Search Result Details

This page shows the details of why an item matched the keywords from your search.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Gross, Christopher
Item TypeName
Concept Chondrocytes
Concept Foot
Concept Shoulder Joint
Concept Metatarsophalangeal Joint
Concept Ankle Joint
Concept Temporomandibular Joint Disc
Concept Hallux
Concept Acetabulum
Concept Knee Joint
Concept Ligaments, Articular
Concept Calcaneus
Concept Synovial Fluid
Concept Platelet-Rich Plasma
Concept Cartilage, Articular
Concept Surgical Flaps
Concept Cartilage
Concept Tarsal Bones
Concept Talus
Concept Bone Matrix
Concept Clavicle
Concept Tarsal Joints
Concept Lower Extremity
Concept Subtalar Joint
Concept Foot Joints
Concept Tibia
Concept Achilles Tendon
Concept Ankle
Concept Fibula
Concept Muscle, Skeletal
Concept Hip Joint
Academic Article Open and arthroscopic surgical anatomy of the ankle.
Academic Article Custom 3D-Printed Total Talar Prostheses Restore Normal Joint Anatomy Throughout the Hindfoot.
Concept Allografts
Concept Autografts
Search Criteria
  • Anatomy