Jihad Sami Obeid

TitleEndowed Chair for Biomedical Informatics Associated with Clinical Effectiveness & Patient Safety
InstitutionMedical University of South Carolina
DepartmentPublic Health Sciences
ORCID ORCID Icon0000-0002-7193-7779 Additional info
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    Dr. Jihad Obeid is a Professor and SmartState Endowed Chair in Biomedical Informatics in the Department of Public Health Sciences at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). He is the Associate Director of the Biomedical Informatics Center (BMIC) and Director of the Social Determinants of Health Shared Resource (SHARE). Dr. Obeid is a pediatrician who was formally trained in Medical Informatics at the Division of Health Sciences and Technology, a joint Harvard-MIT fellowship program.

    As associate director of BMIC, he oversees several academic and operational informatics initiatives. He leads the effort on multiple clinical and translational research informatics projects such as, the electronic health records (EHR) Research Data Warehouse (RDW), REDCap, Profiles research networking system, and many others. Since his arrival at MUSC, he has served as principal investigator, co-investigator, and informatics leader on several federally funded projects. At the national level, he led several working groups related to translational research informatics. Dr. Obeid is the founder and director of two courses in Biomedical Informatics (MCR-746: Informatics and Data Management for Clinical Research and BDSI-712: Translational Informatics), and the co-founder of the AI Hub at MUSC.

    His research interests include artificial intelligence (AI), specifically, deep learning and large language models applications using EHR data for e-phenotyping and predictive modeling with focus on clinical text mining. Other research interests include natural language processing, social determinants of health, electronic consents, secondary use of EHR data/data warehousing, analysis of research networks, and biomedical ontologies.
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    artificial intelligence, machine learning, AI, informatics, electronic informed consent, e-consent, NLP

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    Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications. Faculty can login to make corrections and additions.
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    PMC Citations indicate the number of times the publication was cited by articles in PubMed Central, and the Altmetric score represents citations in news articles and social media. (Note that publications are often cited in additional ways that are not shown here.) Fields are based on how the National Library of Medicine (NLM) classifies the publication's journal and might not represent the specific topic of the publication. Translation tags are based on the publication type and the MeSH terms NLM assigns to the publication. Some publications (especially newer ones and publications not in PubMed) might not yet be assigned Field or Translation tags.) Click a Field or Translation tag to filter the publications.
    1. Obeid JS, Tsalatsanis A, Chaphalkar C, Robinson S, Klein S, Cool S, Szwast E, Bunnell BE. A Reproducible Model Based on Clinical Text for Predicting Suicidal Behavior. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2024 Jan 25; 310:1486-1487. PMID: 38269709.
    2. Lin AY, Arabandi S, Beale T, Duncan WD, Hicks A, Hogan WR, Jensen M, Koppel R, Mart?nez-Costa C, Nytr? ?, Obeid JS, de Oliveira JP, Ruttenberg A, Sepp?l? S, Smith B, Soergel D, Zheng J, Schulz S. Improving the Quality and Utility of Electronic Health Record Data through Ontologies. Standards (Basel). 2023 Sep; 3(3):316-340. PMID: 37873508; PMCID: PMC10591519.
    3. Sawant S, Madathil KC, Molloseau M, Obeid J. Overcoming recruitment hurdles in clinical trials: An investigation of remote consenting modalities and their impact on workload, workflow, and usability. Appl Ergon. 2023 Sep 13; 114:104135. PMID: 37713927.
    4. Ward R, Obeid JS, Jennings L, Szwast E, Hayes WG, Pipaliya R, Bailey C, Faul S, Polyak B, Baker GH, McCauley JL, Lenert LA. Enhanced phenotypes for identifying opioid overdose in emergency department visit electronic health record data. JAMIA Open. 2023 Oct; 6(3):ooad081. PMID: 38486917; PMCID: PMC10938047.
    5. Jennings LK, Ward R, Pekar E, Szwast E, Sox L, Hying J, Mccauley J, Obeid JS, Lenert LA, Jennings LK, Ward R, Pekar E, Szwast E, Sox L, Hying J, Mccauley J, Obeid JS, Lenert LA. The effectiveness of a noninterruptive alert to increase prescription of take-home naloxone in emergency departments. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2023 Mar 16; 30(4):683-691. PMID: 36718091; PMCID: PMC10018256.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    6. Khalifa A, Obeid JS, Gregoski MJ, Rockey DC, Khalifa A, Obeid JS, Gregoski MJ, Rockey DC. Accurate Identification of Patients with Cirrhosis and Its Complications in the Electronic Health Record. Dig Dis Sci. 2023 Mar 10. PMID: 36899112.
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    7. Khalifa A, Obeid JS, Erno J, Rockey DC. The role of artificial intelligence in hepatology research and practice. Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 2023 May 01; 39(3):175-180. PMID: 37144534.
