Item Type | Name |
Academic Article
Switching to lower tar cigarettes does not increase or decrease the likelihood of future quit attempts or cessation.
Academic Article
Cigarette purchasing behaviors when prices are high.
Academic Article
Avoidance of smoky establishments: findings from Erie and Niagara Counties in New York.
Academic Article
Do smokers want to know more about the cigarettes they smoke? Results from the EDUCATE study.
Academic Article
Stop-smoking medications: who uses them, who misuses them, and who is misinformed about them?
Academic Article
Use of and beliefs about light cigarettes in four countries: findings from the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Survey.
Academic Article
Are smokers adequately informed about the health risks of smoking and medicinal nicotine?
Academic Article
A longitudinal assessment of the impact of smoke-free worksite policies on tobacco use.
Academic Article
Reach, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness of free nicotine medication giveaway programs.
Academic Article
Concurrent quit & win and nicotine replacement therapy voucher giveaway programs: participant characteristics and predictors of smoking abstinence.
Academic Article
State and community tobacco-control programs and smoking-cessation rates among adult smokers: what can we learn from the COMMIT intervention cohort?
Academic Article
Changes in nicotine intake and cigarette use over time in two nationally representative cross-sectional samples of smokers.
Academic Article
Text and graphic warnings on cigarette packages: findings from the international tobacco control four country study.
Academic Article
Australian smokers support stronger regulatory controls on tobacco: findings from the ITC Four-Country Survey.
Academic Article
Smokers' beliefs about the relative safety of other tobacco products: findings from the ITC collaboration.
Academic Article
Treating smokers before the quit date: can nicotine patches and denicotinized cigarettes reduce cravings?
Academic Article
Smokers' use of nicotine replacement therapy for reasons other than stopping smoking: findings from the ITC Four Country Survey.
Academic Article
How reactions to cigarette packet health warnings influence quitting: findings from the ITC Four-Country survey.
Academic Article
Adverse effects with use of nicotine replacement therapy among quitline clients.
Academic Article
Longitudinal evaluation of smoke-free Scotland on pub and home drinking behavior: findings from the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project.
Academic Article
Multiunit housing residents' experiences and attitudes toward smoke-free policies.
Academic Article
Changes in cigarette smoking, purchase patterns, and cessation-related behaviors among low-income smokers in New York State from 2002 to 2005.
Academic Article
The impact of reduced ignition propensity cigarette regulation on smoking behaviour in a cohort of Ontario smokers.
Academic Article
One size does not fit all when it comes to smoking cessation: observations from the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project.
Academic Article
Postquitting experiences and expectations of adult smokers and their association with subsequent relapse: findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey.
Academic Article
Motivational factors predict quit attempts but not maintenance of smoking cessation: findings from the International Tobacco Control Four country project.
Academic Article
To what extent do smokers make spontaneous quit attempts and what are the implications for smoking cessation maintenance? Findings from the International Tobacco Control Four country survey.
Academic Article
The impact of the United Kingdom's national smoking cessation strategy on quit attempts and use of cessation services: findings from the International Tobacco Control Four Country Survey.
Academic Article
Nicotine dependence as a moderator of a quitline-based message framing intervention.
Academic Article
Colorectal cancer screening among individuals with and without a family history.
Academic Article
Costs of giving out free nicotine patches through a telephone quit line.
Academic Article
How do price minimizing behaviors impact smoking cessation? Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey.
Academic Article
Impact of the removal of misleading terms on cigarette pack on smokers' beliefs about 'light/mild' cigarettes: cross-country comparisons.
Academic Article
Patterns of cognitive dissonance-reducing beliefs among smokers: a longitudinal analysis from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey.
Academic Article
Hospital admissions for acute myocardial infarction before and after implementation of a comprehensive smoke-free policy in Uruguay.
Academic Article
Tobacco expenditure, smoking-induced deprivation and financial stress: results from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four-Country Survey.
Academic Article
What would menthol smokers do if menthol in cigarettes were banned? Behavioral intentions and simulated demand.
Academic Article
Smoking at diagnosis and survival in cancer patients.
Academic Article
Tobacco quitlines need to assess and intervene with callers' hazardous drinking.
Academic Article
How do perceptions about cessation outcomes moderate the effectiveness of a gain-framed smoking cessation telephone counseling intervention?
Academic Article
Effectiveness of stop-smoking medications: findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey.
Academic Article
Electronic nicotine delivery systems: international tobacco control four-country survey.
