Daniel R. Knapp

InstitutionMedical University of South Carolina
DepartmentCell and Molecular Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
AddressP.O. Box MSC 505
173 Ashley Ave.
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    PMC Citations indicate the number of times the publication was cited by articles in PubMed Central, and the Altmetric score represents citations in news articles and social media. (Note that publications are often cited in additional ways that are not shown here.) Fields are based on how the National Library of Medicine (NLM) classifies the publication's journal and might not represent the specific topic of the publication. Translation tags are based on the publication type and the MeSH terms NLM assigns to the publication. Some publications (especially newer ones and publications not in PubMed) might not yet be assigned Field or Translation tags.) Click a Field or Translation tag to filter the publications.
    1. Nayak R, Knapp DR, Nayak R, Knapp DR. Matrix-free LDI mass spectrometry platform using patterned nanostructured gold thin film. Anal Chem. 2010 Sep 15; 82(18):7772-8. PMID: 20799713; PMCID: PMC2939187.
    2. Sen AK, Darabi J, Knapp DR, Sen AK, Darabi J, Knapp DR. Design, fabrication and test of a microfluidic nebulizer chip for desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Sens Actuators B Chem. 2009 Apr 02; 137(2):789-796. PMID: 20161284; PMCID: PMC2682712.
    3. Nayak R, Liu J, Sen AK, Knapp DR, Nayak R, Liu J, Sen AK, Knapp DR. Dual desorption electrospray ionization-laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry on a common nanoporous alumina platform for enhanced shotgun proteomic analysis. Anal Chem. 2008 Nov 15; 80(22):8840-4. PMID: 18937429.
    4. Waller LN, Shores K, Knapp DR, Waller LN, Shores K, Knapp DR. Shotgun proteomic analysis of cerebrospinal fluid using off-gel electrophoresis as the first-dimension separation. J Proteome Res. 2008 Oct; 7(10):4577-84. PMID: 18778093; PMCID: PMC4582942.
    5. Sen AK, Nayak R, Darabi J, Knapp DR, Sen AK, Nayak R, Darabi J, Knapp DR. Use of nanoporous alumina surface for desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry in proteomic analysis. Biomed Microdevices. 2008 Aug; 10(4):531-8. PMID: 18204903.
    6. Schilling M, Knapp DR, Schilling M, Knapp DR. Enrichment of phosphopeptides using biphasic immobilized metal affinity-reversed phase microcolumns. J Proteome Res. 2008 Sep; 7(9):4164-72. PMID: 18642943.
    7. Chen G, Svec F, Knapp DR, Chen G, Svec F, Knapp DR. Light-actuated high pressure-resisting microvalve for on-chip flow control based on thermo-responsive nanostructured polymer. Lab Chip. 2008 Jul; 8(7):1198-204. PMID: 18584098.
    8. Shores KS, Udugamasooriya DG, Kodadek T, Knapp DR, Shores KS, Udugamasooriya DG, Kodadek T, Knapp DR. Use of peptide analogue diversity library beads for increased depth of proteomic analysis: application to cerebrospinal fluid. J Proteome Res. 2008 May; 7(5):1922-31. PMID: 18357977.
    9. Shores KS, Knapp DR, Shores KS, Knapp DR. Assessment approach for evaluating high abundance protein depletion methods for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) proteomic analysis. J Proteome Res. 2007 Sep; 6(9):3739-51. PMID: 17696521.
    10. Orr RK, Hoehn JL, Col NF, Nayak R, Knapp DR. Effects of thin-film structural parameters on laser desorption/ionization from porous alumina. Anal Chem. 2007 Jul 01; 79(13):4950-6. PMID: 17547367.
    11. Ablonczy Z, Kono M, Knapp DR, Crouch RK, Ablonczy Z, Kono M, Knapp DR, Crouch RK. Palmitylation of cone opsins. Vision Res. 2006 Dec; 46(27):4493-501. PMID: 16989884; PMCID: PMC2025682.