    8. Kelsey MD, Mulder H, Chiswell K, Lampron ZM, Nilles E, Kulinski JP, Joshi PH, Jones WS, Chamberlain AM, Leucker TM, Hwang W, Milks MW, Paranjape A, Obeid JS, Linton MF, Kent ST, Peterson ED, O'Brien EC, Pagidipati NJ. Contemporary patterns of lipoprotein(a) testing and associated clinical care and outcomes. Am J Prev Cardiol. 2023 Jun; 14:100478. PMID: 37025553; PMCID: PMC10070377.
    9. Del Gaizo J, Obeid JS, Catchpole KR, Alekseyenko AV, Del Gaizo J, Obeid JS, Catchpole KR, Alekseyenko AV. Red Flag/Blue Flag visualization of a common CNN for text classification. JAMIA Open. 2023 Apr; 6(1):ooac112. PMID: 36660449; PMCID: PMC9841396.
    10. Obeid JS, Khalifa A, Xavier B, Bou-Daher H, Rockey DC, Obeid JS, Khalifa A, Xavier B, Bou-Daher H, Rockey DC. An AI Approach for Identifying Patients With Cirrhosis. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2023 Jan 01; 57(1):82-88. PMID: 34238846; PMCID: PMC8741865.
    11. Lenert LA, Zhu V, Jennings L, McCauley JL, Obeid JS, Ward R, Hassanpour S, Marsch LA, Hogarth M, Shipman P, Harris DR, Talbert JC, Lenert LA, Zhu V, Jennings L, McCauley JL, Obeid JS, Ward R, Hassanpour S, Marsch LA, Hogarth M, Shipman P, Harris DR, Talbert JC. Enhancing research data infrastructure to address the opioid epidemic: the Opioid Overdose Network (O2-Net). JAMIA Open. 2022 Jul; 5(2):ooac055. PMID: 35783072; PMCID: PMC9243402.
      Citations: 1     
    12. Oakley J, Worley C, Yu LU, Brooks RR, ?z?elik I, Skjellum A, Obeid JS. Scrybe: A Secure Audit Trail for Clinical Trial Data Fusion. Digit Threat. 2023 Jun; 4(2). PMID: 37937206; PMCID: PMC10629820.
    13. Meystre SM, Heider PM, Kim Y, Davis M, Obeid J, Madory J, Alekseyenko AV, Meystre SM, Heider PM, Kim Y, Davis M, Obeid J, Madory J, Alekseyenko AV. Natural language processing enabling COVID-19 predictive analytics to support data-driven patient advising and pooled testing. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2021 12 28; 29(1):12-21. PMID: 34415311; PMCID: PMC8714262.
    14. Matuskowitz AJ, Obeid JS, Jennings L, Bayer RR, Ramakrishnan V, Schoepf UJ, Jauch EC, Matuskowitz AJ, Obeid JS, Jennings L, Bayer RR, Ramakrishnan V, Schoepf UJ, Jauch EC. Feasibility and Impact of the Combined Application of Coronary CT Angiography With the HEART Pathway in Patients With Suspected Acute Coronary Syndrome. Crit Pathw Cardiol. 2021 12 01; 20(4):185-191. PMID: 33660627; PMCID: PMC8408286.
    15. He W, Kirchoff KG, Sampson RR, McGhee KK, Cates AM, Obeid JS, Lenert LA, He W, Kirchoff KG, Sampson RR, McGhee KK, Cates AM, Obeid JS, Lenert LA. Research Integrated Network of Systems (RINS): a virtual data warehouse for the acceleration of translational research. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2021 07 14; 28(7):1440-1450. PMID: 33729486; PMCID: PMC8279787.
    16. Bennett TD, Moffitt RA, Hajagos JG, Amor B, Anand A, Bissell MM, Bradwell KR, Bremer C, Byrd JB, Denham A, DeWitt PE, Gabriel D, Garibaldi BT, Girvin AT, Guinney J, Hill EL, Hong SS, Jimenez H, Kavuluru R, Kostka K, Lehmann HP, Levitt E, Mallipattu SK, Manna A, McMurry JA, Morris M, Muschelli J, Neumann AJ, Palchuk MB, Pfaff ER, Qian Z, Qureshi N, Russell S, Spratt H, Walden A, Williams AE, Wooldridge JT, Yoo YJ, Zhang XT, Zhu RL, Austin CP, Saltz JH, Gersing KR, Haendel MA, Chute CG, Bennett TD, Moffitt RA, Hajagos JG, Amor B, Anand A, Bissell MM, Bradwell KR, Bremer C, Byrd JB, Denham A, DeWitt PE, Gabriel D, Garibaldi BT, Girvin AT, Guinney J, Hill EL, Hong SS, Jimenez H, Kavuluru R, Kostka K, Lehmann HP, Levitt E, Mallipattu SK, Manna A, McMurry JA, Morris M, Muschelli J, Neumann AJ, Palchuk MB, Pfaff ER, Qian Z, Qureshi N, Russell S, Spratt H, Walden A, Williams AE, Wooldridge JT, Yoo YJ, Zhang XT, Zhu RL, Austin CP, Saltz JH, Gersing KR, Haendel MA, Chute CG, National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) Consortium. Clinical Characterization and Prediction of Clinical Severity of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among US Adults Using Data From the US National COVID Cohort Collaborative. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 07 01; 4(7):e2116901. PMID: 34255046; PMCID: PMC8278272.