Academic Article
Impact of economic policies on reducing tobacco use among Medicaid clients in New York.
Academic Article
Estimating demand for alternatives to cigarettes with online purchase tasks.
Academic Article
Obtaining DNA from a geographically dispersed cohort of current and former smokers: use of mail-based mouthwash collection and monetary incentives.
Academic Article
Which population-based interventions would motivate smokers to think seriously about stopping smoking?
Academic Article
What do Marlboro Lights smokers know about low-tar cigarettes?
Academic Article
The near-universal experience of regret among smokers in four countries: findings from the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Survey.
Academic Article
Predictors of cessation in a cohort of current and former smokers followed over 13 years.
Academic Article
Smoking topography, brand switching, and nicotine delivery: results from an in vivo study.
Academic Article
Disparity in the use of smoking cessation pharmacotherapy among Medicaid and general population smokers.
Academic Article
Reduction in amount smoked predicts future cessation.
Academic Article
Characteristics of low-level smokers.
Academic Article
Financial incentives to promote smoking cessation: evidence from 11 quit and win contests.
Academic Article
A Phase II study of St. John's Wort for smoking cessation.
Academic Article
Smokers' acceptance of "cold calls" offering quitline services.
Academic Article
Using direct mail to prompt smokers to call a quitline.
Academic Article
Effectiveness of tobacco control among Chinese Americans: a comparative analysis of policy approaches versus community-based programs.
Academic Article
The impact of smokefree legislation in Scotland: results from the Scottish ITC: Scotland/UK longitudinal surveys.
Academic Article
Smoke-free homes and smoking cessation and relapse in a longitudinal population of adults.
Academic Article
Attitudes and beliefs about secondhand smoke and smoke-free policies in four countries: findings from the International Tobacco Control Four Country Survey.
Academic Article
The impact of changing nicotine replacement therapy licensing laws in the United Kingdom: findings from the International Tobacco Control Four Country Survey.
Academic Article
Does the availability of single cigarettes promote or inhibit cigarette consumption? Perceptions, prevalence and correlates of single cigarette use among adult Mexican smokers.
Academic Article
Prevalence and predictors of smoke-free policy implementation and support among owners and managers of multiunit housing.
Academic Article
Randomized trial: Quitline specialist training in gain-framed vs standard-care messages for smoking cessation.
Academic Article
Quitting smoking and change in alcohol consumption in the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey.
Academic Article
Does the number of free nicotine patches given to smokers calling a quitline influence quit rates: results from a quasi-experimental study.
Academic Article
Effect of differing levels of tobacco-specific nitrosamines in cigarette smoke on the levels of biomarkers in smokers.
Academic Article
Does switching to reduced ignition propensity cigarettes alter smoking behavior or exposure to tobacco smoke constituents?
Academic Article
Predictors of what smokers say they will do in response to future price increases. Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey.
Academic Article
Evaluation of an intervention to enhance the delivery of smoking cessation services to patients with cancer.
Academic Article
Socioeconomic variation in the prevalence, introduction, retention, and removal of smoke-free policies among smokers: findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey.
Academic Article
The impact of cigarette pack design, descriptors, and warning labels on risk perception in the U.S.
Academic Article
Correcting over 50 years of tobacco industry misinformation.
Academic Article
How much unsuccessful quitting activity is going on among adult smokers? Data from the International Tobacco Control Four Country cohort survey.
Academic Article
Accuracy of self-reported tobacco assessments in a head and neck cancer treatment population.
Academic Article
Pathways of change explaining the effect of smoke-free legislation on smoking cessation in The Netherlands. An application of the international tobacco control conceptual model.
Academic Article
Support for tobacco control interventions: do country of origin and socioeconomic status make a difference?
Academic Article
Cigarette prices, cigarette expenditure and smoking-induced deprivation: findings from the International Tobacco Control Mexico survey.
Academic Article
Cigarette warning label policy alternatives and smoking-related health disparities.
Academic Article
Longitudinal associations between smoking cessation medications and alcohol consumption among smokers in the International Tobacco Control Four Country survey.
Middle Aged
Academic Article
A randomized trial to promote pharmacotherapy use and smoking cessation in a Medicaid population (United States).
Academic Article
Adherence to and reasons for premature discontinuation from stop-smoking medications: data from the ITC Four-Country Survey.
Academic Article
Systematic biases in cross-sectional community studies may underestimate the effectiveness of stop-smoking medications.
Academic Article
Trends in roll-your-own smoking: findings from the ITC Four-Country Survey (2002-2008).
