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Search Results
Moran, Robert
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to
Moran, Robert
Item Type
Escherichia coli Infections
Escherichia coli
Escherichia coli Proteins
Academic Article
Plasmids in antibiotic susceptible and antibiotic resistant commensal Escherichia coli from healthy Australian adults.
Academic Article
pCERC3 from a commensal ST95 Escherichia coli: A ColV virulence-multiresistance plasmid carrying a sul3-associated class 1 integron.
Academic Article
Analysis of pCERC7, a small antibiotic resistance plasmid from a commensal ST131 Escherichia coli, defines a diverse group of plasmids that include various segments adjacent to a multimer resolution site and encode the same NikA relaxase accessory protein enabling mobilisation.
Academic Article
Prediction of antibiotic resistance from antibiotic resistance genes detected in antibiotic-resistant commensal Escherichia coli using PCR or WGS.
Academic Article
Evolution of Regions Containing Antibiotic Resistance Genes in FII-2-FIB-1 ColV-Colla Virulence Plasmids.
Academic Article
pBuzz: A cryptic rolling-circle plasmid from a commensal Escherichia coli has two inversely oriented oriTs and is mobilised by a B/O plasmid.
Academic Article
Evolution of IS26-bounded pseudo-compound transposons carrying the tet(C) tetracycline resistance determinant.
Academic Article
Cointegration as a mechanism for the evolution of a KPC-producing multidrug resistance plasmid in Proteus mirabilis.
Academic Article
Extended-Spectrum ?-Lactamase Genes Traverse the Escherichia coli Populations of Intensive Care Unit Patients, Staff, and Environment.
Academic Article
Evolutionary Responses to Acquiring a Multidrug Resistance Plasmid Are Dominated by Metabolic Functions across Diverse Escherichia coli Lineages.
Search Criteria
Escherichia coli