    17. Halbert CH, Jefferson M, Allen CG, Babatunde OA, Drake R, Angel P, Savage SJ, Frey L, Lilly M, Obi T, Obeid J, Halbert CH, Jefferson M, Allen CG, Babatunde OA, Drake R, Angel P, Savage SJ, Frey L, Lilly M, Obi T, Obeid J. Racial Differences in Patient Portal Activation and Research Enrollment Among Patients With Prostate Cancer. JCO Clin Cancer Inform. 2021 06; 5:768-774. PMID: 34328797; PMCID: PMC8812608.
    18. Orr RK, Hoehn JL, Col NF, Haendel MA, Chute CG, Bennett TD, Eichmann DA, Guinney J, Kibbe WA, Payne PRO, Pfaff ER, Robinson PN, Saltz JH, Spratt H, Suver C, Wilbanks J, Wilcox AB, Williams AE, Wu C, Blacketer C, Bradford RL, Cimino JJ, Clark M, Colmenares EW, Francis PA, Gabriel D, Graves A, Hemadri R, Hong SS, Hripscak G, Jiao D, Klann JG, Kostka K, Lee AM, Lehmann HP, Lingrey L, Miller RT, Morris M, Murphy SN, Natarajan K, Palchuk MB, Sheikh U, Solbrig H, Visweswaran S, Walden A, Walters KM, Weber GM, Zhang XT, Zhu RL, Amor B, Girvin AT, Manna A, Qureshi N, Kurilla MG, Michael SG, Portilla LM, Rutter JL, Austin CP, Gersing KR, N3C Consortium. The National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C): Rationale, design, infrastructure, and deployment. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2021 03 01; 28(3):427-443. PMID: 32805036; PMCID: PMC7454687.
    19. Alekseyenko AV, Hamidi B, Faith TD, Crandall KA, Powers JG, Metts CL, Madory JE, Carroll SL, Obeid JS, Lenert LA, Alekseyenko AV, Hamidi B, Faith TD, Crandall KA, Powers JG, Metts CL, Madory JE, Carroll SL, Obeid JS, Lenert LA. Each patient is a research biorepository: informatics-enabled research on surplus clinical specimens via the living BioBank. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2021 01 15; 28(1):138-143. PMID: 33166379; PMCID: PMC7810447.
    20. Gagnon K, Crawford TL, Obeid J. Comparison of Convolutional Neural Network Architectures and their Influence on Patient Classification Tasks Relating to Altered Mental Status. Proceedings (IEEE Int Conf Bioinformatics Biomed). 2020 Dec; 2020:2752-2756. PMID: 36164586; PMCID: PMC9510028.
    21. Rajendran S, Obeid JS, Binol H, D Agostino R, Foley K, Zhang W, Austin P, Brakefield J, Gurcan MN, Topaloglu U, Rajendran S, Obeid JS, Binol H, D Agostino R, Foley K, Zhang W, Austin P, Brakefield J, Gurcan MN, Topaloglu U. Cloud-Based Federated Learning Implementation Across Medical Centers. JCO Clin Cancer Inform. 2021 01; 5:1-11. PMID: 33411624; PMCID: PMC8140794.
    22. Dahne J, Tomko RL, McClure EA, Obeid JS, Carpenter MJ, Dahne J, Tomko RL, McClure EA, Obeid JS, Carpenter MJ. Remote Methods for Conducting Tobacco-Focused Clinical Trials. Nicotine Tob Res. 2020 12 12; 22(12):2134-2140. PMID: 32531046; PMCID: PMC7454765.
    23. Ford D, Harvey JB, McElligott J, King K, Simpson KN, Valenta S, Warr EH, Walsh T, Debenham E, Teasdale C, Meystre S, Obeid JS, Metts C, Lenert LA, Ford D, Harvey JB, McElligott J, King K, Simpson KN, Valenta S, Warr EH, Walsh T, Debenham E, Teasdale C, Meystre S, Obeid JS, Metts C, Lenert LA. Leveraging health system telehealth and informatics infrastructure to create a continuum of services for COVID-19 screening, testing, and treatment. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2020 12 09; 27(12):1871-1877. PMID: 32602884; PMCID: PMC7337763.