Academic Article
Impact of point-of-sale tobacco display bans: findings from the International Tobacco Control Four Country Survey.
Academic Article
Relationship of cigarette-related perceptions to cigarette design features: findings from the 2009 ITC U.S. Survey.
Academic Article
Colorectal cancer screening practices among attendees at a cancer screening clinic.
Academic Article
A cancer genetics education campaign: delivering parallel messages to clinicians and the public.
Academic Article
The relative risks of a low-nitrosamine smokeless tobacco product compared with smoking cigarettes: estimates of a panel of experts.
Academic Article
The potential impact of a low-nitrosamine smokeless tobacco product on cigarette smoking in the United States: estimates of a panel of experts.
Academic Article
Lifetime cumulative exposure to secondhand smoke and risk of myocardial infarction in never smokers: results from the Western New York health study, 1995-2001.
Academic Article
Colorectal cancer occurs earlier in those exposed to tobacco smoke: implications for screening.
Academic Article
Trends in the use of premium and discount cigarette brands: findings from the ITC US Surveys (2002-2011).
Academic Article
Brief, instructional smokeless tobacco use among cigarette smokers who do not intend to quit: a pilot randomized clinical trial.
Academic Article
Cigarette smokers' use of unconventional tobacco products and associations with quitting activity: findings from the ITC-4 U.S. cohort.
Academic Article
Evaluating the effect of access to free medication to quit smoking: a clinical trial testing the role of motivation.
Academic Article
Patient willingness and barriers to receiving a CT scan for lung cancer screening.
Academic Article
Mediational pathways of the impact of cigarette warning labels on quit attempts.
Academic Article
Switching between menthol and nonmenthol cigarettes: findings from the U.S. Cohort of the International Tobacco Control Four Country Survey.
Academic Article
Effectiveness of a large-scale distribution programme of free nicotine patches: a prospective evaluation.
Academic Article
Awareness, trial, and current use of electronic cigarettes in 10 countries: Findings from the ITC project.
Academic Article
Persistence and amplitude of cigarette demand in relation to quit intentions and attempts.
Academic Article
Snus undermines quit attempts but not abstinence: a randomised clinical trial among US smokers.
Academic Article
Gender differences in medication use and cigarette smoking cessation: results from the International Tobacco Control Four Country Survey.
Academic Article
Impact of a brief telephone referral on quitline use, quit attempts and abstinence.
Academic Article
Use of stop-smoking medications in the United States before and after the introduction of varenicline.
Academic Article
A longitudinal, naturalistic study of U.S. smokers' trial and adoption of snus.
Academic Article
What do men know about prostate cancer and methods for detecting prostate cancer?
Academic Article
Effects of sociodemographic and attitudinal factors on mother-initiated medication behavior for children.
Academic Article
Determinants of drug treatment maintenance among hypertensive persons in inner city Detroit.
Academic Article
Psychosocial factors affecting adherence to medical regiments in a group of hemodialysis patients.
Academic Article
Prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension in the inner city.
Academic Article
The effects of behavioral and biological factors on survival from breast cancer.
Academic Article
Dietary history from the distant past: a methodological study.
Academic Article
Delay, stage of disease, and survival among White and Black women with breast cancer.
Academic Article
Family physicians' beliefs about breast cancer screening by mammography.
Academic Article
Changes in the smoking habits of adults in the United States and recent trends in lung cancer mortality.
Academic Article
Construct validity comparisons of three methods for measuring patient compliance.
Academic Article
Family physicians' beliefs about screening for colorectal cancer using the stool guaiac slide test.
Academic Article
Screening for colorectal cancer using the Hemoccult II stool guaiac slide test.
Academic Article
Cigarette smoking, tumor recurrence, and survival from bladder cancer.
Academic Article
Risk factor and behavioral correlates of willingness to participate in cancer prevention trials.
Academic Article
Reports of smoking withdrawal symptoms over a 21 day period of abstinence.
Academic Article
An appointment reminder system's effect on reducing the number of hypertension patients who drop out from care.
Academic Article
Comparison of three methods of teaching women how to perform breast self-examination.
Academic Article
Results of a public screening program for colorectal cancer.
Academic Article
Cigarette smoking in women with cancers of the breast and reproductive organs.
Academic Article
Weight gain following smoking cessation: a possible role for nicotine replacement in weight management.
Academic Article
Physician advice to quit smoking: who gets it and who doesn't.
Academic Article
Impact of a newspaper mediated quit smoking program.
