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Search Results
Simpson, Kit
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Simpson, Kit
Item Type
Academic Article
Potential cost savings of decreased emergency department visits through increased continuity in a pediatric medical home.
Academic Article
Cost-effectiveness analysis of lopinavir/ritonavir and atazanavir+ritonavir regimens in the CASTLE study.
Academic Article
Cost-effectiveness of maternal treatment to prevent perinatal hepatitis B virus transmission.
Academic Article
The cost of Medicaid savings: the potential detrimental public health impact of neonatal circumcision defunding.
Academic Article
A model for estimating the impact of changes in children's vaccines.
Academic Article
Cost savings from the use of antenatal steroids to prevent respiratory distress syndrome and related conditions in premature infants.
Cost Savings
Academic Article
Association of electronic health records with cost savings in a national sample.
Academic Article
Observed Cost and Variations in Short Term Cost-Effectiveness of Therapy for Ischemic Stroke in Interventional Management of Stroke (IMS) III.
Academic Article
Minimally important difference in cost savings: Is it possible to identify an MID for cost savings?
Search Criteria