Search Result Details

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Ergul, Adviye
Item TypeName
Concept Matrix Metalloproteinase 1
Concept Matrix Metalloproteinase 9
Concept Matrix Metalloproteinase 2
Concept Matrix Metalloproteinase 13
Concept Matrix Metalloproteinase 3
Academic Article Decreased vascular matrix metalloproteinase abundance in diabetic patients with symptomatic macroangiopathy.
Academic Article Stress upregulates arterial matrix metalloproteinase expression and activity via endothelin A receptor activation.
Academic Article Native matrix metalloproteinase characteristics may influence early stenosis of venous versus arterial coronary artery bypass grafting conduits.
Academic Article Downregulation of vascular matrix metalloproteinase inducer and activator proteins in hypertensive patients.
Academic Article Endothelin antagonism prevents early EGFR transactivation but not increased matrix metalloproteinase activity in diabetes.
Academic Article Glycemic control prevents microvascular remodeling and increased tone in type 2 diabetes: link to endothelin-1.
Academic Article Targets of vascular protection in acute ischemic stroke differ in type 2 diabetes.
Academic Article Increased hemorrhagic transformation and altered infarct size and localization after experimental stroke in a rat model type 2 diabetes.
Academic Article Peroxynitrite-Induced Tyrosine Nitration Contributes to Matrix Metalloprotease-3 Activation: Relevance to Hyperglycemic Ischemic Brain Injury and Tissue Plasminogen Activator.
Academic Article Matrix Metalloprotease 3 Exacerbates Hemorrhagic Transformation and Worsens Functional Outcomes in Hyperglycemic Stroke.
Academic Article Role of matrix metalloproteinase activity in the neurovascular protective effects of Angiotensin antagonism.
Academic Article Candesartan reduces the hemorrhage associated with delayed tissue plasminogen activator treatment in rat embolic stroke.
Academic Article Endothelial stromelysin1 regulation by the forkhead box-O transcription factors is crucial in the exudative phase of acute lung injury.
Academic Article Effect of neutrophil depletion on gelatinase expression, edema formation and hemorrhagic transformation after focal ischemic stroke.
Academic Article Delayed minocycline inhibits ischemia-activated matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9 after experimental stroke.
Academic Article Minocycline and tissue-type plasminogen activator for stroke: assessment of interaction potential.
Academic Article Dual endothelin receptor antagonism prevents remodeling of resistance arteries in diabetes.
Academic Article Effects of spironolactone on cerebral vessel structure in rats with sustained hypertension.
Academic Article Matrix metalloproteinase-9 in an exploratory trial of intravenous minocycline for acute ischemic stroke.
Concept Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibitors
Academic Article Cerebral microvascular matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP3) contributes to vascular injury after stroke in female diabetic rats.
Search Criteria
  • Matrix Metalloproteinase 2