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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Roninson, Igor
Item TypeName
Concept Sequence Analysis, DNA
Concept DNA-Binding Proteins
Concept DNA Topoisomerases, Type II
Concept DNA, Complementary
Concept DNA
Concept DNA, Mitochondrial
Concept DNA Primers
Concept DNA, Viral
Concept DNA, Recombinant
Concept DNA Damage
Concept DNA-Directed DNA Polymerase
Concept DNA, Neoplasm
Concept DNA Probes
Concept DNA Replication
Concept DNA Restriction Enzymes
Concept DNA Repair
Concept Single-Strand Specific DNA and RNA Endonucleases
Concept DNA, Antisense
Academic Article [Functional organization of papova- and adenovirus DNA].
Academic Article [Physical mapping of the genomes of DNA-containing oncogenic viruses].
Academic Article [Physical mapping of the genome of phage Cd].
Academic Article Isolation of dominant negative mutants and inhibitory antisense RNA sequences by expression selection of random DNA fragments.
Academic Article Quantitative analysis of MDR1 (multidrug resistance) gene expression in human tumors by polymerase chain reaction.
Academic Article The deduced protein sequence of the human carboxypeptidase N high molecular weight subunit reveals the presence of leucine-rich tandem repeats.
Academic Article Structure and expression of the human MDR (P-glycoprotein) gene family.
Academic Article Analysis of gene amplification in human tumor cells by in-gel DNA renaturation assay.
Academic Article Association of Ki-ras with amplified DNA sequences, detected in human ovarian carcinomas by a modified in-gel renaturation assay.
Academic Article Autonomously replicating episomes contain mdr1 genes in a multidrug-resistant human cell line.
Academic Article Use of in-gel DNA renaturation for detection and cloning of amplified genes.
Academic Article Internal duplication and homology with bacterial transport proteins in the mdr1 (P-glycoprotein) gene from multidrug-resistant human cells.
Academic Article The mdr1 gene, responsible for multidrug-resistance, codes for P-glycoprotein.
Academic Article An altered pattern of cross-resistance in multidrug-resistant human cells results from spontaneous mutations in the mdr1 (P-glycoprotein) gene.
Academic Article Localization of multidrug resistance-associated DNA sequences to human chromosome 7.
Academic Article Detection of amplified sequences in mammalian DNA by in-gel renaturation and SINE hybridization.
Academic Article The human multidrug resistance (mdr1) gene. cDNA cloning and transcription initiation.
Academic Article mRNA phenotyping by enzymatic amplification of randomly primed cDNA.
Academic Article Isolation and characterization of DNA sequences amplified in multidrug-resistant hamster cells.
Academic Article Human multidrug-resistant cell lines: increased mdr1 expression can precede gene amplification.
Academic Article Isolation of human mdr DNA sequences amplified in multidrug-resistant KB carcinoma cells.
Academic Article Decreased expression of the amplified mdr1 gene in revertants of multidrug-resistant human myelogenous leukemia K562 occurs without loss of amplified DNA.
Academic Article Multidrug resistance of DNA-mediated transformants is linked to transfer of the human mdr1 gene.
Academic Article cDNA sequence of a new chicken embryonic rho-globin.
Academic Article Structural characterization of the adenovirus 18 inverted terminal repetition.
Academic Article Physical mapping of human adenovirus type 7 DNA using a simple and sensitive method of terminal labeling.
Academic Article Expression and partial DNA sequence of the chicken beta H-globin gene.
Academic Article Detection and mapping of homologous, repeated and amplified DNA sequences by DNA renaturation in agarose gels.
Academic Article Acquisition and loss of amplified genes: dramatic effects of hormones, tumor promoters and cytotoxic drugs.
Academic Article Amplification of specific DNA sequences correlates with multi-drug resistance in Chinese hamster cells.
Academic Article Gene evolution in the chicken beta-globin cluster.
Academic Article Control of hemoglobin expression in chick embryonic development.
Academic Article Studies on the nature of the linkage between the terminal protein and the adenovirus DNA.
Academic Article Resistance to taxol chemotherapy produced in mouse marrow cells by safety-modified retroviruses containing a human MDR-1 transcription unit.
Academic Article Genetic suppressor elements: new tools for molecular oncology--thirteenth Cornelius P. Rhoads Memorial Award Lecture.
Academic Article Cloning mammalian genes by expression selection of genetic suppressor elements: association of kinesin with drug resistance and cell immortalization.
Academic Article Isolation of genetic suppressor elements, inducing resistance to topoisomerase II-interactive cytotoxic drugs, from human topoisomerase II cDNA.
Academic Article Altered drug-stimulated ATPase activity in mutants of the human multidrug resistance protein.
Academic Article Effects of infection rate and selection pressure on gene expression from an internal promoter of a double gene retroviral vector.
Academic Article Identification of p53 genetic suppressor elements which confer resistance to cisplatin.
Academic Article Isolation of genetic suppressor elements (GSEs) from random fragment cDNA libraries in retroviral vectors.
Academic Article Evaluation of newer prognostic markers for adult soft tissue sarcomas.
Academic Article Altered expression of ubiquitous kinesin heavy chain results in resistance to etoposide and hypersensitivity to colchicine: mapping of the domain associated with drug response.
Academic Article Isolation of altered-function mutants and genetic suppressor elements of multidrug transporter P-glycoprotein by expression selection from retroviral libraries.
Academic Article Genetic suppressor elements in the characterization and identification of tumor suppressor genes.
Academic Article Hallmarks of senescence in carcinogenesis and cancer therapy.
Academic Article Src inhibits adriamycin-induced senescence and G2 checkpoint arrest by blocking the induction of p21waf1.
Academic Article p21(Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1) mediates retinoblastoma protein degradation.
Academic Article p21 (CDKN1A) is a negative regulator of p53 stability.
Academic Article Function-based gene identification using enzymatically generated normalized shRNA library and massive parallel sequencing.
Academic Article Tumor-specific silencing of COPZ2 gene encoding coatomer protein complex subunit ? 2 renders tumor cells dependent on its paralogous gene COPZ1.
Academic Article Effects of conditional depletion of topoisomerase II on cell cycle progression in mammalian cells.
Academic Article TP53 codon 72 polymorphism affects accumulation of mtDNA damage in human cells.
Academic Article Chronic p53-independent p21 expression causes genomic instability by deregulating replication licensing.
Academic Article Effects of p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 on cellular gene expression: implications for carcinogenesis, senescence, and age-related diseases.
Academic Article p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1-induced growth arrest is associated with depletion of mitosis-control proteins and leads to abnormal mitosis and endoreduplication in recovering cells.
Academic Article A combination of genetic suppressor elements produces resistance to drugs inhibiting DNA replication.
Academic Article Pleiotropic resistance to DNA-interactive drugs is associated with increased expression of genes involved in DNA replication, repair, and stress response.
Academic Article Molecular determinants of terminal growth arrest induced in tumor cells by a chemotherapeutic agent.
Academic Article Oncogenic functions of tumour suppressor p21(Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1): association with cell senescence and tumour-promoting activities of stromal fibroblasts.
Search Criteria
  • DNA