Search Result Details

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Wood, Susan
Item TypeName
Concept Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone
Concept Receptors, Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone
Academic Article Essential Role of Ovarian Hormones in Susceptibility to the Consequences of Witnessing Social Defeat in Female Rats.
Academic Article The effects of CRF antagonists, antalarmin, CP154,526, LWH234, and R121919, in the forced swim test and on swim-induced increases in adrenocorticotropin in rats.
Academic Article Facilitation of cardiac vagal activity by CRF-R1 antagonists during swim stress in rats.
Academic Article Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor-1: a therapeutic target for cardiac autonomic disturbances.
Academic Article Social stress-induced bladder dysfunction: potential role of corticotropin-releasing factor.
Academic Article Individual differences in reactivity to social stress predict susceptibility and resilience to a depressive phenotype: role of corticotropin-releasing factor.
Academic Article The bladder-brain connection: putative role of corticotropin-releasing factor.
Academic Article Depressive and cardiovascular disease comorbidity in a rat model of social stress: a putative role for corticotropin-releasing factor.
Academic Article Cellular adaptations of dorsal raphe serotonin neurons associated with the development of active coping in response to social stress.
Academic Article A corticotropin-releasing factor receptor antagonist improves urodynamic dysfunction produced by social stress or partial bladder outlet obstruction in male rats.
Academic Article Social stress engages opioid regulation of locus coeruleus norepinephrine neurons and induces a state of cellular and physical opiate dependence.
Academic Article Both CRF1 and CRF2 receptors in the bed nucleus of stria terminalis are involved in baroreflex impairment evoked by chronic stress in rats.
Search Criteria
  • Corticotropin Releasing Hormone