Academic Article
Experiences with multiphasic screening for cancer.
Academic Article
Format and quitting instructions as factors influencing the impact of a self-administered quit smoking program.
Academic Article
Measurement of lifetime exposure to passive smoke.
Academic Article
Cancer mortality in a northeastern native American population.
Academic Article
Cancer surveillance in a northeastern native American population.
Academic Article
Mortality patterns among a Native American population in New York State.
Academic Article
An evaluation of a physician training program on patient smoking cessation.
Academic Article
Measurement of current exposure to environmental tobacco smoke.
Academic Article
The public health benefit of increasing tobacco taxes in New York State.
Academic Article
Variation in sensitivity to environmental tobacco smoke among adult non-smokers.
Academic Article
Predictors of attempting and succeeding at smoking cessation.
Academic Article
Health and economic impact of cigarette smoking in New York State, 1987-1989.
Academic Article
Results of an antismoking media campaign utilizing the Cancer Information Service.
Academic Article
A discriminant function analysis of various interferon parameters among alcoholics and heavy smokers.
Academic Article
Lung cancer histologic types and family history of cancer. Analysis of histologic subtypes of 872 patients with primary lung cancer.
Academic Article
Use and effectiveness of transdermal nicotine in primary care settings.
Academic Article
Involving older Americans in the war on tobacco. The American Stop Smoking Intervention Study for Cancer Prevention.
Academic Article
Influence of smoking on the development of lung metastases from breast cancer.
Academic Article
Predictors of smoking cessation in a cohort of adult smokers followed for five years.
Academic Article
Relationship of worksite smoking policy to changes in employee tobacco use: findings from COMMIT. Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation.
Academic Article
Comparison of recent trends in adolescent and adult cigarette smoking behaviour and brand preferences.
Academic Article
Use of the nicotine skin patch by smokers in 20 communities in the United States, 1992-1993.
Academic Article
Discrepancies in cigarette brand sales and adult market share: are new teen smokers filling the gap?
Academic Article
Use of discount cigarettes by smokers in 20 communities in the United States, 1988-1993.
Academic Article
Patterns of use of a free nicotine patch program for Medicaid and uninsured patients.
Academic Article
Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation (COMMIT): changes in community attitudes toward cigarette smoking.
Academic Article
Prevalence of cigar use in 22 North American communities: 1989 and 1993.
Academic Article
Nursing informatics needs assessment. Are distance programs needed?
Academic Article
Consumer response to the New York City Smoke-Free Air Act.
Academic Article
Increasing taxes as a strategy to reduce cigarette use and deaths: results of a simulation model.
Academic Article
Mentholated cigarettes and smoking cessation: findings from COMMIT. Community Intervention Trial for Smoking Cessation.
Academic Article
Longer term impact of cigarette package warnings in Australia compared with the United Kingdom and Canada.
Academic Article
Promoting cessation resources through cigarette package warning labels: a longitudinal survey with adult smokers in Canada, Australia and Mexico.
Academic Article
A randomized trial for hazardous drinking and smoking cessation for callers to a quitline.
Academic Article
The Use of Cigarette Package Inserts to Supplement Pictorial Health Warnings: An Evaluation of the Canadian Policy.
Academic Article
Trends in cigarette pricing and purchasing patterns in a sample of US smokers: findings from the ITC US Surveys (2002-2011).
Academic Article
The prevalence of brand switching among adult smokers in the USA, 2006-2011: findings from the ITC US surveys.
Academic Article
Australian smokers' support for plain or standardised packs before and after implementation: findings from the ITC Four Country Survey.
Academic Article
Genomic profiles of colorectal cancers differ based on patient smoking status.
Academic Article
Resolution of oral lesions after tobacco cessation.
Academic Article
Trends in E-Cigarette Awareness, Trial, and Use Under the Different Regulatory Environments of Australia and the United Kingdom.
Academic Article
The U.S. National Tips From Former Smokers Antismoking Campaign: Promoting Awareness of Smoking-Related Risks, Cessation Resources, and Cessation Behaviors.
Academic Article
Does Extended Pre Quit Bupropion Aid in Extinguishing Smoking Behavior?
Academic Article
Smokers' reactions to the new larger health warning labels on plain cigarette packs in Australia: findings from the ITC Australia project.
Academic Article
Relapse-Prevention Booklets as an Adjunct to a Tobacco Quitline: A Randomized Controlled Effectiveness Trial.