    24. Brat GA, Weber GM, Gehlenborg N, Avillach P, Palmer NP, Chiovato L, Cimino J, Waitman LR, Omenn GS, Malovini A, Moore JH, Beaulieu-Jones BK, Tibollo V, Murphy SN, Yi SL, Keller MS, Bellazzi R, Hanauer DA, Serret-Larmande A, Gutierrez-Sacristan A, Holmes JJ, Bell DS, Mandl KD, Follett RW, Klann JG, Murad DA, Scudeller L, Bucalo M, Kirchoff K, Craig J, Obeid J, Jouhet V, Griffier R, Cossin S, Moal B, Patel LP, Bellasi A, Prokosch HU, Kraska D, Sliz P, Tan ALM, Ngiam KY, Zambelli A, Mowery DL, Schiver E, Devkota B, Bradford RL, Daniar M, Daniel C, Benoit V, Bey R, Paris N, Serre P, Orlova N, Dubiel J, Hilka M, Jannot AS, Breant S, Leblanc J, Griffon N, Burgun A, Bernaux M, Sandrin A, Salamanca E, Cormont S, Ganslandt T, Gradinger T, Champ J, Boeker M, Martel P, Esteve L, Gramfort A, Grisel O, Leprovost D, Moreau T, Varoquaux G, Vie JJ, Wassermann D, Mensch A, Caucheteux C, Haverkamp C, Lemaitre G, Bosari S, Krantz ID, South A, Cai T, Kohane IS, Brat GA, Weber GM, Gehlenborg N, Avillach P, Palmer NP, Chiovato L, Cimino J, Waitman LR, Omenn GS, Malovini A, Moore JH, Beaulieu-Jones BK, Tibollo V, Murphy SN, Yi SL, Keller MS, Bellazzi R, Hanauer DA, Serret-Larmande A, Gutierrez-Sacristan A, Holmes JJ, Bell DS, Mandl KD, Follett RW, Klann JG, Murad DA, Scudeller L, Bucalo M, Kirchoff K, Craig J, Obeid J, Jouhet V, Griffier R, Cossin S, Moal B, Patel LP, Bellasi A, Prokosch HU, Kraska D, Sliz P, Tan ALM, Ngiam KY, Zambelli A, Mowery DL, Schiver E, Devkota B, Bradford RL, Daniar M, Daniel C, Benoit V, Bey R, Paris N, Serre P, Orlova N, Dubiel J, Hilka M, Jannot AS, Breant S, Leblanc J, Griffon N, Burgun A, Bernaux M, Sandrin A, Salamanca E, Cormont S, Ganslandt T, Gradinger T, Champ J, Boeker M, Martel P, Esteve L, Gramfort A, Grisel O, Leprovost D, Moreau T, Varoquaux G, Vie JJ, Wassermann D, Mensch A, Caucheteux C, Haverkamp C, Lemaitre G, Bosari S, Krantz ID, South A, Cai T, Kohane IS. International electronic health record-derived COVID-19 clinical course profiles: the 4CE consortium. NPJ Digit Med. 2020; 3:109. PMID: 32864472; PMCID: PMC7438496.
    25. Obeid JS, Davis M, Turner M, Meystre SM, Heider PM, O'Bryan EC, Lenert LA, Obeid JS, Davis M, Turner M, Meystre SM, Heider PM, O'Bryan EC, Lenert LA. An artificial intelligence approach to COVID-19 infection risk assessment in virtual visits: A case report. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2020 08 01; 27(8):1321-1325. PMID: 32449766; PMCID: PMC7313981.
    26. Obeid JS, Dahne J, Christensen S, Howard S, Crawford T, Frey LJ, Stecker T, Bunnell BE, Obeid JS, Dahne J, Christensen S, Howard S, Crawford T, Frey LJ, Stecker T, Bunnell BE. Identifying and Predicting Intentional Self-Harm in Electronic Health Record Clinical Notes: Deep Learning Approach. JMIR Med Inform. 2020 Jul 30; 8(7):e17784. PMID: 32729840; PMCID: PMC7426805.
    27. Orr RK, Hoehn JL, Col NF, Heider PM, Obeid JS, Meystre SM. A Comparative Analysis of Speed and Accuracy for Three Off-the-Shelf De-Identification Tools. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2020; 2020:241-250. PMID: 32477643; PMCID: PMC7233098.
    28. He Y, Wang H, Zheng J, Beiting DP, Masci AM, Yu H, Liu K, Wu J, Curtis JL, Smith B, Alekseyenko AV, Obeid JS, He Y, Wang H, Zheng J, Beiting DP, Masci AM, Yu H, Liu K, Wu J, Curtis JL, Smith B, Alekseyenko AV, Obeid JS. OHMI: the ontology of host-microbiome interactions. J Biomed Semantics. 2019 12 30; 10(1):25. PMID: 31888755; PMCID: PMC6937947.
    29. He W, Sampson R, Obeid J, Hutson K, Knosp BM, LaSalle BA, Melancon B, McGhee K, Lenert LA, Brady K, He W, Sampson R, Obeid J, Hutson K, Knosp BM, LaSalle BA, Melancon B, McGhee K, Lenert LA, Brady K. Dissemination and continuous improvement of a CTSA-based software platform, SPARCRequest?, using an open source governance model. J Clin Transl Sci. 2019 Oct; 3(5):227-233. PMID: 31660247; PMCID: PMC6813563.
