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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Cavanagh, John
Item TypeName
Concept Protein Binding
Concept DNA-Binding Proteins
Concept ran GTP-Binding Protein
Academic Article The Structure of the Biofilm-controlling Response Regulator BfmR from Acinetobacter baumannii Reveals Details of Its DNA-binding Mechanism.
Academic Article The effects of Ca(2+) binding on the conformation of calbindin D(28K): a nuclear magnetic resonance and microelectrospray mass spectrometry study.
Academic Article Evaluation of the DNA binding tendencies of the transition state regulator AbrB.
Academic Article Revised structure of the AbrB N-terminal domain unifies a diverse superfamily of putative DNA-binding proteins.
Academic Article Structural analysis of divalent metals binding to the Bacillus subtilis response regulator Spo0F: the possibility for in vitro metalloregulation in the initiation of sporulation.
Academic Article NMR structure of AbhN and comparison with AbrBN: FIRST insights into the DNA binding promiscuity and specificity of AbrB-like transition state regulator proteins.
Academic Article Structure, binding interface and hydrophobic transitions of Ca2+-loaded calbindin-D(28K).
Academic Article Abh and AbrB control of Bacillus subtilis antimicrobial gene expression.
Academic Article Peptide binding proclivities of calcium loaded calbindin-D28k.
Academic Article Tandem mass spectrometry acquisition approaches to enhance identification of protein-protein interactions using low-energy collision-induced dissociative chemical crosslinking reagents.
Academic Article Co-evolving motions at protein-protein interfaces of two-component signaling systems identified by covariance analysis.
Academic Article Insights into the nature of DNA binding of AbrB-like transcription factors.
Academic Article Structural and motional contributions of the Bacillus subtilis ClpC N-domain to adaptor protein interactions.
Academic Article Structural characterization of the conformational change in calbindin-D28k upon calcium binding using differential surface modification analyzed by mass spectrometry.
Academic Article Binding site on human immunoglobulin G for the affinity ligand HWRGWV.
Academic Article NMR solution structure and DNA-binding model of the DNA-binding domain of competence protein A.
Academic Article ?H, ??C, and ?5N resonance assignments and secondary structure prediction of the full-length transition state regulator AbrB from Bacillus anthracis.
Academic Article Structural insights into the calcium-dependent interaction between calbindin-D28K and caspase-3.
Academic Article Chemical crosslinking and LC/MS analysis to determine protein domain orientation: application to AbrB.
Academic Article Structure and DNA-binding traits of the transition state regulator AbrB.
Academic Article Structure of the Francisella response regulator QseB receiver domain, and characterization of QseB inhibition by antibiofilm 2-aminoimidazole-based compounds.
Academic Article The Solution Structures and Interaction of SinR and SinI: Elucidating the Mechanism of Action of the Master Regulator Switch for Biofilm Formation in Bacillus subtilis.
Academic Article Macromolecular assembly of the transition state regulator AbrB in its unbound and complexed states probed by microelectrospray ionization mass spectrometry.
Academic Article Calbindin D28K interacts with Ran-binding protein M: identification of interacting domains by NMR spectroscopy.
Concept S100 Calcium Binding Protein G
Search Criteria
  • Carrier Proteins