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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Kyle, Thomas
overview Dr. Kyle graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in 1979 and completed his residency in Internal Medicine in 1982 at the Medical College of Virginia in 1982. He joined the medical faculty at the University of Pennsylvania in 1983 after completing his residency. Dr. Kyle joined the staff of Chestnut Hill Community Hospital in 1985 where he was Chief of the Section of Internal Medicine and Senior Vice President for Integrated Services and in private practice. In 1996 Dr. Kyle returned to the University of Pennsylvania as Senior Medical Director for Network Development where he also served on the Board of the University of Pennsylvania Health System. In 2000 Dr. Kyle returned to the full time practice of medicine as a hospitalist at Chestnut Hill Hospital and in 2004 began the Hospital Medicine Program at the Fox Chase Cancer Center, a National Cancer Institute Comprehensive Cancer Center in Philadelphia. At Fox Chase Dr. Kyle was an Associate Professor of Medicine and Vice Chairman of the Department of Medicine, and was awarded recognition for this teaching by the residents of Temple University Hospital.
Search Criteria
  • Hospital Medicine