in rat prefrontal cortex and dorsal striatum.
Academic Article
Relapse to cocaine seeking increases activity-regulated gene expression differentially in the prefrontal cortex of abstinent rats.
Academic Article
Extended methamphetamine self-administration in rats results in a selective reduction of dopamine transporter levels in the prefrontal cortex and dorsal striatum not accompanied by marked monoaminergic depletion.
Academic Article
Methamphetamine-induced changes in the object recognition memory circuit.
Academic Article
Extinction-dependent alterations in corticostriatal mGluR2/3 and mGluR7 receptors following chronic methamphetamine self-administration in rats.
Academic Article
Selective inactivation of the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex and the basolateral amygdala attenuates conditioned-cued reinstatement of extinguished cocaine-seeking behavior in rats.
Academic Article
Chronic haloperidol does not alter G protein alpha-subunit levels in rats.
Academic Article
A BDNF infusion into the medial prefrontal cortex suppresses cocaine seeking in rats.
Academic Article
Methamphetamine self-administration produces attentional set-shifting deficits and alters prefrontal cortical neurophysiology in rats.
Academic Article
Reversing cocaine-induced synaptic potentiation provides enduring protection from relapse.
Academic Article
Chronic haloperidol potentiates stimulated glutamate release in caudate putamen, but not prefrontal cortex.
Academic Article
Chronic haloperidol-induced changes in regional dopamine release and metabolism and neurotensin content in rats.
Prefrontal Cortex
Academic Article
Low frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex transiently increases cue-induced craving for methamphetamine: a preliminary study.
Academic Article
Dysregulation of dopamine and glutamate release in the prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens following methamphetamine self-administration and during reinstatement in rats.
Academic Article
Assessment of multiple salivary biomarkers during repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) treatment for major depression.
Search Criteria
Prefrontal Cortex