    30. Obeid JS, Heider PM, Weeda ER, Matuskowitz AJ, Carr CM, Gagnon K, Crawford T, Meystre SM, Obeid JS, Heider PM, Weeda ER, Matuskowitz AJ, Carr CM, Gagnon K, Crawford T, Meystre SM. Impact of De-Identification on Clinical Text Classification Using Traditional and Deep Learning Classifiers. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2019 Aug 21; 264:283-287. PMID: 31437930; PMCID: PMC6779034.
    31. Obeid JS, Weeda ER, Matuskowitz AJ, Gagnon K, Crawford T, Carr CM, Frey LJ, Obeid JS, Weeda ER, Matuskowitz AJ, Gagnon K, Crawford T, Carr CM, Frey LJ. Automated detection of altered mental status in emergency department clinical notes: a deep learning approach. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2019 08 19; 19(1):164. PMID: 31426779; PMCID: PMC6701023.
    32. Khairat S, Tirtanadi K, Ottmar P, Sleath B, Obeid J, Khairat S, Tirtanadi K, Ottmar P, Sleath B, Obeid J. Evaluating the Perceptions of Teleconsent in Urban and Rural Communities. Eur J Biomed Inform (Praha). 2019 Aug; 15(2). PMID: 32802171; PMCID: PMC7427121.
    33. Zhu VJ, Lenert LA, Bunnell BE, Obeid JS, Jefferson M, Halbert CH, Zhu VJ, Lenert LA, Bunnell BE, Obeid JS, Jefferson M, Halbert CH. Automatically identifying social isolation from clinical narratives for patients with prostate Cancer. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2019 03 14; 19(1):43. PMID: 30871518; PMCID: PMC6416852.
    34. Kim C, Zhu V, Obeid J, Lenert L, Kim C, Zhu V, Obeid J, Lenert L. Natural language processing and machine learning algorithm to identify brain MRI reports with acute ischemic stroke. PLoS One. 2019; 14(2):e0212778. PMID: 30818342; PMCID: PMC6394972.
    35. Bunnell BE, Sprague G, Qanungo S, Nichols M, Magruder K, Lauzon S, Obeid JS, Lenert LA, Welch BM, Bunnell BE, Sprague G, Qanungo S, Nichols M, Magruder K, Lauzon S, Obeid JS, Lenert LA, Welch BM. An Exploration of Useful Telemedicine-Based Resources for Clinical Research. Telemed J E Health. 2020 01; 26(1):51-65. PMID: 30785853; PMCID: PMC6948002.
    36. Obeid JS, Tarczy-Hornoch P, Harris PA, Barnett WK, Anderson NR, Embi PJ, Hogan WR, Bell DS, McIntosh LD, Knosp B, Tachinardi U, Cimino JJ, Wehbe FH, Obeid JS, Tarczy-Hornoch P, Harris PA, Barnett WK, Anderson NR, Embi PJ, Hogan WR, Bell DS, McIntosh LD, Knosp B, Tachinardi U, Cimino JJ, Wehbe FH. Sustainability considerations for clinical and translational research informatics infrastructure. J Clin Transl Sci. 2018 Oct; 2(5):267-275. PMID: 30828467; PMCID: PMC6390401.
    37. Khairat S, Ottmar P, Sleath B, Welch B, Qanungo S, Nichols M, Obeid JS, Khairat S, Ottmar P, Sleath B, Welch B, Qanungo S, Nichols M, Obeid JS. Facilitating the Informed Consent Process Using Teleconsent: Protocol for a Feasibility and Efficacy Study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2018 Oct 17; 7(10):e11239. PMID: 30333095; PMCID: PMC6234333.
    38. Shoaibi A, Obeid JS, Oates JC, Habrat ML, Lenert LA, Shoaibi A, Obeid JS, Oates JC, Habrat ML, Lenert LA. The association between method of solicitation and patient permissions for use of surplus tissues and contact for future research. JAMIA Open. 2018 Oct; 1(2):195-201. PMID: 30474075; PMCID: PMC6241503.
    39. Khairat S, Obeid JS, Khairat S, Obeid JS. Teleconsent - A New Modality for Informed Consenting. Eur J Biomed Inform (Praha). 2018 Sep; 14(4):63-64. PMID: 30416588; PMCID: PMC6223264.
    40. Obeid JS, Shoaibi A, Oates JC, Habrat ML, Hughes-Halbert C, Lenert LA, Obeid JS, Shoaibi A, Oates JC, Habrat ML, Hughes-Halbert C, Lenert LA. Research participation preferences as expressed through a patient portal: implications of demographic characteristics. JAMIA Open. 2018 Oct; 1(2):202-209. PMID: 30474076; PMCID: PMC6241507.
