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Search Results
Mercuri, Jeremy
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Mercuri, Jeremy
Item Type
Tissue Scaffolds
Academic Article
Novel tissue-derived biomimetic scaffold for regenerating the human nucleus pulposus.
Academic Article
Regenerative potential of decellularized porcine nucleus pulposus hydrogel scaffolds: stem cell differentiation, matrix remodeling, and biocompatibility studies.
Academic Article
Biomimetic nucleus pulposus scaffold created from bovine caudal intervertebral disc tissue utilizing an optimal decellularization procedure.
Academic Article
Angle-ply biomaterial scaffold for annulus fibrosus repair replicates native tissue mechanical properties, restores spinal kinematics, and supports cell viability.
Academic Article
Decellularization and characterization of a whole intervertebral disk xenograft scaffold.
Academic Article
Tailoring the subchondral bone phase of a multi-layered osteochondral construct to support bone healing and a cartilage analog.
Academic Article
Ethanol-mediated compaction and cross-linking enhance mechanical properties and degradation resistance while maintaining cytocompatibility of a nucleus pulposus scaffold.
Academic Article
Multi-laminate annulus fibrosus repair scaffold with an interlamellar matrix enhances impact resistance, prevents herniation and assists in restoring spinal kinematics.
Academic Article
Angle-ply scaffold supports annulus fibrosus matrix expression and remodeling by mesenchymal stromal and annulus fibrosus cells.
Search Criteria
Tissue Scaffolds