Academic Article
Cigarette brands with flavour capsules in the filter: trends in use and brand perceptions among smokers in the USA, Mexico and Australia, 2012-2014.
Academic Article
The association of point-of-sale cigarette marketing with cravings to smoke: results from a cross-sectional population-based study.
Academic Article
Tobacco Cessation May Improve Lung Cancer Patient Survival.
Academic Article
Validation of a Measure of Normative Beliefs About Smokeless Tobacco Use.
Academic Article
Functional brain imaging predicts public health campaign success.
Academic Article
Trends in market share of leading cigarette brands in the USA: national survey on drug use and health 2002-2013.
Academic Article
The Association of Exposure to Point-of-Sale Tobacco Marketing with Quit Attempt and Quit Success: Results from a Prospective Study of Smokers in the United States.
Academic Article
Cigarette package inserts can promote efficacy beliefs and sustained smoking cessation attempts: A longitudinal assessment of an innovative policy in Canada.
Academic Article
Does Reactance against Cigarette Warning Labels Matter? Warning Label Responses and Downstream Smoking Cessation amongst Adult Smokers in Australia, Canada, Mexico and the United States.
Academic Article
Design and methods of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study.
Academic Article
Perceptions of "Natural" and "Additive-Free" Cigarettes and Intentions to Purchase.
Academic Article
Prevalence and Correlates of the Belief That Electronic Cigarettes are a Lot Less Harmful Than Conventional Cigarettes Under the Different Regulatory Environments of Australia and the United Kingdom.
Academic Article
US Smokers' Beliefs, Experiences and Perceptions of Different Cigarette Variants Before and After the FSPTCA Ban on Misleading Descriptors Such as "Light," "Mild," or "Low".
Academic Article
Mexico SimSmoke: how changes in tobacco control policies would impact smoking prevalence and smoking attributable deaths in Mexico.
Academic Article
Application of the Smokeless Tobacco Expectancies Questionnaire to Snus.
Academic Article
A Pilot Randomized Crossover Trial of Electronic Cigarette Sampling Among Smokers.
Academic Article
Perceptions of Snus Among US Adult Smokers Given Free Product.
Academic Article
Effect of an Evidence-based Inpatient Tobacco Dependence Treatment Service on 30-, 90-, and 180-Day Hospital Readmission Rates.
Academic Article
The Application of a Decision-Theoretic Model to Estimate the Public Health Impact of Vaporized Nicotine Product Initiation in the United States.
Academic Article
Flavored Tobacco Product Use in Youth and Adults: Findings From the First Wave of the PATH Study (2013-2014).
Academic Article
Effectiveness of Switching Smoking-Cessation Medications Following Relapse.
Academic Article
State Tobacco Policies as Predictors of Evidence-Based Cessation Method Usage: Results From a Large, Nationally Representative Dataset.
Academic Article
Internalized smoking stigma in relation to quit intentions, quit attempts, and current e-cigarette use.
Academic Article
A Good Idea May Not Be Good Enough: Stakeholder Buy In to QuitConnect, a National Smokers' Registry.
Academic Article
Adult interest in using a hypothetical modified risk tobacco product: findings from wave 1 of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study (2013-14).
Academic Article
A Naturalistic, Randomized Pilot Trial of E-Cigarettes: Uptake, Exposure, and Behavioral Effects.
Academic Article
Do predictors of smoking relapse change as a function of duration of abstinence? Findings from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia.
Academic Article
Tobacco-Product Use by Adults and Youths in the United States in 2013 and 2014.
Academic Article
A time-motion economic analysis of postoperative nausea and vomiting in ambulatory surgery.
Academic Article
Effect of an Evidence-based Inpatient Tobacco Dependence Treatment Service on 1-Year Postdischarge Health Care Costs.
Academic Article
Transitions in Tobacco Product Use by U.S. Adults between 2013?2014 and 2014?2015: Findings from the PATH Study Wave 1 and Wave 2.
Academic Article
Correlates of Transitions in Tobacco Product Use by U.S. Adult Tobacco Users between 2013?2014 and 2014?2015: Findings from the PATH Study Wave 1 and Wave 2.
Academic Article
U.S. adult perceptions of the harmfulness of tobacco products: descriptive findings from the 2013-14 baseline wave 1 of the path study.
Academic Article
Longer duration of smoking abstinence is associated with waning cessation fatigue.
Academic Article
Discussions between health professionals and smokers about nicotine vaping products: results from the 2016 ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey.