    41. Turner CA, Jacobs AD, Marques CK, Oates JC, Kamen DL, Anderson PE, Obeid JS, Turner CA, Jacobs AD, Marques CK, Oates JC, Kamen DL, Anderson PE, Obeid JS. Word2Vec inversion and traditional text classifiers for phenotyping lupus. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2017 Aug 22; 17(1):126. PMID: 28830409; PMCID: PMC5568290.
    42. Obeid JS, Beskow LM, Rape M, Gouripeddi R, Black RA, Cimino JJ, Embi PJ, Weng C, Marnocha R, Buse JB, Obeid JS, Beskow LM, Rape M, Gouripeddi R, Black RA, Cimino JJ, Embi PJ, Weng C, Marnocha R, Buse JB. A survey of practices for the use of electronic health records to support research recruitment. J Clin Transl Sci. 2017 Aug; 1(4):246-252. PMID: 29657859; PMCID: PMC5890320.
    43. Marshall EA, Oates JC, Shoaibi A, Obeid JS, Habrat ML, Warren RW, Brady KT, Lenert LA, Marshall EA, Oates JC, Shoaibi A, Obeid JS, Habrat ML, Warren RW, Brady KT, Lenert LA. A population-based approach for implementing change from opt-out to opt-in research permissions. PLoS One. 2017; 12(4):e0168223. PMID: 28441388; PMCID: PMC5404843.
    44. Turley CB, Obeid J, Larsen R, Fryar KM, Lenert L, Bjorn A, Lyons G, Moskowitz J, Sanderson I, Turley CB, Obeid J, Larsen R, Fryar KM, Lenert L, Bjorn A, Lyons G, Moskowitz J, Sanderson I. Leveraging a Statewide Clinical Data Warehouse to Expand Boundaries of the Learning Health System. EGEMS (Wash DC). 2016; 4(1):1245. PMID: 28154834; PMCID: PMC5226381.
    45. Ranwala D, Alberg AJ, Brady KT, Obeid JS, Davis R, Halushka PV, Ranwala D, Alberg AJ, Brady KT, Obeid JS, Davis R, Halushka PV. Scientific retreats with 'speed dating': networking to stimulate new interdisciplinary translational research collaborations and team science. J Investig Med. 2017 02; 65(2):382-390. PMID: 27807146; PMCID: PMC5274553.
    46. Carr CM, Saef SH, Zhang J, Su Z, Melvin CL, Obeid JS, Zhao W, Arnaud JC, Marsden J, Sendor AB, Lenert L, Moran WP, Mauldin PD, Carr CM, Saef SH, Zhang J, Su Z, Melvin CL, Obeid JS, Zhao W, Arnaud JC, Marsden J, Sendor AB, Lenert L, Moran WP, Mauldin PD. When Should ED Physicians Use an HIE? Predicting Presence of Patient Data in an HIE. South Med J. 2016 07; 109(7):427-33. PMID: 27364029; PMCID: PMC4933325.
    47. Saef SH, Carr CM, Bush JS, Bartman MT, Sendor AB, Zhao W, Su Z, Zhang J, Marsden J, Arnaud JC, Melvin CL, Lenert L, Moran WP, Mauldin PD, Obeid JS, Saef SH, Carr CM, Bush JS, Bartman MT, Sendor AB, Zhao W, Su Z, Zhang J, Marsden J, Arnaud JC, Melvin CL, Lenert L, Moran WP, Mauldin PD, Obeid JS. A Comprehensive View of Frequent Emergency Department Users Based on Data from a Regional HIE. South Med J. 2016 07; 109(7):434-9. PMID: 27364030; PMCID: PMC4933324.
    48. Melvin CL, Saef SH, Pierce HO, Obeid JS, Carr CM, Melvin CL, Saef SH, Pierce HO, Obeid JS, Carr CM. Health Information Exchange in the ED: What Do ED Clinicians Think? South Med J. 2016 07; 109(7):419-26. PMID: 27364028; PMCID: PMC4933330.
    49. Zhong VW, Obeid JS, Craig JB, Pfaff ER, Thomas J, Jaacks LM, Beavers DP, Carey TS, Lawrence JM, Dabelea D, Hamman RF, Bowlby DA, Pihoker C, Saydah SH, Mayer-Davis EJ, Zhong VW, Obeid JS, Craig JB, Pfaff ER, Thomas J, Jaacks LM, Beavers DP, Carey TS, Lawrence JM, Dabelea D, Hamman RF, Bowlby DA, Pihoker C, Saydah SH, Mayer-Davis EJ. An efficient approach for surveillance of childhood diabetes by type derived from electronic health record data: the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2016 11; 23(6):1060-1067. PMID: 27107449; PMCID: PMC5070516.
    50. Welch BM, Marshall E, Qanungo S, Aziz A, Laken M, Lenert L, Obeid J, Welch BM, Marshall E, Qanungo S, Aziz A, Laken M, Lenert L, Obeid J. Teleconsent: A Novel Approach to Obtain Informed Consent for Research. Contemp Clin Trials Commun. 2016 Aug 15; 3:74-79. PMID: 27822565; PMCID: PMC5096381.