    12. Ro KW, Nayak R, Knapp DR, Ro KW, Nayak R, Knapp DR. Monolithic media in microfluidic devices for proteomics. Electrophoresis. 2006 Sep; 27(18):3547-58. PMID: 16927347.
    13. Pirlo RK, Dean DM, Knapp DR, Gao BZ, Pirlo RK, Dean DM, Knapp DR, Gao BZ. Cell deposition system based on laser guidance. Biotechnol J. 2006 Sep; 1(9):1007-13. PMID: 16941447.
    14. Ro KW, Liu J, Knapp DR, Ro KW, Liu J, Knapp DR. Plastic microchip liquid chromatography-matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry using monolithic columns. J Chromatogr A. 2006 Apr 07; 1111(1):40-7. PMID: 16480733.
    15. Cook LA, Schey KL, Wilcox MD, Dingus J, Ettling R, Nelson T, Knapp DR, Hildebrandt JD, Cook LA, Schey KL, Wilcox MD, Dingus J, Ettling R, Nelson T, Knapp DR, Hildebrandt JD. Proteomic analysis of bovine brain G protein gamma subunit processing heterogeneity. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2006 Apr; 5(4):671-85. PMID: 16332732.
    16. Ablonczy Z, Darrow RM, Knapp DR, Organisciak DT, Crouch RK, Ablonczy Z, Darrow RM, Knapp DR, Organisciak DT, Crouch RK. Rhodopsin phosphorylation in rats exposed to intense light. Photochem Photobiol. 2005 May-Jun; 81(3):541-7. PMID: 15504085.
    17. Ablonczy Z, Crouch RK, Knapp DR, Ablonczy Z, Crouch RK, Knapp DR. Mass spectrometric analysis of integral membrane proteins at the subpicomolar level: application to rhodopsin. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2005 Oct 25; 825(2):169-75. PMID: 16213448.
    18. Orr RK, Hoehn JL, Col NF, Knapp DR. Let's preserve proper terminology. J Proteome Res. 2005 Mar-Apr; 4(2):211; discussion 211. PMID: 15856608.
    19. Wang X, Kim SH, Ablonczy Z, Crouch RK, Knapp DR, Wang X, Kim SH, Ablonczy Z, Crouch RK, Knapp DR. Probing rhodopsin-transducin interactions by surface modification and mass spectrometry. Biochemistry. 2004 Sep 07; 43(35):11153-62. PMID: 15366925.
    20. Ro KW, Liu J, Busman M, Knapp DR, Ro KW, Liu J, Busman M, Knapp DR. Capillary high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry using monolithic columns and carbon fiber electrospray ionization emitters. J Chromatogr A. 2004 Aug 20; 1047(1):49-57. PMID: 15481459.
    21. Liu J, Ro KW, Busman M, Knapp DR, Liu J, Ro KW, Busman M, Knapp DR. Electrospray ionization with a pointed carbon fiber emitter. Anal Chem. 2004 Jul 01; 76(13):3599-606. PMID: 15228330.
    22. Ablonczy Z, Crouch RK, Goletz PW, Redmond TM, Knapp DR, Ma JX, Rohrer B, Ablonczy Z, Crouch RK, Goletz PW, Redmond TM, Knapp DR, Ma JX, Rohrer B. 11-cis-retinal reduces constitutive opsin phosphorylation and improves quantum catch in retinoid-deficient mouse rod photoreceptors. J Biol Chem. 2002 Oct 25; 277(43):40491-8. PMID: 12176991.
      Citations: 37     Fields:    Translation:AnimalsCells
    23. McIntire WE, Schey KL, Knapp DR, Dingus J, Hildebrandt JD, McIntire WE, Schey KL, Knapp DR, Dingus J, Hildebrandt JD. Characterization of deamidated G protein subunits. Methods Enzymol. 2002; 344:481-505. PMID: 11771405.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Cells
    24. Kim JS, Knapp DR, Kim JS, Knapp DR. Miniaturized multichannel electrospray ionization emitters on poly(dimethylsiloxane) microfluidic devices. Electrophoresis. 2001 Oct; 22(18):3993-9. PMID: 11700731.
