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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Traktman, Paula
overview Research Interests A: Vaccinia Virus: Vaccinia virus is the prototypic poxvirus and was the virus used in the vaccination campaign that led to the global eradication of smallpox. Vaccinia virus replicates solely within the cytoplasm of infected cells, and the 192 kb DNA genome encodes most, if not all, of the functions required for the progression of the viral life cycle. We have focused our attention primarily on viral DNA replication, the role of virally encoded kinases and phosphatases within the infectious cycle, and virion morphogenesis. We are also exploring the interplay between the viral life cycle and cellular bioenergetics. Our work integrates diverse approaches drawn from the disciplines of virology, molecular genetics, cell biology, and biochemistry. With regard to DNA replication, we are interested in understanding how replication is organized within dedicated cytoplasmic domains, in deciphering the mechanism of replication, and in pursuing a biochemical and genetic investigation of the proteins involved. We are interested in how the core polymerase, processivity factor (A20+UDG), single-strand DNA binding protein (I3), DNA ligase (A50), and FEN-1 like nuclease work together to accomplish faithful DNA replication and repair. Additionally, we are pursuing the hypothesis that the abundant H5 protein serves as a scaffold to support replication within the membrane-delimited cytoplasmic replication domains. figure 1 With regard to virion morphogenesis, our current interest is focused on the biogenesis of the poxvirus membrane, which is quite unique and involves the enlargement of planar lipid bilayers within the cytoplasm. We are using a genetic, biochemical, cell biological and ultrastructural approaches to understand how the F10 kinase, a group of regulatory proteins (A6, A11, A30.5, H7, L2), and the two major structural proteins within the membrane (A14 and A17) mediate diversion of membranes from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and their remodeling and enlargement. The overall process of virion assembly involves a cascade of protein/protein, protein/DNA, and protein/lipid interactions that serve as an excellent model for the process of cellular organelle biogenesis. B: VRK1: A cellular protein kinase involved in nuclear architecture, mitotic and meiotic progression, cell proliferation, and oncogenesis. We became interested in the VRK family of cellular protein kinases because of the sequence similarity between their catalytic domains and that of the vaccinia-encoded B1 kinases. We performed the first thorough characterization of the VRK family (VRK1, nuclear; VRK2, nuclear envelope and ER; VRK3, nuclear pseudokinase) and purified and characterized their biochemical properties. We identified and validated the cellular BANF1 (BAF) protein as a highly efficient substrate for both VRK1. Within the interphase nucleus, BANF1 binds to chromatin and to proteins in the inner nuclear membrane (INM). We have shown that VRK1-mediated phosphorylation of BANF1, which peaks at the onset of mitosis, abrogates BANF’s DNA binding activity and reduces it’s interactions with proteins at the INM. VRK1 depletion leads to aberrant nuclear envelopes in interphase nuclei, and to the abnormal retention of BANF1 on chromosomes during early stages of mitosis (prophase, metaphase and anaphase). These effects have impacts on mitotic fidelity as well as cell proliferation. Because overexpression of VRK1 has shown to correlate with poor clinical outcome in a subset of breast cancer patients, we have focused much of our work on mammary epithelial cells (normal and malignant). Using a mouse xenograft model, we showed that malignant cells depleted of VRK1 formed smaller tumors than control cells, and that mice receiving this cells did not develop distal metastases. We have also shown that VRK1 overexpression accelerates acinus growth in a 3D culture model, but reduces cell migration in a 2D wound-healing model. We are using a variety of “omic” strategies, as well as cell biological and biochemical approaches, to understand the roles played by VRK1 in regulating cell structure and function in normal and cancerous cells.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Traktman, Paula
Item TypeName
Concept Sequence Analysis, DNA
Concept DNA-Binding Proteins
Concept DNA Helicases
Concept RNA-Directed DNA Polymerase
Concept DNA Topoisomerases, Type I
Concept DNA
Concept DNA Glycosylases
Concept Uracil-DNA Glycosidase
Concept DNA Primers
Concept DNA Mutational Analysis
Concept DNA, Superhelical
Concept DNA, Viral
Concept DNA Damage
Concept DNA-Directed DNA Polymerase
Concept DNA Probes
Concept DNA Replication
Concept DNA Restriction Enzymes
Concept DNA Repair
Concept Single-Strand Specific DNA and RNA Endonucleases
Concept DNA, Single-Stranded
Academic Article Barrier-to-Autointegration Factor 1 (BAF/BANF1) Promotes Association of the SETD1A Histone Methyltransferase with Herpes Simplex Virus Immediate-Early Gene Promoters.
Academic Article Genetic Confirmation that the H5 Protein Is Required for Vaccinia Virus DNA Replication.
Academic Article Depletion of the protein kinase VRK1 disrupts nuclear envelope morphology and leads to BAF retention on mitotic chromosomes.
Academic Article Molecular genetic and biochemical characterization of the vaccinia virus I3 protein, the replicative single-stranded DNA binding protein.
Academic Article Evaluation of the role of the vaccinia virus uracil DNA glycosylase and A20 proteins as intrinsic components of the DNA polymerase holoenzyme.
Academic Article Structure/Function analysis of the vaccinia virus F18 phosphoprotein, an abundant core component required for virion maturation and infectivity.
Academic Article The vaccinia virus gene I2L encodes a membrane protein with an essential role in virion entry.
Academic Article Poxviral B1 kinase overcomes barrier to autointegration factor, a host defense against virus replication.
Academic Article Biochemical and genetic analysis of the vaccinia virus d5 protein: Multimerization-dependent ATPase activity is required to support viral DNA replication.