    51. Obeid JS, Alexander RW, Gentilin SM, White B, Turley CB, Brady KT, Lenert LA, Obeid JS, Alexander RW, Gentilin SM, White B, Turley CB, Brady KT, Lenert LA. IRB reliance: An informatics approach. J Biomed Inform. 2016 Apr; 60:58-65. PMID: 26827623; PMCID: PMC4837001.
    52. Obeid JS, Johnson LM, Stallings S, Eichmann D, Obeid JS, Johnson LM, Stallings S, Eichmann D. Research Networking Systems: The State of Adoption at Institutions Aiming to Augment Translational Research Infrastructure. J Transl Med Epidemiol. 2014; 2(2):1026. PMID: 26491707; PMCID: PMC4610407.
    53. McDonald JA, Vadaparampil S, Bowen D, Magwood G, Obeid JS, Jefferson M, Drake R, Gebregziabher M, Hughes Halbert C, McDonald JA, Vadaparampil S, Bowen D, Magwood G, Obeid JS, Jefferson M, Drake R, Gebregziabher M, Hughes Halbert C. Intentions to donate to a biobank in a national sample of African Americans. Public Health Genomics. 2014; 17(3):173-82. PMID: 24942180; PMCID: PMC5019027.
    54. Sanderson IC, Obeid JS, Madathil KC, Gerken K, Fryar K, Rugg D, Alstad CE, Alexander R, Brady KT, Gramopadhye AK, Moskowitz J, Sanderson IC, Obeid JS, Madathil KC, Gerken K, Fryar K, Rugg D, Alstad CE, Alexander R, Brady KT, Gramopadhye AK, Moskowitz J. Managing clinical research permissions electronically: A novel approach to enhancing recruitment and managing consents. Clin Trials. 2013 Aug; 10(4):604-11. PMID: 23785065; PMCID: PMC4213063.
    55. Chalil Madathil K, Koikkara R, Obeid J, Greenstein JS, Sanderson IC, Fryar K, Moskowitz J, Gramopadhye AK, Chalil Madathil K, Koikkara R, Obeid J, Greenstein JS, Sanderson IC, Fryar K, Moskowitz J, Gramopadhye AK. An investigation of the efficacy of electronic consenting interfaces of research permissions management system in a hospital setting. Int J Med Inform. 2013 Sep; 82(9):854-63. PMID: 23757370; PMCID: PMC3779682.
    56. Sonne SC, Andrews JO, Gentilin SM, Oppenheimer S, Obeid J, Brady K, Wolf S, Davis R, Magruder K, Sonne SC, Andrews JO, Gentilin SM, Oppenheimer S, Obeid J, Brady K, Wolf S, Davis R, Magruder K. Development and pilot testing of a video-assisted informed consent process. Contemp Clin Trials. 2013 Sep; 36(1):25-31. PMID: 23747986; PMCID: PMC3769445.
    57. Sampson RR, Glenn JL, Cates AM, Scott MD, Obeid JS, Sampson RR, Glenn JL, Cates AM, Scott MD, Obeid JS. SPARC: A Multi-institutional Integrated Web Based Research Management System. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2013; 2013:230. PMID: 24303272.
    58. Johnson LM, Stallings S, Eichmann D, Obeid JS, Johnson LM, Stallings S, Eichmann D, Obeid JS. Adoption of Research Networking Systems in the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Consortium. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2013; 2013:93. PMID: 24303307.
    59. Obeid JS, Gerken K, Madathil KC, Rugg D, Alstad CE, Fryar K, Alexander R, Gramopadhye AK, Moskowitz J, Sanderson IC, Obeid JS, Gerken K, Madathil KC, Rugg D, Alstad CE, Fryar K, Alexander R, Gramopadhye AK, Moskowitz J, Sanderson IC. Development of an electronic research permissions management system to enhance informed consents and capture research authorizations data. AMIA Jt Summits Transl Sci Proc. 2013; 2013:189-93. PMID: 24303263; PMCID: PMC3845791.
    60. Obeid JS, McGraw CA, Minor BL, Conde JG, Pawluk R, Lin M, Wang J, Banks SR, Hemphill SA, Taylor R, Harris PA, Obeid JS, McGraw CA, Minor BL, Conde JG, Pawluk R, Lin M, Wang J, Banks SR, Hemphill SA, Taylor R, Harris PA. Procurement of shared data instruments for Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap). J Biomed Inform. 2013 Apr; 46(2):259-65. PMID: 23149159; PMCID: PMC3600393.
    61. Obeid J, Gabriel D, Sanderson I, Obeid J, Gabriel D, Sanderson I. A Biomedical Research Permissions Ontology: Cognitive and Knowledge Representation Considerations. Proc Gov Technol Inf Policies (2010). 2010 Dec; 2010:9-13. PMID: 26640828; PMCID: PMC4669972.