      Citations: 4     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    25. Kim JS, Knapp DR, Kim JS, Knapp DR. Microfabricated PDMS multichannel emitter for electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom. 2001 Apr; 12(4):463-9. PMID: 11322193.
      Citations: 8     Fields:    
    26. Ablonczy Z, Knapp DR, Darrow R, Organisciak DT, Crouch RK, Ablonczy Z, Knapp DR, Darrow R, Organisciak DT, Crouch RK. Mass spectrometric analysis of rhodopsin from light damaged rats. Mol Vis. 2000 Jun 27; 6:109-15. PMID: 10874059.
      Citations: 7     Fields:    Translation:AnimalsCells
    27. Gelasco A, Crouch RK, Knapp DR, Gelasco A, Crouch RK, Knapp DR. Intrahelical arrangement in the integral membrane protein rhodopsin investigated by site-specific chemical cleavage and mass spectrometry. Biochemistry. 2000 Apr 25; 39(16):4907-14. PMID: 10769149.
      Citations: 6     Fields:    Translation:Cells
    28. McIntire WE, Schey KL, Knapp DR, Hildebrandt JD, McIntire WE, Schey KL, Knapp DR, Hildebrandt JD. A major G protein alpha O isoform in bovine brain is deamidated at Asn346 and Asn347, residues involved in receptor coupling. Biochemistry. 1998 Oct 20; 37(42):14651-8. PMID: 9778339.
      Citations: 4     Fields:    Translation:AnimalsCells
    29. Ball LE, Oatis JE, Dharmasiri K, Busman M, Wang J, Cowden LB, Galijatovic A, Chen N, Crouch RK, Knapp DR, Ball LE, Oatis JE, Dharmasiri K, Busman M, Wang J, Cowden LB, Galijatovic A, Chen N, Crouch RK, Knapp DR. Mass spectrometric analysis of integral membrane proteins: application to complete mapping of bacteriorhodopsins and rhodopsin. Protein Sci. 1998 Mar; 7(3):758-64. PMID: 9541408; PMCID: PMC2143964.
      Citations: 11     Fields:    Translation:AnimalsCells
    30. Busman M, Schey KL, Oatis JE, Knapp DR, Busman M, Schey KL, Oatis JE, Knapp DR. Identification of phosphorylation sites in phosphopeptides by positive and negative mode electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom. 1996 Mar; 7(3):243-9. PMID: 24203295.
    31. Scarberry RE, Zhang Z, Knapp DR, Scarberry RE, Zhang Z, Knapp DR. Peptide sequence determination from high-energy collision-induced dissociation spectra using artificial neural networks. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom. 1995 Oct; 6(10):947-61. PMID: 24214039.
    32. Beischel CJ, Knapp DR, Govindjee R, Ebrey TG, Crouch RK, Beischel CJ, Knapp DR, Govindjee R, Ebrey TG, Crouch RK. Azidotetrafluorophenyl retinal analogue: synthesis and bacteriorhodopsin pigment formation. Photochem Photobiol. 1994 Jul; 60(1):64-8. PMID: 7794419.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Cells
    33. Beischel CJ, Gray K, Hazard ES, Knapp DR, Crouch RK, Beischel CJ, Gray K, Hazard ES, Knapp DR, Crouch RK. Evaluation of photoaffinity labeled sites of bacteriorhodopsin using molecular modeling. Biochem Mol Biol Int. 1994 Apr; 32(5):933-9. PMID: 8069243.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Cells
    34. Busman M, Knapp DR, Schey KL, Busman M, Knapp DR, Schey KL. Observation of large multimers in the electrospray ionization mass spectrometry of peptides. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 1994 Feb; 8(2):211-6. PMID: 8155900.
