Search Result Details

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Borg, Thomas
Item TypeName
Academic Article Type I collagen synthesis in cultured human fibroblasts: regulation by cell spreading, platelet-derived growth factor and interactions with collagen fibers.
Academic Article Selective adhesion of macrophages to denatured forms of type I collagen is mediated by scavenger receptors.
Academic Article Integrin shedding as a mechanism of cellular adaptation during cardiac growth.
Academic Article Expression of collagen binding integrins during cardiac development and hypertrophy.
Academic Article Modulation of heart fibroblast migration and collagen gel contraction by IGF-I.
Academic Article The collagenous domain of class A scavenger receptors is involved in macrophage adhesion to collagens.
Academic Article Periostin: more than just an adhesion molecule.
Academic Article Cell patterning: interaction of cardiac myocytes and fibroblasts in three-dimensional culture.
Academic Article Identification of integrin-like matrix receptors with affinity for interstitial collagens.
Academic Article In vitro studies on adult cardiac myocytes: attachment and biosynthesis of collagen type IV and laminin.
Academic Article Hepatocyte adhesion to collagen. Isolation of membrane glycoproteins involved in adhesion to collagen.
Academic Article The role of beta 1 integrin in spreading and myofibrillogenesis in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes in vitro.
Academic Article IGF-1 modulation of rat cardiac fibroblast behavior and gene expression is age-dependent.
Academic Article The expression and role of protein kinase C in neonatal cardiac myocyte attachment, cell volume, and myofibril formation is dependent on the composition of the extracellular matrix.
Academic Article Different beta 1-integrin collagen receptors on rat hepatocytes and cardiac fibroblasts.
Academic Article Neonatal and adult cardiovascular pathophysiological remodeling and repair: developmental role of periostin.
Academic Article Adhesion of cardiac myocytes to extracellular matrix components.
Academic Article Extracellular matrix components influence the survival of adult cardiac myocytes in vitro.
Academic Article Interactions of mammalian cells with collagen.
Academic Article Isolation, characterization and adhesion of calcium-tolerant myocytes from the adult rat heart.
Academic Article Recognition of extracellular matrix components by neonatal and adult cardiac myocytes.
Academic Article Mechanical forces regulate focal adhesion and costamere assembly in cardiac myocytes.
Concept Cell Adhesion Molecules
Concept Cell Adhesion
Search Criteria
  • Cell Adhesion