    62. Wilson RC, Nimkarn S, Dumic M, Obeid J, Azar MR, Azar M, Najmabadi H, Saffari F, New MI, Wilson RC, Nimkarn S, Dumic M, Obeid J, Azar MR, Azar M, Najmabadi H, Saffari F, New MI. Ethnic-specific distribution of mutations in 716 patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia owing to 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Mol Genet Metab. 2007 Apr; 90(4):414-21. PMID: 17275379; PMCID: PMC1885892.
    63. Meyer-Bahlburg HF, Dolezal C, Baker SW, Carlson AD, Obeid JS, New MI, Meyer-Bahlburg HF, Dolezal C, Baker SW, Carlson AD, Obeid JS, New MI. Prenatal androgenization affects gender-related behavior but not gender identity in 5-12-year-old girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Arch Sex Behav. 2004 Apr; 33(2):97-104. PMID: 15146142.
    64. Meyer-Bahlburg HF, Dolezal C, Baker SW, Carlson AD, Obeid JS, New MI, Meyer-Bahlburg HF, Dolezal C, Baker SW, Carlson AD, Obeid JS, New MI. Cognitive and motor development of children with and without congenital adrenal hyperplasia after early-prenatal dexamethasone. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004 Feb; 89(2):610-4. PMID: 14764770.
      Citations: 23     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    65. New MI, Carlson A, Obeid J, Marshall I, Cabrera MS, Goseco A, Lin-Su K, Putnam AS, Wei JQ, Wilson RC, New MI, Carlson A, Obeid J, Marshall I, Cabrera MS, Goseco A, Lin-Su K, Putnam AS, Wei JQ, Wilson RC. Prenatal diagnosis for congenital adrenal hyperplasia in 532 pregnancies. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2001 Dec; 86(12):5651-7. PMID: 11739415.
      Citations: 42     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    66. New MI, Obeid J, Wilson RC, Cabrera MS, Goseco A, Macapagal MC, Marshall I, Nimkarn S, Quintos JB, Ten S, Ugrasbul F, Vandermolen L, Harbison MD, New MI, Obeid J, Wilson RC, Cabrera MS, Goseco A, Macapagal MC, Marshall I, Nimkarn S, Quintos JB, Ten S, Ugrasbul F, Vandermolen L, Harbison MD. Profile of the pediatric endocrine clinic at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, New York Weill Cornell Center. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1999 Dec; 84(12):4444-9. PMID: 10599700.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    67. Carlson AD, Obeid JS, Kanellopoulou N, Wilson RC, New MI, Carlson AD, Obeid JS, Kanellopoulou N, Wilson RC, New MI. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: update on prenatal diagnosis and treatment. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 1999 Apr-Jun; 69(1-6):19-29. PMID: 10418977.
      Citations: 7     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    68. McHolm G, Obeid J, Karson TH, Sato L, Schaffer JL, Greenes RA, McHolm G, Obeid J, Karson TH, Sato L, Schaffer JL, Greenes RA. Facilitating physician referrals on the World Wide Web: representation and appropriate utilization of clinical expertise. Proc AMIA Annu Fall Symp. 1996; 724-8. PMID: 8947760; PMCID: PMC2233105.
      Citations: 3     Fields:    Translation:Humans
    69. Liem EB, Obeid JS, Shareck EP, Sato L, Greenes RA, Liem EB, Obeid JS, Shareck EP, Sato L, Greenes RA. Representation of clinical practice guidelines through an interactive World-Wide-Web interface. Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care. 1995; 223-7. PMID: 8563273; PMCID: PMC2579088.
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    70. . Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia. Temporal issues in the design of virtual learning environments. 1995; 4(2-3): 127-145 . View Publication.
    71. White PC, Obeid J, Agarwal AK, Tannin GM, Nikkila H, White PC, Obeid J, Agarwal AK, Tannin GM, Nikkila H. Genetic analysis of 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Steroids. 1994 Feb; 59(2):111-5. PMID: 8191538.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:HumansAnimalsCells
    72. Obeid J, Bergeron BP, Sato L, Rouse RL, Obeid J, Bergeron BP, Sato L, Rouse RL. The representation of time in clinical patient simulations. Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care. 1994; 1009. PMID: 7949851; PMCID: PMC2247954.
      Citations:    Fields:    Translation:Humans
    73. Obeid J, Curnow KM, Aisenberg J, White PC, Obeid J, Curnow KM, Aisenberg J, White PC. Transcripts originating in intron 1 of the HSD11 (11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase) gene encode a truncated polypeptide that is enzymatically inactive. Mol Endocrinol. 1993 Feb; 7(2):154-60. PMID: 8469231.
      Citations: 1     Fields:    Translation:AnimalsCells
    74. Obeid J, White PC, Obeid J, White PC. Tyr-179 and Lys-183 are essential for enzymatic activity of 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1992 Oct 15; 188(1):222-7. PMID: 1417845.
      Citations: 26     Fields:    Translation:AnimalsCells
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