Academic Article
A modeling approach to gauging the effects of nicotine vaping product use on cessation from cigarettes: what do we know, what do we need to know?
Academic Article
The impact of vaping and regulatory environment on cigarette demand: behavioral economic perspective across four countries.
Academic Article
Exposure to and perceptions of health warning labels on nicotine vaping products: findings from the 2016 International Tobacco Control Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey.
Academic Article
Prevalence of awareness, ever-use and current use of nicotine vaping products (NVPs) among adult current smokers and ex-smokers in 14 countries with differing regulations on sales and marketing of NVPs: cross-sectional findings from the ITC Project.
Academic Article
Prices, use restrictions and electronic cigarette use-evidence from wave 1 (2016) US data of the ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey.
Academic Article
Where Do Vapers Buy Their Vaping Supplies? Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) 4 Country Smoking and Vaping Survey.
Academic Article
Characteristics of nicotine vaping products used by participants in the 2016 ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey.
Academic Article
A new classification system for describing concurrent use of nicotine vaping products alongside cigarettes (so-called 'dual use'): findings from the ITC-4 Country Smoking and Vaping wave 1 Survey.
Academic Article
Rules about smoking and vaping in the home: findings from the 2016 International Tobacco Control Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey.
Academic Article
Reasons for regular vaping and for its discontinuation among smokers and recent ex-smokers: findings from the 2016 ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey.
Academic Article
How Are Self-Reported Physical and Mental Health Conditions Related to Vaping Activities among Smokers and Quitters: Findings from the ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Wave 1 Survey.
Academic Article
Differences in norms towards the use of nicotine vaping products among adult smokers, former smokers and nicotine vaping product users: cross-sectional findings from the 2016 ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey.
Academic Article
Awareness and interest in lung cancer screening among current and former smokers: findings from the ITC United States Survey.
Academic Article
Indicators of cigarette smoking dependence and relapse in former smokers who vape compared with those who do not: findings from the 2016 International Tobacco Control Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey.
Academic Article
State-Level Affordability of Factory-Made Cigarettes among Current US Smokers: Findings from the ITC US Survey, 2003-2015.
Academic Article
Predicting the future of smoking in a rapidly evolving nicotine market-place.
Academic Article
Trends in Social Norms Towards Smoking Between 2002 and 2015 Among Daily Smokers: Findings From the International Tobacco Control Four Country Survey (ITC 4C).
Academic Article
Flavour types used by youth and adult tobacco users in wave 2 of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study 2014-2015.
Academic Article
Prevalence, Use Behaviors, and Preferences among Users of Heated Tobacco Products: Findings from the 2018 ITC Japan Survey.
Academic Article
Quasi-experimentally examining the impact of introducing tobacco pictorial health warnings: Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) 4C and Netherlands surveys in the Netherlands, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, and the United States.
Academic Article
Nicotine replacement therapy sampling for smoking cessation within primary care: results from a pragmatic cluster randomized clinical trial.
Academic Article
Gender Differences in Reasons for Using Electronic Cigarettes and Product Characteristics: Findings From the 2018 ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey.
Academic Article
Identifying factors that conjointly influence nicotine vaping product relative harm perception among smokers and recent ex-smokers: Findings from the 2016 ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey.
Academic Article
The Public Health Gains Had Cigarette Companies Chosen to Sell Very Low Nicotine Cigarettes.
Academic Article
Self-Reported Exposure to Secondhand Smoke and Support for Complete Smoking Bans in Multiunit Housing Among Smokers in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
Academic Article
Smokers' cognitive and behavioural reactions during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from the 2020 ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey.
Academic Article
Support for Minimum Legal Sales Age Laws Set to Age 21 Across Australia, Canada, England, and United States: Findings From the 2018 ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey.
Academic Article
Adult perceptions of the relative harm of tobacco products and subsequent tobacco product use: Longitudinal findings from waves 1 and 2 of the population assessment of tobacco and health (PATH) study.
Academic Article
Predictive Power of Dependence Measures for Quitting Smoking. Findings From the 2016 to 2018 ITC Four Country Smoking and Vaping Surveys.
Academic Article
Predictive validity of the adult tobacco dependence index: Findings from waves 1 and 2 of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study.
Academic Article
Biomarkers of Inflammation and Oxidative Stress among Adult Former Smoker, Current E-Cigarette Users-Results from Wave 1 PATH Study.
Academic Article
Association of e-Cigarette Use With Discontinuation of Cigarette Smoking Among Adult Smokers Who Were Initially Never Planning to Quit.