Evert Eriksson

Co-Authors (17)

Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
This radial graph shows the co-authors (inner ring) and top co-authors of co-authors (outer ring) of Evert Eriksson. The size of the red circle around an author's name is proportional to the number of publications that he or she has. The thickness of a line connecting two authors' names is proportional to the number of publications that they share. Options for customizing this network view are listed below the graph.
Anton RAnton RBatalis NBatalis NCrookes BCrookes BBush JBush JDenlinger CDenlinger CCreasman WCreasman WCurry NCurry NEgede LEgede LEriksson EEriksson EFord DFord DGlaser JGlaser JHannegan CHannegan CHarley RHarley RJaroscak JJaroscak JKubalak SKubalak SScott LScott LLazarchick JLazarchick JLeon SLeon SPresnell SPresnell SMcElligott JMcElligott JMenick DMenick DMueller MMueller MNappi JNappi JNemeth LNemeth LNorcross ENorcross EO'Neill PO'Neill PPatel SPatel SPope CPope CRobison JRobison JRuggiero KRuggiero KSalgado CSalgado CSchandl CSchandl CWatson SWatson SSelassie ASelassie ASimpson KSimpson KFakhry SFakhry SSoper DSoper DGraybill WGraybill WWolff DWolff DWorrall CWorrall CZapka JZapka JDuBose-Morris RDuBose-Morris RGoodier CGoodier CRoberts LRoberts LHirschhorn JHirschhorn JSpiotta ASpiotta AHall GHall GKalhorn SKalhorn SSpruill LSpruill LDavidson TDavidson TWilson DWilson DPrivette APrivette AFrench DFrench DHarvey JHarvey JLesher ALesher AEskandari REskandari RRuddy JRuddy JChung DChung DCaporossi JCaporossi JDemore NDemore NGoodwin RGoodwin RMatuskowitz AMatuskowitz ADorlon MDorlon MFisher DFisher DLena JLena JLindsey KLindsey KInfinger LInfinger LJohnson EJohnson EBarnes RBarnes RBishu KBishu KCatchpole KCatchpole KPhillips APhillips ADahne JDahne JMenkinSmith LMenkinSmith LJennings LJennings LHess BHess BAl Kasab SAl Kasab SGibney BGibney BWeeda EWeeda ERidings LRidings LAlfred MAlfred MForcucci JForcucci JGreenwell IGreenwell IMonroe AMonroe AEvans HEvans HAnton MAnton MAlawieh AAlawieh ABaker TBaker TRoss CRoss CCalhoun CCalhoun CKicielinski KKicielinski KWeant KWeant KHayes GHayes GMeehan JMeehan JSmith MSmith MDominiak NDominiak NRamsdell ARamsdell ARamsdell ARamsdell A
Minimum number of publications Minimum number of co-publications Year of most recent co-publication
any number any collaboration any year
Use the sliders to 1) hide authors who have fewer than the selected minimum number of publications, 2) hide lines that represent fewer than the selected minimum number of co-publications, or 3) hide lines that represent co-publications that were written before the selected year. Click the name of any author to re-center the graph on that person. Ctrl-click a name to view that person's network of co-authors. Alt-click a name to view that person's full profile. Shift-click a name to highlight the mutual co-authorships of that person's co-authors.

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