Ivan A. Chernev

InstitutionMedical University of South Carolina
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    1. Orr RK, Hoehn JL, Col NF, Chernev I, Chernev A. Education Level Among Patients with Major Limb Amputation. Cureus. 2020 Apr 14; 12(4):e7673. PMID: 32426185; PMCID: PMC7228790.
    2. Chernev I, Mctighe S, Stanley DP, Chernev I, Mctighe S, Stanley DP. Letter to the Editor: Re: Co-existence of intramuscular spindle cell lipoma with an intramuscular ordinary lipoma: Report of a case. Response to Laliotis et al. Pol J Pathol. 2015 Mar; 66(1):92. PMID: 26017887.
    3. Chernev I, Petit-Clair N, Chernev I, Petit-Clair N. Magnetic resonance imaging characteristics of intramuscular lipomas. Sao Paulo Med J. 2015 Feb; 133(1):64-6. PMID: 25388682.
    4. Yi A, Chernev I, Yi A, Chernev I. The pathogenesis of herpes zoster duplex bilateralis symmetricus. Int J Dermatol. 2015 Mar; 54(3):e89-90. PMID: 25515547.
    5. McTighe S, Chernev I, McTighe S, Chernev I. Intramuscular lipoma: a review of the literature. Orthop Rev (Pavia). 2014 Oct 27; 6(4):5618. PMID: 25568733; PMCID: PMC4274454.
    6. Chernev I, Gomez E, Chernev I, Gomez E. Disseminated cutaneous herpes zoster and immune thrombocytopenic purpura. J Cutan Med Surg. 2014 Oct; 18(5):298. PMID: 25186989.
    7. Petit-Clair N, Smith M, Chernev I, Petit-Clair N, Smith M, Chernev I. Modified NPWT using round channel drain for pacemaker pocket non-healing complex wound: a case report. J Wound Care. 2014 Sep; 23(9):453-5. PMID: 25284298.
    8. Gomez E, Chernev I, Gomez E, Chernev I. Disseminated cutaneous herpes zoster in an immunocompetent elderly patient. Infect Dis Rep. 2014 Aug 13; 6(3):5513. PMID: 25276332; PMCID: PMC4178270.
    9. Orr RK, Hoehn JL, Col NF, Chernev I, Norwood A. Re: giant hand lipoma revisited: report of a thenar lipoma and its literature review. J Hand Microsurg. 2014 Dec; 6(2):113-4. PMID: 25414565; PMCID: PMC4235822.
    10. Constant J, Chernev I, Gomez E, Constant J, Chernev I, Gomez E. Shewanella putrefaciens infective endocarditis. Braz J Infect Dis. 2014 Nov-Dec; 18(6):686-8. PMID: 24994567; PMCID: PMC9425275.
    11. Sevy B, Stanley DP, Doctry NE, Chernev I, Sevy B, Stanley DP, Doctry NE, Chernev I. Chronic expanding hematoma of the calf. Joint Bone Spine. 2015 Mar; 82(2):131-2. PMID: 24962981.
    12. Mctighe S, Yi A, Chernev I, Mctighe S, Yi A, Chernev I. [Re: intramuscular lipomas: large and deep benign lumps not to be underestimated. Review of a series of 51 cases]. Rev Esp Cir Ortop Traumatol. 2014 Jul-Aug; 58(4):253-4. PMID: 24951262.
    13. Chernev I, Mctighe S, Stanley DP, Chernev I, Mctighe S, Stanley DP. Re: co-existence of intramuscular spindle cell lipoma with an intramuscular ordinary lipoma. Report of a case. Pol J Pathol. 2014 Jun; 65(2):160-1. PMID: 25119179.
    14. Chernev I, Chernev I. Herpes zoster duplex bilateralis. Dermatol Online J. 2014 Mar 17; 20(3). PMID: 24656279.
    15. Chernev I, Chernev I. Intramuscular lipoma: infiltrating vs. well-circumscribed variant. Pan Afr Med J. 2014; 17:170. PMID: 25120883; PMCID: PMC4119456.
    16. Dado DN, Norwood A, Chernev I, Dado DN, Norwood A, Chernev I. Juxtamalleolar lipoma. PM R. 2014 Aug; 6(8):757-8. PMID: 24594307.
    17. Chernev I, Gomez E, Chernev I, Gomez E. Herpes zoster and diabetes mellitus. Korean J Pain. 2014 Jan; 27(1):92. PMID: 24478910; PMCID: PMC3903810.
    18. Chernev I, Dado DN, Chernev I, Dado DN. Segmental zoster abdominal paresis/paralysis, zoster pseudohernia or zoster lumbar hernia? Hernia. 2014 Feb; 18(1):145-6. PMID: 24166694.
    19. Chernev I, Dado D, Chernev I, Dado D. Segmental zoster abdominal paresis (zoster pseudohernia): a review of the literature. PM R. 2013 Sep; 5(9):786-90. PMID: 24054853.
    20. Dado D, Chernev I, Dado D, Chernev I. Gastrointestinal varicella zoster infection. Dissemination or reactivation of a latent virus in the gut? Endoscopy. 2013 Aug; 45(8):678. PMID: 23881809.
    21. Chernev I, Dado D, Chernev I, Dado D. Leg paralysis due to herpes zoster: segmental paralysis or viral vasculopathy and stroke? Intern Emerg Med. 2014 Mar; 9(2):241-2. PMID: 23709053.
    22. Lue A, Chernev I, Yan K, Lue A, Chernev I, Yan K. Extra-articular osteochondromatosis. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2011 Jun; 90(6):519-21. PMID: 20531163.
    23. Wilcher DG, Chernev I, Yan K, Wilcher DG, Chernev I, Yan K. Combined mirror visual and auditory feedback therapy for upper limb phantom pain: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2011 Jan 27; 5:41. PMID: 21272334; PMCID: PMC3039606.
    24. Semenov E, Tanden R, Chernev I, Semenov E, Tanden R, Chernev I. Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2010 Dec; 89(12):1043-4. PMID: 20463562.
    25. Chernev I, Chernev I. Congenital absent cervical spine pedicle and cervical spina bifida occulta. PM R. 2010 Dec; 2(12):1149-51. PMID: 21145528.
    26. Orr RK, Hoehn JL, Col NF, Chernev I. A giant inguinoscrotal hernia. ScientificWorldJournal. 2010 Jan 08; 10:72-3. PMID: 20062953; PMCID: PMC5763827.
    27. Chernev I, Yan K, Chernev I, Yan K. Position-dependent urinary retention in a traumatic brain injury patient: a case report. Cases J. 2009 Nov 30; 2:9120. PMID: 20062697; PMCID: PMC2803917.
    28. Chernev I, Pessina MA, Chernev I, Pessina MA. Unilateral complete congenital serratus anterior muscle aplasia: a case report. PM R. 2009 Jun; 1(6):587-9. PMID: 19627950.
    29. Chernev I, Gustafson K, Medina-Bravo A, Chernev I, Gustafson K, Medina-Bravo A. Functional outcome in a patient with an acute quadriparesis secondary to systemic sclerosis: a case report. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2009 Jan; 90(1):170-2. PMID: 19154843.
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