Academic Article The vaccinia-related kinases phosphorylate the N' terminus of BAF, regulating its interaction with DNA and its retention in the nucleus.
Academic Article Vaccinia virus uracil DNA glycosylase interacts with the A20 protein to form a heterodimeric processivity factor for the viral DNA polymerase.
Academic Article Genetic and cell biological characterization of the vaccinia virus A30 and G7 phosphoproteins.
Academic Article Poxvirus Bioinformatics Resource Center: a comprehensive Poxviridae informational and analytical resource.
Academic Article Methods for analysis of poxvirus DNA replication.
Academic Article Members of a novel family of mammalian protein kinases complement the DNA-negative phenotype of a vaccinia virus ts mutant defective in the B1 kinase.
Academic Article Genetic analysis of the vaccinia virus I6 telomere-binding protein uncovers a key role in genome encapsidation.
Academic Article Investigation of structural and functional motifs within the vaccinia virus A14 phosphoprotein, an essential component of the virion membrane.
Academic Article Clustered charge-to-alanine mutagenesis of the vaccinia virus A20 gene: temperature-sensitive mutants have a DNA-minus phenotype and are defective in the production of processive DNA polymerase activity.
Academic Article The A20R protein is a stoichiometric component of the processive form of vaccinia virus DNA polymerase.
Academic Article Vaccinia virus telomeres: interaction with the viral I1, I6, and K4 proteins.
Academic Article Vaccinia virus blocks gamma interferon signal transduction: viral VH1 phosphatase reverses Stat1 activation.
Academic Article Elucidating the essential role of the A14 phosphoprotein in vaccinia virus morphogenesis: construction and characterization of a tetracycline-inducible recombinant.
Academic Article Characterization of the single-stranded DNA binding protein encoded by the vaccinia virus I3 gene.
Academic Article The vaccinia virus I1 protein is essential for the assembly of mature virions.
Academic Article Characterization of a processive form of the vaccinia virus DNA polymerase.
Academic Article Vaccinia virus DNA replication: two hundred base pairs of telomeric sequence confer optimal replication efficiency on minichromosome templates.
Academic Article The dual-specificity phosphatase encoded by vaccinia virus, VH1, is essential for viral transcription in vivo and in vitro.
Academic Article The vaccinia virus D5 protein, which is required for DNA replication, is a nucleic acid-independent nucleoside triphosphatase.
Academic Article Identification and characterization of the orf virus type I topoisomerase.
Academic Article Vaccinia virus DNA polymerase. In vitro analysis of parameters affecting processivity.
Academic Article Overexpression and purification of the vaccinia virus DNA polymerase.
Academic Article Biochemical analysis of mutant alleles of the vaccinia virus topoisomerase I carrying targeted substitutions in a highly conserved domain.
Academic Article Genetic characterization of the vaccinia virus DNA polymerase: cytosine arabinoside resistance requires a variable lesion conferring phosphonoacetate resistance in conjunction with an invariant mutation localized to the 3'-5' exonuclease domain.
Academic Article Vaccinia virus B1 kinase: phenotypic analysis of temperature-sensitive mutants and enzymatic characterization of recombinant proteins.
Academic Article Transient expression of the vaccinia virus DNA polymerase is an intrinsic feature of the early phase of infection and is unlinked to DNA replication and late gene expression.
Academic Article Characterization of vaccinia virus DNA replication mutants with lesions in the D5 gene.
Academic Article Genetic characterization of the vaccinia virus DNA polymerase: identification of point mutations conferring altered drug sensitivities and reduced fidelity.
Academic Article Determination of functional effects of mutations in the steroid 21-hydroxylase gene (CYP21) using recombinant vaccinia virus.
Academic Article Poxviruses: an emerging portrait of biological strategy.
Academic Article Identification and DNA sequence of the Shope fibroma virus DNA topoisomerase gene.
Academic Article Temperature-sensitive vaccinia virus mutants identify a gene with an essential role in viral replication.
Academic Article The dominant W42 spotting phenotype results from a missense mutation in the c-kit receptor kinase.
Academic Article The enzymology of poxvirus DNA replication.
Academic Article Vaccinia virus encodes an essential gene with strong homology to protein kinases.
Academic Article Genetic evidence for involvement of vaccinia virus DNA-dependent ATPase I in intermediate and late gene expression.
Academic Article Molecular genetic analysis of vaccinia virus DNA polymerase mutants.
Academic Article Molecular genetic analysis of a vaccinia virus gene with an essential role in DNA replication.
Academic Article Vaccinia virus encapsidates a novel topoisomerase with the properties of a eucaryotic type I enzyme.
Academic Article Transcriptional mapping of the DNA polymerase gene of vaccinia virus.
Academic Article Protease bypass of temperature-sensitive murine leukemia virus maturation mutants.
Academic Article Isolation and properties of Moloney murine leukemia virus mutants: use of a rapid assay for release of virion reverse transcriptase.
Academic Article The vaccinia virus DNA polymerase and its processivity factor.
Academic Article The Host Factor Early Growth Response Gene (EGR-1) Regulates Vaccinia virus Infectivity during Infection of Starved Mouse Cells.
Academic Article Isolation and Characterization of v?I3 Confirm that Vaccinia Virus SSB Plays an Essential Role in Viral Replication.
Academic Article UV Irradiation of Vaccinia Virus-Infected Cells Impairs Cellular Functions, Introduces Lesions into the Viral Genome, and Uncovers Repair Capabilities for the Viral Replication Machinery.
Search Criteria
  • DNA