      Citations: 7     Fields:    Translation:Cells
    35. Finch JW, Crouch RK, Knapp DR, Schey KL, Finch JW, Crouch RK, Knapp DR, Schey KL. Mass spectrometric identification of modifications to human serum albumin treated with hydrogen peroxide. Arch Biochem Biophys. 1993 Sep; 305(2):595-9. PMID: 8373198.
      Citations: 8     Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    36. Knapp DR, Oatis JE, Papac DI, Knapp DR, Oatis JE, Papac DI. Small-scale manual multiple peptide synthesis system. Application to phosphopeptide synthesis. Int J Pept Protein Res. 1993 Sep; 42(3):259-63. PMID: 8225781.
      Citations: 2     Fields:    Translation:Cells
    37. Papac DI, Oatis JE, Crouch RK, Knapp DR, Papac DI, Oatis JE, Crouch RK, Knapp DR. Mass spectrometric identification of phosphorylation sites in bleached bovine rhodopsin. Biochemistry. 1993 Jun 15; 32(23):5930-4. PMID: 8507634.
      Citations: 13     Fields:    Translation:AnimalsCells
    38. Schey KL, Papac DI, Knapp DR, Crouch RK, Schey KL, Papac DI, Knapp DR, Crouch RK. Matrix-assisted laser desorption mass spectrometry of rhodopsin and bacteriorhodopsin. Biophys J. 1992 Nov; 63(5):1240-3. PMID: 1477275; PMCID: PMC1261426.
      Citations: 10     Fields:    Translation:Animals
    39. Papac DI, Thornburg KR, Büllesbach EE, Crouch RK, Knapp DR, Papac DI, Thornburg KR, B?llesbach EE, Crouch RK, Knapp DR. Palmitylation of a G-protein coupled receptor. Direct analysis by tandem mass spectrometry. J Biol Chem. 1992 Aug 25; 267(24):16889-94. PMID: 1512231.
      Citations: 21     Fields:    Translation:AnimalsCells
    40. Beischel CJ, Mani V, Govindjee R, Ebrey TG, Knapp DR, Crouch RK, Beischel CJ, Mani V, Govindjee R, Ebrey TG, Knapp DR, Crouch RK. Ring oxidized retinals form unusual bacteriorhodopsin analogue pigments. Photochem Photobiol. 1991 Dec; 54(6):977-83. PMID: 1775535.
      Citations: 2     Fields:    Translation:Cells
    41. Papac DI, Schey KL, Knapp DR, Papac DI, Schey KL, Knapp DR. Combination electrospray-liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry ion source. Anal Chem. 1991 Aug 01; 63(15):1658-60. PMID: 1952088.
      Citations: 5     Fields:    
    42. Morinelli TA, Mais DE, Oatis JE, Mayeux PR, Okwu AK, Masuda A, Knapp DR, Halushka PV, Morinelli TA, Mais DE, Oatis JE, Mayeux PR, Okwu AK, Masuda A, Knapp DR, Halushka PV. I-BOP, the most potent radiolabelled agonist for the TXA2/PGH2 receptor. Adv Prostaglandin Thromboxane Leukot Res. 1990; 20:102-9. PMID: 2144685.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:HumansCells
    43. Morinelli TA, Oatis JE, Okwu AK, Mais DE, Mayeux PR, Masuda A, Knapp DR, Halushka PV, Morinelli TA, Oatis JE, Okwu AK, Mais DE, Mayeux PR, Masuda A, Knapp DR, Halushka PV. Characterization of an 125I-labeled thromboxane A2/prostaglandin H2 receptor agonist. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1989 Nov; 251(2):557-62. PMID: 2530338.
      Citations: 12     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    44. Vrbanac JJ, Eller TD, Knapp DR, Vrbanac JJ, Eller TD, Knapp DR. Quantitative analysis of 6-keto-prostaglandin F1 alpha using immunoaffinity purification and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr. 1988 Mar 04; 425(1):1-9. PMID: 2452173.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
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