This page shows the details of why an item matched the keywords from your search.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Menachemi, Nir
Item Type | Name |
Costs and Cost Analysis
Drug Costs
Cost Savings
Cost Sharing
Health Care Costs
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Academic Article
Measuring Patient Satisfaction's Relationship to Hospital Cost Efficiency: Can Administrators Make a Difference?
Academic Article
Co-payments and the use of emergency department services in the children's health insurance program.
Academic Article
Despite the spread of health information exchange, there is little evidence of its impact on cost, use, and quality of care.
Academic Article
Reviewing the benefits and costs of electronic health records and associated patient safety technologies.
Academic Article
Enrollment, expenditures, and utilization after CHIP expansion: evidence from Alabama.
Academic Article
Did copayment changes reduce health service utilization among CHIP enrollees? Evidence from Alabama.
Academic Article
The effects of premium changes on ALL Kids, Alabama's CHIP program.
Academic Article
High-Deductible Health Plans Reduce Health Care Cost And Utilization, Including Use Of Needed Preventive Services.
Academic Article
Can increases in CHIP copayments reduce program expenditures on prescription drugs?
Academic Article
Incomplete EHR adoption: late uptake of patient safety and cost control functions.
Academic Article
Health Expenditure Concentration and Characteristics of High-Cost Enrollees in CHIP.
Academic Article
The impact of CHIP coverage on children with asthma in Alabama.
Academic Article
Cost-effectiveness of Antihypertensive Medication: Exploring Race and Sex Differences Using Data From the REasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke Study.
Academic Article
The benefits of health information exchange: an updated systematic review.
Academic Article
Impact of Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act on Costs and Utilization in Alabama's Children's Health Insurance Program.
Academic Article
Indianapolis Provider's Use Of Wraparound Services Associated With Reduced Hospitalizations And Emergency Department Visits.
Academic Article
Vertical Integration Into Skilled Nursing Facilities and Hospital Readmission Rates.
Academic Article
The Rise in Pediatric Obesity-Related Conditions and Costs in Public Insurance Programs: Evidence from Alabama.
Academic Article
The Impact of Narrow and Tiered Networks on Costs, Access, Quality, and Patient Steering: A Systematic Review.