Item Type | Name |
Tumor Cells, Cultured
Cells, Cultured
Academic Article
The role of the MDR1 (P-glycoprotein) gene in multidrug resistance in vitro and in vivo.
Academic Article
Expression and activity of the multidrug resistance P-glycoprotein in human peripheral blood lymphocytes.
Academic Article
Activation of MDR1 (P-glycoprotein) gene expression in human cells by protein kinase C agonists.
Academic Article
Expression and activity of P-glycoprotein, a multidrug efflux pump, in human hematopoietic stem cells.
Academic Article
Analysis of gene amplification in human tumor cells by in-gel DNA renaturation assay.
Academic Article
Autonomously replicating episomes contain mdr1 genes in a multidrug-resistant human cell line.
Academic Article
An altered pattern of cross-resistance in multidrug-resistant human cells results from spontaneous mutations in the mdr1 (P-glycoprotein) gene.
Academic Article
Detection of amplified sequences in mammalian DNA by in-gel renaturation and SINE hybridization.
Academic Article
Isolation and characterization of DNA sequences amplified in multidrug-resistant hamster cells.
Academic Article
Decreased expression of the amplified mdr1 gene in revertants of multidrug-resistant human myelogenous leukemia K562 occurs without loss of amplified DNA.
Academic Article
Multidrug resistance of DNA-mediated transformants is linked to transfer of the human mdr1 gene.
Academic Article
Induction of multidrug resistance in human cells by transient exposure to different chemotherapeutic drugs.
Academic Article
Variable effects of sodium butyrate on the expression and function of the MDR1 (P-glycoprotein) gene in colon carcinoma cell lines.
Academic Article
Binding properties of monoclonal antibodies recognizing external epitopes of the human MDR1 P-glycoprotein.
Academic Article
Isolation of genetic suppressor elements, inducing resistance to topoisomerase II-interactive cytotoxic drugs, from human topoisomerase II cDNA.
Academic Article
Involvement of MDR1 P-glycoprotein in multifactorial resistance to methotrexate.
Academic Article
Monoclonal antibodies against P-glycoprotein, an MDR1 gene product, inhibit interleukin-2 release from PHA-activated lymphocytes.
Academic Article
Inhibition of cytarabine-induced MDR1 (P-glycoprotein) gene activation in human tumor cells by fatty acid-polyethylene glycol-fatty acid diesters, novel inhibitors of P-glycoprotein function.
Academic Article
Adriamycin activates c-jun N-terminal kinase in human leukemia cells: a relevance to apoptosis.
Academic Article
Identification of p53 genetic suppressor elements which confer resistance to cisplatin.
Academic Article
60-Hz electric fields inhibit protein kinase C activity and multidrug resistance gene (MDR1) up-regulation.
Academic Article
Efficient recovery and regeneration of integrated retroviruses.
Academic Article
P-glycoprotein function involves conformational transitions detectable by differential immunoreactivity.
Academic Article
Drug resistance conferred by MDR1 expression in spheroids formed by glioblastoma cell lines.
Academic Article
Applications of green fluorescent protein as a marker of retroviral vectors.
Academic Article
Altered expression of ubiquitous kinesin heavy chain results in resistance to etoposide and hypersensitivity to colchicine: mapping of the domain associated with drug response.
Academic Article
Activation of the LRP (lung resistance-related protein) gene by short-term exposure of human leukemia cells to phorbol ester and cytarabine.
Academic Article
Differential regulation of mitogen-activated protein kinases by microtubule-binding agents in human breast cancer cells.
Academic Article
Identification of potential anticancer drug targets through the selection of growth-inhibitory genetic suppressor elements.
Academic Article
p21(Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1) mediates retinoblastoma protein degradation.
Academic Article
Repression of the SUMO-specific protease Senp1 induces p53-dependent premature senescence in normal human fibroblasts.
Academic Article
Molecular remodeling of potassium channels in fibroblasts from centenarians: a marker of longevity?
Academic Article
Effects of conditional depletion of topoisomerase II on cell cycle progression in mammalian cells.
Academic Article
Chronic p53-independent p21 expression causes genomic instability by deregulating replication licensing.
Academic Article
A senescence-like phenotype distinguishes tumor cells that undergo terminal proliferation arrest after exposure to anticancer agents.
Academic Article
Role of p53 and p21waf1/cip1 in senescence-like terminal proliferation arrest induced in human tumor cells by chemotherapeutic drugs.
Academic Article
p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1-induced growth arrest is associated with depletion of mitosis-control proteins and leads to abnormal mitosis and endoreduplication in recovering cells.
Academic Article
A combination of genetic suppressor elements produces resistance to drugs inhibiting DNA replication.
Academic Article
Altered activity of MDR-reversing agents on KB3-1 cells transfected with Gly(185)-->Val human P-glycoprotein.
Academic Article
Pleiotropic resistance to DNA-interactive drugs is associated with increased expression of genes involved in DNA replication, repair, and stress response.
Academic Article
P-glycoprotein-mediated colchicine resistance in different cell lines correlates with the effects of colchicine on P-glycoprotein conformation.
Academic Article
Growth retardation and increased apoptosis in mice with homozygous disruption of the Akt1 gene.
Academic Article
Molecular determinants of terminal growth arrest induced in tumor cells by a chemotherapeutic agent.
Academic Article
If not apoptosis, then what? Treatment-induced senescence and mitotic catastrophe in tumor cells.
Academic Article
Retinoid-induced growth arrest of breast carcinoma cells involves co-activation of multiple growth-inhibitory genes.